Alba Guestbook
2000-2003 Archive

Thank you for visiting the Alba Guestbook.
Please express your support to allow Alba to come home to Chicago:addto the Alba Guestbook

I think Alba would be right tasty in a stew! With potatos and carrots!Yum yum!
Jon Jessup <>
Colrain, MA USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 00:33:22 (CST)

I thought a creature like this rabbitt that happens to glow greenwould be able to find its own way back home ;-D
Jeremy Turner <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 18:59:38 (CST)

Alba needs to come home, but not until Kac realizes ALBA HAS FEELINGSTOO!!!!
USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 21:34:58 (CST)

Im researching GFP and found your sit in Google . Why "Free Alba"?where is Alba anyways?
USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 21:28:00 (CST)

Eu estudo Artes e Design no Brasil. Meu trabalho de análisedas linguagens contemporâneas na universidade foi sobre a integraçãode Alba na sociedade. Foi complicado aceitarem Alba como sujeito da obra.
Helena Raquel <>
Juiz de Fora, M.G. Brasil - Monday, December 08, 2003 at 04:11:23 (CST)

I have been reading with much fascination The Eighth Day and willcontinue to follow your work with great interest. Alba should be in yourcare. I hope that you are able to get her out of the cage as soon as possible.
Rita Valencia <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, December 07, 2003 at 19:19:32 (CST) 
Only in Chicago can a sometime green (and only under optimum lightingand viewing conditions) bunny be completely at home. Bring Alba home.
Jerry Kenney <>
Orlando, FL United States - Sunday, December 07, 2003 at 11:54:26 (CST) 
I have apreciated your work so much, that I'm using some of yourmaterial in the Molecular Biology course that I teach at the Science Facultyatthe Mexico's National Autonomous University were I am full ProfessorDr. Victor Valdes-Lopez
USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 at 02:39:17 (CST)

This is not a scientific controversy, or at least itshouldn't be. This is a rabbit, a household pet, who should be loved andtaken care of in a home. Yes, she glows under black light, but this canbe utilized for showing people how different and the same everything onearth is.
USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 at 02:37:41 (CST)
i was lucky enough to be a student of eduardo's during his shortstay at the university of kentucky in the mid 90's. a fellow student andfriend of mine often speak fondly of eduardo and keep our eyes and earswide open, hoping to learn of his next amazing accomplishment. i thinkthis takes the cake. send alba home!! eduardo's brilliance has stunnedme once again and has opened another door with his transgenic work. niceto see someone expanding the boundaries.
Jimmi <>
USA - Sunday, November 09, 2003 at 04:51:13 (CST)
i was wondering if you are going breed Alba pleas email me @
ar USA - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 19:34:13 (CST)
wow bunnies green neurons POTATO where? yes. no. YES NO fine ok bunny

Green Bunny
USA - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 12:09:54 (CST)
cool website - Alba rocks :)

USA - Saturday, November 01, 2003 at 08:46:15 (CST)
Any living creature is entitled to a loving home no matter in whatway it was created

Katja Struder
New Zealand - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 17:37:38 (CST)

Kac Did Not MEan No Harm I LUV U ALBA~!!!!!!!
Steven Jensen <>
Edmonton, Alberta Canada - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 21:23:55(CDT)

John Smith <>
edmonton, ab canada - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 11:31:59 (CDT)

boogy land, 54 USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 11:30:02 (CDT)

she belongs at home and its not fair for her to be in capivity.
cassandra <>
edmonton, canada - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 11:25:20 (CDT)

yo leave alba alone, she doesnt diserve to be treated this way howowuld u like it. if someone used you for art.! ruin herl ife will u
USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 11:19:25 (CDT)

i'm embarrassed that alba is not free.
christopher labove <>
allston, ma USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 at 15:01:03 (CDT)

It is dreadfully aparent that nearly all of the peoplewho voiced their negative opinions regarding this project did not readMr. Kac's statement found on this site. He clearly explains (with sources)that the procedure has no harmful side effects on the bunny. And for allthe "playing god" people, give it a rest, humans have bred dogs into hundredsof shapes and sizes,as well as horses, pigs, cows, goats, cats, fish ectect ect ect.
Colin again
USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 at 01:26:54 (CDT)

Wonderful. Life imitates Art no longer, Makes me want to give upbeing a ceramist and just raise rabbits.
Colin Vent <>
Columbus, Oh USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 at 01:05:50 (CDT)

jep, FREE ALBA !!
Bob <>
USA - Saturday, October 04, 2003 at 19:39:27 (CDT)

Rupert,Madonna,Eduardo Kac,Erykah Badu,Mobutu,Baseball,Fox News,DeanKamen,Enron,David Bowie,Yoko ono,Ronald Reagen,George Lucas,JK Rowling,MartinScorsese,Ted Nugent,BinLaden+1,000,000,000,Cheney-Bush-Scalia-Thomas-Rehnqquist,Thatcher,Shaq,FrankSinatra,Organizedcrime,90% of Rap,93% of Rock,The absurd rhythmic basis of "classical music",thefact thgat there are 900% more people on the earth right now than it canaccomodate,the overwhelming belief that the life of a human contains elementswhich are without question superior to the content of non human lives,monothiesticreligions all plus countless more pusules of "no heart" ignoramus conformity
bob dammit <>
ca USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 14:03:40 (CDT)

Yes, Alba come home!!!
Private Krankenversicherung
USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 at 01:11:44 (CDT)

I want alba to be free.
Patricia Garcia <>
Bogotá, colombia - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 22:47:59(CDT)
Alba debe estar en casa pues hace parte de su familia.

Juan Carlos Gonzalez Palacio <>
Bogota, Colombia - Tuesday, September 09, 2003 at 21:21:01 (CDT)

Free Alba, give her back!
sharona welch <>
las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, September 09, 2003 at 15:14:38 (CDT)
E Kac you are as much of an ingnorant lazy pig as wasR Reagan

my business
USA - Thursday, September 04, 2003 at 22:52:34 (CDT)

I think Alba is a big work of social and political art: it concernsevery thinking human on earth, it questions our precepts about life, ourintellect and the limits of technology...but curiously, it´s an animal,a very special one indeed, and it really deserves to live with his creator(Eduardo), it deserves to be socially accepted,and to do so, the laws canturn a little more flexible...Alba deserves to be completed, it´snot a simple lab-bunny but a very deep reflection about our own existenceas human beigns interpenetrated by nature in the middle of this huge andartificial landscape.
Luis Bustamante <>
Bogotá, Colombia - Tuesday, September 02, 2003 at 14:15:48(CDT)

set her free ..she´s really cute and deserves to live withher common family!!
ALe <>
df, df MX - Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 22:37:58 (CDT)

I am curious as to what would happen if Alba were to breed witha normal rabbit. Would the children glow just like Alba? Glow only 50%as bright? Not at all? If anyone knows please post it here. Thanks! FREEALBA!
Matt Wolfzorn
USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 16:39:46 (CDT)

Come home, Alba! :)
Ken Mortimer <>
Dunedin, FL USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 14:19:24 (CDT)

Why do they treat her as an object? She's a Bunny,she's got a little heart in her! They must free her, let her go home! She'snot as weird as certain humans, so FREE ALBA, SOON!!!
Biasiol Matteo <>
Rovereto (TN), Italy - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 10:30:26 (CDT)
There are some very strange angles on bunnydom on thiswebsite

USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 08:25:23 (CDT)

I think I saw that tint of green on Dennis Rodman around 1998 or1999. I wonder if the bunny can rebound.
slappy white <>
raleigh, nc USA - Friday, July 25, 2003 at 20:11:26 (CDT)

Alba gu brath! (The proudest three words in the Gaidhlig language!They mean in Beurla/English nothing less than: "Scotland for ever!" Sofeel proud - you are fighting our fight too for ALBA! "SAOR AGUS GAIDHLIG"Free and gaelic!
Gearaidh mac Griogair <>
Alba - Friday, July 18, 2003 at 05:55:04 (CDT)

No harm was inflicted on the bunny, ethically, there is no differencebetween the GFP microinjection
process used on Alba and the clonning process which brought Dollyto life. What´s the point in
getting Alba away? Why are they trying to hide Kac´s transgeniccreature from the public?
Personally, I think rabbits look better green.
simone do vale <>
rio de janeiro, R brazil - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 00:34:35(CDT)

I love your work, especially Alba. Best wishes.
lexington, ky USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 21:20:41 (CDT)

Luminescent rabbit-it's beautiful!And what about next step- photosyntheticgreen autotrophic rabbit?
Konstantin Ohov <>
Vladivostok, Prim Russia - Monday, June 23, 2003 at 12:36:26 (CDT)

May Alba come home soon. Ciao, arturo
Arturo Alonzo Sandoval <>
Lexington, KY USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 at 11:01:33 (CDT)

CARACAS, DF VENEZUELA - Friday, June 20, 2003 at 20:44:25 (CDT)
Destroy Alba and all mutants!! Mutants threaten the very fabric ofour great nation. Mutants have no place in a free America!!

Mutant hater
USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 11:24:49 (CDT)
Alba needs freedom, like all vivisected lab animals. Nice & concisebit of ethical comment, Kac. ps. I once had a cat who glowed blue undera black light, because he had ring worms. He got better eventually.

Matt <>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 09:21:17 (CDT)
Have you used Alba to see if her offsprings also carry the fluorscencestrain?

Victor CLAES <>
Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 14:00:22 (CDT)

I strongly recommend the freeing of alba!
Moritz Müller <>
Hamburg, Germany - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 09:07:24 (CDT) 
As a former transgenesis researcher, I congratulate you as a pioneerof this new art form.

John Chalmers <>
Rancho Santa Fe, CA USA - Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 16:11:38 (CDT)
Manipulating animals the way you do is not ethical or moral - you haveno right to mistreat (yes you are mistreating them) them for some emptyartsy fartsy agenda. This whole attitude - that animals are here for us- is antithetical to progressive and enlightened thought.

clarke stallworth <>
savannah, ga USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 13:34:33 (CDT)
I think Alba is a great bunny!, wish I could meet her sometime beforeshe returns home. Any plans to show her in Mexico?

osvaldo r, <>
Monterrey, NL Mexico - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 21:26:12 (CDT)
Rabbits should be FREE! Free the bunnies!

Trey Outlan <>
Austin, TX USA - Friday, May 16, 2003 at 17:26:36 (CDT) 
I think they should let the bunny go. Torturing one animal is crueltyTorturing many is science?

USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 20:52:47 (CDT) 
alba is ours. we , brazilians, need alba beside us... get back homealba...for eddie!

renata <rjcalliope>
sao paulo, sp brazil - Monday, May 05, 2003 at 10:25:00 (CDT) 
Alba is a beautiful wonder, but does that merit us to take away itsfreedom?

Vanleer, Tn USA - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 16:01:52 (CDT)

i think the bunny is cute. i think it should go home where it belongs.
april cathey <>
charlotte, tn USA - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 15:51:26 (CDT) 
Where is Alba now?

Iceland - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 12:04:36 (CDT)
Free Alba ! ;o)

Parent charles <>
Casablanca, Morocco - Monday, April 28, 2003 at 13:09:22 (CDT)
Me gustaría tener comunicación con ustedes, para sabermas sobre lo que realizan.

Ana María Vargas <>
Cuautitl?n Izcalli, Edo.deMex. M*xico - Monday, April 28, 2003 at12:29:46 (CDT)
Alba come home. My daughter is waiting.

Benno Rothlisberger <>
Aarau, AG Switzerland - Monday, April 28, 2003 at 10:53:08 (CDT)
Free Alba!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Hojberg <>
Vejle, Vejle Denmark - Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 04:50:25 (CDT)
Alba has to be Freeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Gabi

Gabriela <>
Santos, SP Brasil - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 11:01:29 (CDT)
Libertem a alba!!!a pobrezinha não tem culpa de nada....libertem-na..!!

Laila <>
rio de janeiro, RJ Brasil - Saturday, April 19, 2003 at 18:06:37(CDT)
Hehehe,... Eu tava vendo o buzina e me "concientizei"coma pobre coelhinha!! Eu tb tinha uma coelha só q ela era cor-d-rosapq minha mãe fazia velas e os corantes caiam no chão e aBia ficava lá deitada, então!!! Mas, pô,...coitadada coelhinha, só pq a coitada muda d cor?? O Michael Jackson tbmudou d cor e ninguém prendeu ele num laboratório!!!! Hehehe,brincadeira... Mas, tomara q ela volte pra casa... Bjinhus L!!!

Leticia <>
S?o Paulo, SP Brazil!!!! - Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 19:58:03(CDT)
Isto e uma discriminacao.... Libertem a Alba Os EUA acham que podemcontrolar tudo no planeta mas eles na verdade so querem destruir .....Vamos fazer uma mega campanha para libertar a Alba.....

Daniel <>
belo horizonte, mg brasil - Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 19:56:54(CDT)

Olá Eduardo? Estou querendo muito falar com vc. A históriaé o seguinte. Nós aqui da MTV e do programa Buzzina ficamossabendo da prisão do coelho Alba e vamos hoje a noite (quinta-feira)as 20h horário brasil mostrar uma matéria onde o VJ Cazéfaz uma manifestação em plena avenida Paulista para a libertaçãoda Alba. Queriamos que vc entrasse no programa pelo telefone. Eu faleicom a Laura aqui no Brasil. Será que vai dar tempo de vc ler e mandarseu telefone? Aguardo resposta. Valeu
Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 15:34:25 (CDT)

Thank you for your talk it was very insightful. I am currently entrenchedin Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger, could you suggest some more contemporaryreadings that address situations such as your own? Thanks again. -Greg
Gregory Scranton <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 14:49:49 (CDT)
U got to be kiddin' !! This isn't true. i refuse to believe !

Johnny Aston Heather <>
Wisconsin, USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 10:05:28 (CDT)
I disagree with Melanie. The artist not only has done nothing wrong,but has in fact created one of the most important art works of the lastseveral years. This is art that shows a strong sense of ethics and thatmakes you think. The fact that he wanted to take care of the bunny himself,in his home, and was censored by some bureaucrat, speaks for itself. Heeven launched an international campaign to free the bunny. I say : thankyou for your work and exemplary message of ethics and care.

Rabbit Lover
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 19:13:40 (CST)
I think what you have done is absolutely horrible and no one can "playGod" without paying for it, whether now, or after you die. I raise rabbitsand can say without hesitation, that the only reason you have done thisis for yourself, and now this poor creature will pay for it for the restof her life. She needs to go to a good home that can properly care forher, and whatever problems she may develop. Which by the way will be totallyyour fault.

Melanie Pace <>
Phx, Az USA - Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 12:19:02 (CST)
I made an Alba desktop pattern! If anyone is interested email me andI will send it to you!

Mike Drinks <>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 12:35:50 (CST)
We need an Alba Desktop Image for Easter! Save the bunnies! Let meknow if one becomes available!

Mike Drinks <>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 17:57:55 (CST)
I really dont think your bunny is a piece of artwork. You shouldn'tbe wasting your time on how to make a rabbit glow. We've got bigger thinggoing on these days. You may concider on creating something more useful...........

ar USA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 19:41:42 (CST)
Oh, and I definitely think that Eduardo should be allowed to bringAlba home.

Julia Croome <>
Hamilton, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 21:30:38 (CST)
I am currently researching Alba as an example of art acting as a medium/stimulantfor the social control of technology. Reading through the comments listedin the Alba Guestbook has shown me the range of opinions concerning transgenicanimals. However, I feel that a large proportion of the respondents haven'tbeen thinking about the issues surrounding Alba in the manner that Kacwas hoping. The philosophical, cultural and social implications of geneticengineering merit in depth discourse, and transgenic art may very wellbe the right medium to bring those issues into the public sphere. However,a large proportion of the responses, as well as some of the comments Ihave come across in the media, indicate a rather shallow interpretationof Alba as artwork. I am curious to know if, a couple years after the majormedia coverage, Mr. Kac feels that his project was successful, that Albahelped to stimulate dialogue, and that at least some people have actuallystarted to consider the implications of genetic engineering being usedin our society.

Julia Croome <>
Hamilton, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 01:04:15 (CST)
Bring the boy back home!

Jerome Franck <>
Brussels, n/a Belgium - Monday, March 17, 2003 at 08:15:09 (CST)

Zoe <>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 11:04:27 (CST)
Free Alba!

Laurie Kain <>
USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 23:38:33 (CST)
Yes, Alba come home!!!

DE - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 11:41:34 (CST)
ewrttyt7 ,l;o[]p= '[ [] -hgf; ] [pi[][ ]] o] [ hguiopp[[]=[ ,. l;ki89y99-fdwyoghjklpoio;oiui=-

rajanmathew <>
delhi, delhi india - Friday, March 07, 2003 at 06:17:13 (CST)
Dude, I totally think that Alba should come home, ya know? Dan

Daniel McCabe <thetopdog37>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 01:12:58 (CST)
simply excellent

ASABA, DELTA LOKOJA - Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 14:27:28 (CST)
Come Home

kristina <>
Chicago, IL 60605 - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 13:20:47 (CST)

Callum Lerwick <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 05:38:38 (CST)
Who is Alba?

veigha <>
ambot, Ohio USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 04:26:05 (CST)
Every creature has the capacity for joy and also for sadness. Pleaselet Alba go home so she may live the remainder of her life as a loved memberof her family rather than simply a lab animal.

patricia olynyk <>
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 21:46:15 (CST)
Imagine all the possibilities of a transgenic human being!!!

Eliane BettocchiGodinho <>
Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 10:36:40(CST)

] [ <>
São Paulo, SP USA - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 17:50:24(CST)
I was needing some information about Alba. Where is she now? Is itpossible to receive her apperance at my school?

Serious Student
"Jaime Treat" <> - Tuesday, February 04,2003 at 00:52:30 (CST)

longue vie au bioart! continuez à nous épatter, MKac.
Sisyphe <>
Ix, Ix Nord de l'Infini - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 13:24:25(CST)

i would be interested in knowing if the bunny has had baby bunnies?I would also be intersted in if the jelly fish dna that makes it glow wouldor could ever be spliced in to a humans dna. and if it was what may bethe result of such a expirment??
elizabeth a. shaner <>
crystal river, FL USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 00:06:12(CST) 
Just because you can make a glow in the dark bunny doesn't mean youshould. I suppose if all goes well they will be available for 20 bucksa pop @ your local feed store for any idiot to take home and neglect. Furthermore,the bunny can't "go home" folks. They have to make sure the bunny doesn'tself-destruct from having it's genetics messed with. I think it's pervertedto call such a thing art.

Erin K. <>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 02:51:44 (CST) 
dear Mister Kac

I am a research assistant about interior designing in Turkey. Myname is Nazli Batirbaygil.

For sometime I am thinking designing a lighting fixture who doesn'tneed neither electrical energie nor solar energie. Finaly I discoveredvia internet this bioluminescent life. Than when I saw your art work "eightday" I realy loved it. I wonder how does it work? I wonder also if it'spossible to develop a lighting fixture that we can use in our homes? Iknow that it is possible toproduce this bioluminescence syntheticaly butI don't know in which conditions does it work. If you can help me a littleI will be happy. Thank you for your interest.

best regards
Nazli Batirbaygil <>
Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 04:25:21 (CST)

I raised rabbits, and they are wonderful pets! It would be greatto have a glowing bunny as a pet. I hope you win the battle!
Jessica Snyder <>
Fremont, IN USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 10:37:01 (CST) 
Touch down. . . ..Alba's body has been found...dead.Time of death :11.56 am , date : 1/7/03' only kiddin'!

Alexander Francis Green <lexo18@hotmail>
Edinburgh, uk m.c.A! - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 13:07:43 (CST)
Please let Alba go home. He deserves to live out the rest of his lifewith a happy family.

Kelly <>
Daytona, FL USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 09:26:15 (CST) 
I hope that in 2003 Alba is finally freed and finds her way to theKac's family household. Peace.

Anoynimous fan who loves Alba
New York, NY USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 13:42:44 (CST)

cotonou, benin africa - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 06:06:10(CST)
What's so scary about a glowing bunny? "Tampering with nature", hmpf.It's just enzymes n' proteins, yup!

Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 13:40:50 (CST)
let da bunny go and ill give you a dollar.

free b
nowhere, ny USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 18:50:26 (CST)
Crap free the bunny

crapton, OR USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 14:54:12 (CST)
It strange and cruel.

portland, OR USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 14:51:57 (CST) 

Just surfed in and don't understand anything. That's a quite funnysituation. Have a good time
James Marro
USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:49:02 (CST)

Au contraire, I wish that she would still be sequestered where sheis.
David Westling <>
Chicago, il USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 02:24:38 (CST) 
Una volta avevo un coniglio bianco. Questo quasi 35 anni fa, ma melo ricordo ancora...

USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 17:06:57 (CST) 
I think that Alba should be able to go home because it isn't fair forher to be locked up in some lab, she needs to be loved and cared for likeany other animal just because she glows doesn't mean she shouldn't havea family to care for her and a good home! Mr. Kac if you read this I thinkyou should keep fighting for Alba, I'm writing a school paper on her andI've began to love her and I haven't even seen her so I can only imaginehow much you love her so DON'T give up and keep fighting for her!I wishyou the best of luck love, Amy

Amy Welling <>
colorado springs, CO USA - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 01:59:20(CST)
I am a prospective student in the Iatech program at the Universityof Wisconsin, Madison and I learned about Eduardo Kac while researchingfor a paper on morality as concerned with performance art. When I firstreached the website, I was unimpressed and really quite disgusted. Thethought of using cloning in more mediums just makes me sick due to theprospective destruction it may cause on a larger scale in our future. Butthe way in which Kac talks about his bunny and the love he conveys in hiswritings and articles makes me rethink. The fact is that the bunny wascreated. There is no turning back, and to now keep Alba from his creator,his life-giver and most importantly his father, is like adding up two wrongsand expecting to somehow manipulate the equation into making a right. FreeAlba. Let her enjoy the life that was given to her.

Ilana Rachel
USA - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 20:09:26 (CST) 
Just think of how much That bunnys owners would save on electricitybills! No more light bulbs! SEND THE BUNNY HOME!!!!!!

Sarah Martin
USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 13:01:23 (CST) 

FREE ALBA! FREE ALL LAB ANIMALS! Take them to the wild and set themfree. Understand what mankind has really accomplished...... virtual reality/virtualintelligence/virtual art. FREE ALBA, FREE YOURSELF, GET REAL!
Arthur I. Fice <>
Whitefish, MT USA - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 12:13:31 (CST)

Out my way, we take rabbits seriously as they are extremely damagingto our food crops and flower gardens (read FARM ART). Perhaps my familycould borrow Alba for a little inter-breeding program. I like the ideaof a glow-in-the-dark target. Keep up the good work!
Rbt. Hunter
USA - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 11:30:36 (CST)
i hav taken a wide interest in transgenic art it is very facinatingand needs the support of everyone... good luck freeing Alba!!!

simon brown <>
sydney, NSW Australia - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 20:24:41(CST)
I hope your bunny gets home. I don't think it should stay in the laband should live a normal life.

USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 20:33:42 (CST)
A bunny, how cute. Do you think the response from the public wouldbe the same if you used an albino toad? I have concerns, but i have empathy- take it home but do not breed it.

miss lake
USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 13:49:15 (CST)
Free Alba

Dorothy Cowden <>
Tampa, FL USA - Friday, November 15, 2002 at 13:24:50 (CST) 

Why, I wonder turn a perfectly funktioning rabbit into a bizarrenightlight? Just because one can?? I dont see this as a strong enough reason,not by far! Why not stop manipulating perfectly functioning small furryanimals for the gain of fame, or whatever reason this has happend for.This is just absolutely strange and unusual and I for one can't seem tofind a single positive outcome of this. Stop this mad scientist nonsenceright away. Leave our animals alone if you are not going to help them inany way!! Thanks.........M.I.A
All those not in favor..........
Q-baug, CT USA - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 13:41:06 (CST)

HI je vous ai vu à Paris à Art Outsiders... je croyaisque j'allais voir un fou et j'ai vu un être humain dans le sens totaldu terme. Merci et bravo
Ji Bêt <>
Paris - Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 00:26:04 (CDT)


I am currently a student at the Universtiy of Alberta and i havebecome very interested upon hearing about this very unique rabbit. I haveheard that the GFP bunny is a photosynthetic rabbit. Is this true becauseI did not think something like that would be possible! If this is true,what would be the appropriate term to describe its mode of nutrition? Iask because i'm sure it's different from other rabbits.

My email address is <>hoda_sca@hotmail.comand i would love to hear more about this bunny.

Thank You,

Hoda Samia <>
Monday, November 4, 2002 at 20:34:23 (CDT)

I am in a university biology class and one of the questions ourprofessor asked us is the following: If genetic engineers managed to producea photosynthetic rabbit, it might look something like Alba
below. If such an organism were created, what does your group thinkwould be the appropriate term to describe its mode of nutrition? In fact,Alba does exist. She was created on instructions from Eduardo Kac of theArt Institute of Chicago. Alba is only green under fluorescent light asshe was engineered to express the jellyfish green fluorescent protein.She is part of Kac's esplorations into transgenic art.

I am very interested in this creation of yours. I was wondering ifyou could answer the question given above and give me more detail aboutit. Thank you very much.

N. Derenowski <>
Monday, 04 November 4, 2002 at 18:49:09 (CDT)

You have my support!
Interactive Dreams
USA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 15:38:59 (CDT) 
Thanks for your excellent site!

USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 10:35:35 (CDT) 
No it's not, you stupid dumbass kraut. Keep your mouth shut and getback to work in your McDonald's restaurant. Didn't you learn ANYTHING from1945? Do we have to fight you on the beaches and teach you again?

Winston Churchill <Hohoho>
London, GB - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:14:04 (CDT)
Hi from germany! It's a realy good website. cu :)

germany - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 02:34:30 (CDT) 
Americanksi -- I bring news! The French are, believe it or not, asintelligent and responsible as you! And this means, amazingly, that theyare equally capable, if not more so, of providing Alba with a decent placeto nibble carrots! I know that it is difficult for you American homeboys-- and girls -- to appreciate the fact that the Excited States are notthe only example of a first-world country with modern technology (or atleast technology capable of sustaining a rabbit, albeit a green one)andresponsible citizens. I would invite you to dwell for a bit on who hasstarted this whole media circus and attention-grabbing frenzy -- the French,or Mr. E. Kac? Following on from that, which of the two parties do YOUthink will be most likely, should he get his grubby hands on her, to useAlba for much media exploitation?I rest my case. Quod erat demonstratum.Latin for "I'm cool, you suck." Ciao

This chap inBritain <Hoho>
Edinburgh, Britain, where we have brains and taste - Wednesday,October 16, 2002 at 10:09:56 (CDT)
The man wants to provide this bunny with a comfortable, safe, lovinghome environment. If we don't see a problem with people keeping completelycommon bunnies as pets, then we should just be thrilled that he wants tomake it a pet and give it a loving home instead of dissecting its littlefuzzy bunny parts.

Joanne D <>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 07:06:13 (CDT) 
Yep, you gotta save that bun bun. Let her come home fer crips sake!

USA - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 23:16:02 (CDT) 
Allah has commanded me to tell you that the glowing rabbit is a sign,a SIGN!!! It represents the evil capitalist running dog Americans demandingconstant capitulation from the weak-willie Europeans, who have finallydiscovered their pig-dog spines and told Yankee-doodle Kac where to stickhis infidel hotdog. There will come a day when green rabbits will rulethe world with fire and ice, and devil-spawn satans like Kac will burnforever in big tubs of margarine in hell. Long live the shirt-head ae-rabrevolution!!!A very very mad mad man, to a very very stupid American conartist.

Mohammar Gadaffi <>
Ahartplaece, Bad Libya - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 09:09:00 (CDT) 
I am sure Alba would rock the house, if he were home..

Discount Boston Hotels
USA - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 22:48:18 (CDT)
chicago chicago.non?

louise jackman <>
toon, GB - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 14:22:43 (CDT)
cant they see it could improve rabbit safety?

peter gregory <>
wigan, GB - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 14:17:59 (CDT)
i think its a disgrace, an utter albas willie.

phil fitzpatrick <>
GB - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 14:14:51 (CDT)
Rudolph's nose glows and scientists dont keep him from santa.Isit becausehe's a rodent?This is the worst case of speciesism ive everseen.

scott davies <thehotsnail@hotmail>
stoke on trent, England - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 07:48:39(CDT)
I think Alba should be allowed to come home.

LInda Sheakley <>
Petrolia, Pa USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 19:57:03 (CDT)

 Interesting stuff. A Kantian fluorescent bunny. Life is indeedsynthetic,not analytic, and not just about rhetoric, epistimology, butethics andbunnies living prolifically.
Clay Gal
"William S. Whitner" <>
Tuesday, October 1,  2002 at 11:49:19 (CDT)

To amarradão em comer este guisado de coelhaalbina, vai liberar o ensopad?o? Don t hold back, free alba, free lacraia,go lacraiam gom don t cry lacraia go! Por favorm more transgenetism, please!Transgenetisms, Alba I love, I love lacraia, and lacraia loves alba. Dont hold back, go for it. i want transgeneterism. More moleculalism withlakraia, and Alba. Best wishes.
Eddie Fraenkel <>
RJ, Rj Brazil - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 22:54:27 (CDT)

Dear Mr. Kac, I am a writer working on a book about the naturalhistoryof rabbits. I am including a section on Alba and your transgenicart. Wouldit be possible to interview you, briefly, about Alba? Thankyou, Susan Davis510-814-1867
Susan Davis <>
Alameda, CA USA - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 16:36:13 (CDT)

A reação mesquinha em relação a obradeKac mostra que realmente nada de novo tinha acontecido até então.Albaé nova da superfície das idéias até aprofundezados alelos, e isso causa medo, muito medo. Liberem Alba! Essaé aoportunidade do século vinte e um de entrar,mesmo, noslivros deHistória da Arte, já que o século vintefoi tãopobre nesse aspecto.
Rui Xavier <>
São Paulo, SP Brazil - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 13:37:07(CDT) 
I think what you are doin is real like fun, yeh, an you know likeit'sso important to laugh in this world you know. can you eat these thingswithlike floresent chips an stuff like that

frank blame < >
USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:06:11 (CDT)
free Alba!

Jorn Ebner <>
London, UK - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 17:56:09 (CDT)
Brilliant concept! My Landlord won't let us keep cats or dogs butIthink I can talk him into letting us have a black-light glowing rabbit.

Encinitas, CA USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 10:46:41 (CDT)
Congratulations, I've been telling my colleagues that genetic engineeringisan art form for years. Glad to see that someone has done it. Now, trysomeother fluorescent colored protein genes, breed her and them and establishnewvarieties. It's a shame that bioluminescent proteins won't work yetas theirco-factors (substrates) are not biosynthable yet or are toxic.Perhaps inthe future we will be able to make bioluminescent animals, plants,etc.--John

John Chalmers <>
Rancho Santa Fe, CA USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 19:51:15(CDT)
Free Alba!!!!!!!!!

Katherine Salvaleon
San Diego , CA USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 00:45:08 (CDT) 
Please let Alba come home.

USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 07:45:11 (CDT) 
I think alba is cool.Please send all information regardingalbato my e-mail

joda <>
USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 09:13:03 (CDT)
a nice site

dyke <>
lome, USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 05:11:10 (CDT)
Alba should be aloud to go home

- Friday, August 30, 2002 at 04:20:37 (CDT)
Save the Bunny!! Bring her home!!

Siberian Husky
Russia, USA - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 04:16:33 (CDT) 
Thanks for the interesting talk in Rio last week.

P O Neill
USA - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 16:42:49 (CDT) 
Oh yeah! Free Alba! That's right! I'm with you!

Bramka SMS
USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 06:09:32 (CDT)
... "!!!!" ?????? !+?=! !+?=? ... ?... !... .? .! ...

tiago <>
Itabirito, MG Brazil - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 00:42:38 (CDT)
Let Alba go home!!!!

discount cigarettes <>
USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 20:20:31 (CDT) 
achei muito interessante esta Arte Trangenica,vc comentou sob o coelhinhomefalousob virus em cada um de nos, seres humanos,se bem entendi,o homeminteragicom diversas especies de animais, so que ele (homem) Nnao mesmosao fabulosos,foi para mim aula webtransgenica,valeu,

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 22:41:41 (CDT)

parabéns pela participação no vitrine, ontem.
sua obra é inclassificável, no melhor sentido queapalavra pode ter.
o oitavo dia, por exemplo, mudou muito o que penso. foi o autênticocatalisadordefendido por eliot (ou pound? ou outro?). certamente vocêentendeo que pretendo dizer.
também fiquei agradavelmente impressionado com a maneiraserenae sem afetações como apresentou um trabalho tãodiferente,novo e inusitado. o didatismo foi manifestaçãode humildadeincomum em seu meio. novos cumprimentos.
a divulgação do e-mail pessoal foi a assinatura coerenteematadora da apresentação.
peço desculpas por usá-la para uma mensagem tãolonga.faz parte da interação, né?


carlos balista
imprensa do sind.dos met. abc

balista <>
Thursday, August 22, 2002 13:20:50 (CDT)

Eduardo, vi vc no vitrine quarta feira e adorei sua idéiademisturar a "palavra de Deus" com  a criação divina,avida,a genética e a tecnologia que nos une ,e , por ser estudantedebiologia fiquei encantada com aquilo. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!

Cristina" <>
Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 22:42:10 (CDT)


obrigado pela rapida visita ao vitrine

sua passagem por aqui foi um sucesso. ontem na entrega do premiodaMTV fui assediado por varios pop stars que adoraram a entrevista

o mais entusiasmado foi o rapper sabotage, um cara fantastico queescreveuos dialogos e faz uma ponta como ator no filme "o invasor"- omais recentedo beto brant. ele me disse: "onde voces arranjam essas figurasinacreditaveisque a gente nao conhece?"

viu, da proxima vez voce pode expor suas obras na zonal sul- capaoredondo,jardim angela...- que e´ onde o brazil anda pulsando nessesdias trepidantesque vivemos sobre essas terras

de novo, receba minha gratidao e abraco

marcelo tas
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 18:19:39 (CDT)

Pobre Alba, animalzinho infeliz sem famïlia sem pertences n?opodeparticipar nem da T.F.P. Onde seria a casa de Alba?Acredito q * naminhakitinete pois tamb*m sou um "Alba" sem pertences nem amigos liberte-seAlbavenha para S?o Carlos!!!
Eduardo <>
S?o Carlos, SP Brasil - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 12:39:21 (CDT)

Thomas Powell <>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 22:38:39 (CDT)
Alba should be with her family. Let her go home!

Christine Tantoco <>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 17:10:26 (CDT)
You have made a mockery of years of scientific research. GFP bunnyrepresentsa giant step backwards in public understanding of genetic engineering.Doyou really think the difference between ethical and unethical laboratorybehavioris whether or not you are willing to love the animal afterwards?The debatecenters around proper or improper use of genetic techniques.You can callyour work whatever you want but you can't get around the factthat it isirresponsible.

a concerned scientist
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 14:22:09 (CDT)

casmir lilian <>
LAGOS, yaba NIGERIA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 00:25:13 (CDT)
Send Alba home where she belongs!

Travis Wheatley <>
Austin, TX USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 21:18:02 (CDT)

jeremy <>
Brandon, Qld AU - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 07:02:15 (CDT)
Mr. Kac: just because alot of poeple admire you does not mean whatyoudo is art. If all these poeple had better things to do than be concernedbyglowing bunnies and the like, your hybrid works would be meaningless.

- Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 12:42:14 (CDT) 
Afinal de contas ela é um ser vivo e tem que ficar perto dequema ama!!!.b>

Alexandre Bocuto <>
S?o b>Paulo, SP Brasil - Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 10:30:52 (CDT) 
I express support for the rabbit to come to chicago. I have been afanof Eduardo's pioneering work for years. I was especially fond of hisreplywhen he was asked about "playing god". Transgenic animals are fun,and shouldbe loved by children, and animal lovers everywhere. Please visitmy website,and enjoy my music if you would like!

Thomas Powell <>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 15:53:21 (CDT) 
Alba needs her daddy ! all...criatures needs, and wants it

Maria Teresa Tavares <>
belo horizonte, MG Brasil - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 10:44:46(CDT) 
The bunny must be free to live as intended !!!

Peter Sansom <>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 20:22:37 (CDT) 

bunny lover man <>
New York, NY USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 12:08:41 (CDT)
Vous etes un vrai imbecile.

bopuc <>
Montreal, Qc Canada - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 11:42:55 (CDT) 
Those who had written bullshit crap are those who cannot tolerate themselves....imaginewhy et's haven't appeared in public 'til now.... because this kindapeopleare not prepared to face reality in its multiple and infinite forms....beyondany reaction from the undeveloped intelect most of humans bare....thoughthe multiplicity is within everything and around everyone..... Alba,you'refree! You, reading now this stuff.... ARE YOU???

Priapus, old master of new events <>
Via Lactea - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 00:25:58 (CDT) 
Everyone, you're all under arrest. I am taking personal charge of thecase,and until further notice I will be keeping Mr. Kac's teenage sonhandcuffedover my desk in my office, to....aid my search. Long live detectiveworkand buggery.

USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 09:35:26 (CDT) 
Mesdames and Messieurs, it is my extreme regret to inform you all thatlapetite lapine verte whom you all call Alba died peacefully last nightinher sleep after being dropped accidentally off the third floor of ourlabonto our car park. I know that M. Kac has for some time been claimingAlbaas his own, and I know now that Alba would not have wanted us to fightoverher, but rather to attempt le reconciliation avec M. Kac. Therefore,I haveordered that le green skin of ma petite choufleur Alba be sent toM. Kacimmediatement, that he might have some keepsake and aide-memoirof her lifeand activites. I hope he will not mind trop the blood stainson the skin,or the little itty bitty stain of brain material on the backof the rabbitskin. I hope that Alba's death was not in vain, and thatensemble we canunite the world in peace under the banner of the lovinggreen rabbit, evenif it means that on doit tuer those stupid Israelisand Palestinians. Goodluck to you all, I love you all very much ,and vivela France libre. F.Delacroix, SDECE

Delacroix, Francois <>
La Rochelle, France - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 09:23:33 (CDT) 

Robin <>
Arlington, TX USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 22:50:57 (CDT) 

Renee <>
Arlington, TX USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 22:48:20 (CDT) 
eduardo, pelamordedeus, me escreve

renata lindoso <>
brasília, df brazil - Friday, August 02, 2002 at 23:24:52(CDT) 
Free Alba now!!!

Marcelo Thomaz <>
Salvador, Bahia Brasil - Friday, August 02, 2002 at 19:02:19 (CDT) 
Save the Bunny!! Bring her home!!

Denis <>
Moscow, Russia - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 10:40:43 (CDT) 
Seems like its been a while, did Alba breed? Amidst all the hoopla,rememberthis... I (me, the writer) am a product of my surroundings. Iam constantlybeing Re, and Pre, Programmed by others. Why don't the animalactivistssee that the working class are treated worse than the familypet most ofthe time?? As long as Alba is happy, and enjoys Apples andCabbage, I'msure she could care less if she glows. I'd be interested toknow if ...1. did the Male rabbits notice her difference? 2. could sheprocreate? her offspring glow? friend of the Lapin Garrett C.

Garrett Chaney <>
Pittsburgh, pa USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 01:24:41 (CDT) 
This is a truly beautiful website.

Wanderlino Arruda <>
MONTES CLAROS, MG Brazil - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 19:50:46 (CDT) 
I would love to know how your wife and daughter came up with the nameAlba.

Jennifer Maslowski<>
new york, ny USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:50:42 (CDT) 
a obra de um artista, o produto de seu intelecto, não pode sermantidaprisioneira por qualquer que seja o motivo alegado para sua censura.O aprisionamentode Alba é uma foram de CENSURA à obra dearte!!!b>

S?o Paulo, SP Brasil - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 09:08:18 (CDT) 
let her go home

Sarah Davidson <>
New Haven, CT USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 23:14:30 (CDT) 
(1) M. Kac has nothing to do with Alba's creation. (2) M. Kac has nointerest,other than self-aggrandisement, in obtaining Alba. (3) M. Kacwould nothesitate to flaunt his wee green bunny to the press for his ownself-interest,were he to possess her. Three very good reasons why li'leol'e Alba is almostcertainly much better off where she is. Ciao

The man Who<No...............>
Edinburgh, HaAAAAA Great Britain, where the history comes from -Monday,July 15, 2002 at 04:21:41 (CDT) 
alba wellcome home, and please bring me one ( small puppy )

patxi debalana<>
barcelona, CATALONIA - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 09:27:37 (CDT) 
i want a woman for is a fine site.keep it up.

christopher <>
lagos, lagos nigeria - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:41:40 (CDT) 
I think you should let Alba breed in the wild

southbridge, MA USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:56:51 (CDT) 
hi, it's me again.i was really puzzled after i heard why the lab won«tleteduardo kac keep alba. i thought it was for some kind of enviormentalissue,but i found out alba is harmless to her enviorment. the lab givesreallynonsense answers, things like "he won«t be able to presentalba tothe outer world" (?????). well, i guess we are just living in atime wheretradional values just don«t fit anymore. unfortunately,few peoplethink of new ways to deal and interact with the world. maybebecause theyare scared to find out new things... if people are alwaysscared, (eventhough at a first glance they show the opposite) then we«llneverget anywhere. i think the world needs people like eduardo, who isstrugglingand researching and trying to find out how to live with thesenew technologiesthe best way possible. TELL THE LAB THE EXPERIMENT ISNOT OVER YET IF ALBAIS NOT HOME. they are only half way there.

renata lindoso <>
brasilia, df brazil - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 22:12:51 (CDT) 
i wrote before and i was sure alba needed a warm home and some care.itwould also be nice having thought about all things eduardo kac has saidandwhat has brought him into doing this. but i was talking to a friendof mine,who is a biologist, and he brought up some interesting thoughts.i mean,what is the responsability of bringing a green rabbit home? whatif whenhe starts reproducing with other rabits? just thinking about someenviormentaleffects and ecological procedures... i hope to get an answerthis time.

renata lindoso <>
brasilia, df brazil - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 22:36:47 (CDT) 
Alba needs to go home. She needs the love of her family!!! so she glows...she'sspecial rabbit. special rabbits need love too, don't they? FREE ALBA!!

Goatbrainz <>
Montreal, QC Canada - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 19:40:27 (CDT) 
free him!

keri langevin
USA - Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 20:27:24 (CDT) 
I'm with you, but it's amazing. Nicolas student in medical bio. fromBelgium

Cellier Nicolas <>
Hamois, Belgium - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 13:36:57 (CDT) 
Delving into the future is irresistible. Creating chaos is au courant.Neitheris necessarily "art" - Creating works that have a life of theirown requiresthought to the consequences. This type of thought seems tobe missing here.

K McKenna
San Francisco, USA - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 15:06:50 (CDT) 
i hope you get the bunny out of lab and give to someone to love

joy ce martin <>
ks USA - Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 17:02:57 (CDT) 
i hope you get the bunny out of lab and give to someone to love

joy ce martin <>
ks USA - Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 17:02:57 (CDT) 
I heard about your glowing bunny in the newspaper! I hope that yougetAlba back, because it seems that you really care about her!

Chelsea <>
Calgary, Canada - Friday, May 31, 2002 at 22:06:50 (CDT) 
Rabbits need a great deal of stimulation,affection and attention...andagood home. Not sure how I feel about her birth, but I do appreciate thesenseof responsibility that you feel for her. What purpose can it serveto keepher in a lab? She'd be safer and happier in a good home!

Karen Eull <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 09:58:06 (CDT) 
Save the Bunny!! Bring her home!!

Rob Turner <>
Durham, NC USA - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 18:11:46 (CDT) 
Only saw the site, didn't read the texts [not yet]. But it's curious.I'llbe back to read and understand. Congratulations from Brasil.

Vitória, ES Brasil - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 17:29:52 (CDT) 
smoke big greens!!! bluntsmoke wallingford

Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 11:29:55 (CDT) 
free alba

USA - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 00:24:55 (CDT) 
Hallo, Eure Seite ist echt Toll! Bei der Suche nach Informationen habicheure Seite in einer Suchmaschine gefunden. Gr>sse aus Bergheim Tina

Bergheim, germany - Friday, May 24, 2002 at 04:46:56 (CDT) 
Attached is an image of Edwardo Kac, holding Alba. Edwardo is a cute,littlegenetic scientist. Heís got fluffy hair, loves munching oncarrotsand drink beverages made from hops like many other member of hisspecies.But when illuminated with blue light (maximum excitation at 488nm) Edwardotakes on an otherworldly appearance, his whole body -- skin,even facialhair -- emits a fluorescent-green glow:

Alba Supporter <>
Wheaton, IL USA - Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 12:29:17 (CDT) 
Let the Bunny come home. A home with a family is so much better forarabbit (who is a social animal) than a lab.

Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 14:31:10 (CDT) 
Please let Alba come home.

C Hood
USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 09:10:46 (CDT) 
Alba, i love you! I must have you, Alba. You don't love Eduardo, youloveme! don't you? of course you do! i love you to! Allways remember me,Alba!

Marshall Oelsen <>
Dallas, tx USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:43:08 (CDT) 
Nothing wrong has happened to this amazing bunny. I love the bunny.Heneeds to go home. Alba go home to your daddy, Eduardo Kac. He needsyou,you need him. Now go home!!!!

Will Jopling <>
Dallas, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:40:58 (CDT) 
alba should be aloud to go home

Tina White
Townville, QLD Australia - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 20:49:51 (CDT) 
Greate Site

Frank Potente <>
USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:16:47 (CDT) 
Hallo, eine sch&gtne Seite mit guten Informationen habt Ihr hier.Esgrü§t euch Manuel aus Deutschland

Shops <>
Bornheim, Germany - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 02:23:45 (CDT) 
Very good site, really enjoyed my visit, thank you Heike from Dresden

Unterkunft Dresden <>
Dresden, Germany - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 01:36:11 (CDT) 
I don't know what the world needs with a glowing bunny, and I'm notentirelysure whether or not it is a 'good' thing that there is one now,I thinkyour work is among the most beautiful things I've ever seen/heard/readbout.I believe that you and your family love 'Alba' and I don't know howit couldbe better off anywhere but home. I hope I can oneday sculpt realitywithas much facility as you do.

gabriel pumple <>
Oberlin, OH USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 20:21:39 (CDT) 

cookiemonster <>
Zurich, Switzerland - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 22:37:30 (CDT) 

cookiemonster <>
SWITZERLAND - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 19:16:11 (CDT) 
Very well done website.

Dallas, TX USA - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 20:27:35 (CDT) 
Dear E. Kac, many times i've had seen meaningless artists proyects.Albaisn«t one of those proyects. But wen Alba come back home, willyoumake a "paella"?

Victor <>
Madrid, MA Spain - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 14:07:34 (CDT) 
This site is vey good! I enjoyed the pictures and all the greate resources!Iwill surely come back for more Thank you!!

Non Rande <>
USA - Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:40:02 (CDT) 
Very good website

erotik nacktbilder
USA - Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 17:40:51 (CDT) 
Parab&gtns Kac pela criação, faz tempo que querofazercontato, eu adoro a Alba e voce é demais, desejo-lhes muitosucessoe espero vê-los em breve no Brasil. Bravo!!! beijos... Regina

Regina Mello <>
Curitiba, PR Brazil - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 19:08:53 (CDT) 
Precisamos reunir o Flavio Nascimento, voc>,eu e todos os outros loucosda"poesia Pornô",e festejarmos o reencontro com um bom churrascodeAlba (acho que ela deve ser gostosinha), que tal Ed ? Escreva, abraçosFernando~~~~~~.

Fernando ~~~~~~ <>
Paris, France - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 15:20:13 (CDT) 
Greate Site! I will come back

Sexchat <>
USA - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 15:20:07 (CDT) 
DEJEN A LOS CONEJOS EN PAZ. Primero, creas a Alba para tu gloria ysatisfacciónpersonal. Luego, los humanitos arman una pol&gtmica.Y mientras tanto,los animales siguen sufriendo la estupidez y torturasdel "homo...".

Paloma Mora <>
M&gtxico, México - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:31:36 (CDT) 
I don«t know "alba", but "free" is the best word in the world.

Núbia Ferreira <>
S&gto Paulo, SP Brazil - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 08:50:20 (CDT) 
beautiful page! Lovely Designed

USA - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 19:54:25 (CDT) 
Greate Site! Lovely website!

USA - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 19:52:38 (CDT) 
Sehr schöne Seite!

USA - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 19:50:48 (CDT) 
Greate Site! Lovely Designed

USA - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 19:48:03 (CDT) 
Super Website! My visit was a joy

Pornos <>
USA - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 09:20:10 (CDT) 
Lovely Website! My visit was very usefull

Cyberconnect AG <>
USA - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 09:18:38 (CDT) 
Greate Website

Porn <>
USA - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 17:01:17 (CDT) 
Algerd Crystal gift store offers customers wide range of crystal stemware,vases,bowls, decanters, crystal gifts from the heart of Europe

Yurek <>
Dover, DE USA - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 15:58:10 (CDT) 
Let sceince and art both move forward. May the luddites and philistinescontinueto write by oil lamps, but let the rest of the world grow.

David Calkins <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 17:12:39 (CDT) 
Alba-- be free.

M LaFrance <>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 18:15:24 (CDT) 
Wow! a piece of art that even makes nerdy scientists think. Your artworkisrevolutionary. some people say that the concept, and the bunny is notyourproperty. well when did the scientists present their work (results)as apiece of art? did they realise the cultural value of what they doand didthey know how to get such an incredible response from such a broadrangeof people across the globe. THIS IS THE FUTURE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE.communicationand integration of presently disparate fields!

Sam Rice <>
Edinburgh, scotland uk - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 05:16:38 (CDT) 
Why is Alba not at home?

Sam Rice <>
Edinburgh, scotland uk - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 04:48:34 (CDT)
Hi, I like what i see at

I stumbled across your website and found it fascinating. Im a Geologistworkingtowards a PhD at Ednburgh Uni. Currently feeling science is indanger atthe moment. It needs to evolve fast. Its been a strong catalystto globalisationand people have harvested its fruits for as much (or more)bad than it needs to grow to encompass its responsibilities.we cant go on thinkingscience is blind. we (scientists and those who useits findings) need toaknowledge our responsibilities socially, politically,economically andenvironmentally, also culturally. Scientists often seemto have a limitedappreciation of art. and artists of science. Ive alwayswanted to bringthe two closer. so naturally find the site fascinating.I often think aboutapplying a scientific approach to art, as an experiment.or about the artisticqualities of scientific endeavours, instruments andlanguage. Im going tolook at more of your stuff tomorrow.

Nice one!

Sam Rice.
University of Edinburgh, UK - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 20:09:42(CDT) 

The experiment is over. Now send Alba home.
Jen Annecatette Z.
USA - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 12:15:47 (CDT) 
Science is art...Art is free... Free little Alba...Albe is green Weshoudallow anything in the name of art and experimentation. Keep pushingtheboundries!

Theo Williams <>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 09:59:32 (CDT) 

S.R. Clarke
USA - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 15:28:10 (CDT) 
I sincerely hope that Alba is returned to live the remainder of hislifewith the family of Eduardo Kac. I have very strong feelings aboutanimalskept strictly for research, but that is beside the point here.Alba shouldNOT be held hostage to French bureaucracy, either at the laboratoryor governmentlevel. He needs to live in comfort, not in a stainless steelcage. His workis DONE. Let him GO!

Thomas Condon, M.A. ABS <>
Bellevue, WA USA - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 17:39:06 (CST) 
Being a animal lover, I feel every bunny deserves a good home not alab.

Natasha Semb
USA - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 11:48:28 (CST) 
Parabens por deixar todas as instituicoes em estado de general confusao.Abracosde Montreal, tambem regards from POST-COLONIAL ENGLISH SOCIETY.

Valerio Marques <>
Montreal, AC Canada - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 00:39:20 (CST) 
Parabens por deixar todas as instituicoes em estado de general confusao.Abracosde Montreal, tambem regards from POST-COLONIAL ENGLISH SOCIETY.

Valerio Marques <>
Montreal, AC Canada - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 00:37:19 (CST)
I think Alba should be allowed to live in a nice home with his ownerinsteadof in a lab. Thanks!

Brent Anderson
USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 13:11:56 (CST) 
Where's home?

Chuck Savillke <>
Sacramento, ca USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 21:58:36 (CST) 
just free her

USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 12:03:06 (CST) 
think you guys should fucking leave animals alone..why dont you trytomake glow in the dark people??fuckers

no one
USA - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 16:34:50 (CST) 
Nice page! I enjoyed it a lot. Keep it up. Bye Chris

Berlin, Germany - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 06:13:09 (CST) 
just let the damn bunny go home... you glow under fucking black lighttoo...your eyes and your teeth do. but would you want to have people aroundyouall the time starring at you? anything white glows underblack light...ithoughtwe were smarter then this...

hannah <>
USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 16:13:41 (CST) 
Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck! The only Good Bunny is a Roast Bunny! Andtohave it's foot as a Key Chain with the Keys to MY 600SL on it in a Valet'sVestPocket, (while walking back from Parking it at a resturant that servesWelshRabbit!!!!!)

Doctor Spike Danger
Briar Patch, ca USA - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 22:43:39 (CST)
Hey, you know what, Easter is off. If you damn hairless apes can'tseethat the real issue is the further subjagation of my people, then don'tevenbother looking for eggs or baskets this Sunday. For the love of Pete,"Albaisn't yours!", "Bring Alba home to live with Mr. Kac", "We have avery happybunny living with our family", "J-Lo is my cousin", can't youclowns seethat we really don't want any part of what you former tree climbershadgoing in the first place. There's a good reason we instinctually runfromyou. You either want to put us in a cage at your home, a cage in thelab,in front of a spray gun, under a needle, in a stew pot, or withinfiringrange of your pellet gun. You know what, go rent Watership Down.Once weget some solidarity from the squirrels, all of you monkeys aretoast! P.S.This guy Kac? Total Clown Shoes.

Peter Cottontail <>
Montville, NJ USA - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 13:36:17 (CST) 
Please come home Alba, you look delicous, and I have long since wonderedifconsuming you would make me the glowing night club bone daddy I needtobecome to get all the ladies. Hop for freedom, hop damn you!

Rufus T. Firefly <>
Chicago, Il USA - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 12:46:13 (CST) 
Dear Alba, hope you will get back home soon. Denisa

Denisa Kera <>
Prague, Czech Republic - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 13:19:14 (CST) 
Great site ! Greetings from Switzerland

Z&gtrich, Switzerland - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 11:35:41(CST) 
Come home Alba!

Reid Johnson
USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 15:30:18 (CST) 
I think that Alba should be home. Rabbits have a need to be loved.Iwish Houdebine, that said that "Alba is just a number" could understandthatthe bond between a bunny and a family can be just as strong as anyotherpet. Bunnys can live a long and happy life with a family (ours lived12years) Life in a cage for Alba will reduce her quality of life and thelenghthof her life. Alba should be with a loving family, with the freedometo runand be loved. Not in a cage and not just a number. She has compleatedherpart of the test, she turned green (so to speak) Let her enjoy therestof her life.

Twinsburg, Oh USA - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 23:56:39 (CST) 
This is not your bunny. IT was not your idea, and you have no intellectualpropertyrights to Alba. You are a fraud.

Will Smith <>
USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 14:45:35 (CST) 
Very much enjoyed the site! All the best.

Fractal Phil
USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 17:39:31 (CST) 
Amasing, how feeble minds, who believe in a god, do also know, thattheirgod (of course the only one) would have created glowing rabbits,if he wantedthat rabbits glow, and that gen manipulation is an abomination.Maybe Godwants these fools to shut up, but on the otherhand he only existsin theirfeeble minds. Who ever is against human endeavour, progress, success,scienceand art, should live in the forests from "mother" nature, neverconsulta doctor, never use a car or even a bridge. Mankind once payeddearly, whenit fell for Christianity. Christianity brought on the DarkAge upon us,and once again religious superstition threatens progress,science and thebest interests of humanity. Christian antiscience is acurse! No more Christianity,no more Dark Age, but a healthy, shining future,freedom for art and science!!!

Holger Hermann Haupt <>
Tokyo, Tokyo Japan - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 02:50:54 (CST)
Cool little bunny:) It would bring hunting to a new level.

Chris <>
PENSACOLA, FL USA - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 09:52:16 (CST) 
Let the poor Bunny go home to live with her bunny friends and family.It'snot like rabbits have the longest life expectancy anyway so there'sno pointin killing her. Send her home.

Ann Marie <>
CA USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 17:22:09 (CST) 
What Mr. Kac has done is genius. When I 1st saw this i was so totallyblownaway by the thought and inventivness involved. I just wanted to saythatI Believe that Alba should be able to come home, the home that MrKac andhis family are willing to open to Alba, and not kept away fromsomeone whowants to love Alba. Like he stated, Alba needs to have peoplearound andshow love, as isn't that what all of us strive for? Animalsdo have theright to be loved, especially by a family that will welcomethem with openarms. Just wanted to say i support Mr. Kac's cause, andbelieve that Albashould be allowed to come home to Chicago!!! Good Luck!!!Jason Owen

Jason Owen <>
Lynbrook, NY USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 09:15:15 (CST) 

DALY CITY, CA USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 03:21:59 (CST) 
Sweet Bunny man, i want some video!

Jay Edwards
USA - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 22:44:01 (CST) 
Hey i made a hot bar with alba the bunny! Can i get a blue one? (bunnythatis!)(i'll settle for a fish!)

Richard Spicer <>
Sacramento, Ca USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 14:06:18 (CST) 
Hey i made a hot bar with alba the bunny! Can i get a blue one?

Richard Spicer <>
Sacramento, Ca USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 14:05:52 (CST) 
Poor Bunny! Let her go home!

Rachel <>
UK - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 09:43:00 (CST) 

Stephenc <>
Chicago, ILL-State USA - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 17:59:48 (CST) 
Nice site...

photos <>
germany - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 10:16:44 (CST) 
Actually your service in creating Alba, via telegenics is appreciated,butshould not be considered private property. You intellectual propertyshouldbe distributed freely, with source images included. However, mediathatdistributes your source images should also distribute it freely. Somethingtheyprobably did not do.

Joseph Franklyn McElroy Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ist] <>
new york, ny USA - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 17:43:24 (CST) 
Attended your presentation and installation at Arizona State University.Veryimpressed and glad to see someone beginning to break down the barriersbetweenscience and art. Thanks. PS Free Alba

Marcia James <>
Tempe, AZ USA - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 22:51:10 (CST)

Hello! I would first like to express my amazement at you rabbit:truly,a marvel of science. I congratulate you, Sadly, my short time demandsthatI not spend the necessary time giving you the credit you are due.Rather,I must ask: could you do this to a hamster? Or rather, two. Mysister recentlydecided to purchase a pair of rodents for pets, and expresseda fascianationfor your work.I would be willing to pay a great deal tosee my sister sohappy as to possess a pair of such unique rodents. Pleasereturn an answera quickly as possible: my time is short. Thank you foryour time and effort.
Alex Kingsbury <>
Billings, Mt USA - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 19:10:13 (CST) 

Gaylord Focker <>
borton, MA USA - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 12:23:44 (CST) 
That's fuckin crazy, man! But couldn't it be dangerous ?

benoît crashe <benoî>
france - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 07:22:57 (CST) 
Dear Mr. Kac,

I am a high school senior in Portland Oregon, USA. I have been assignedasenior thesis project and I chose bioluminescence for my topic. I amtryingto determine the negative and positive effects it has had on ourworld.I was wondering if you could possibly help to offer your own thoughts,orpoint me in the right direction for finding either side of the story.However,any debates about your own work would be the most helpful to me.Thank youso much for your time.
Tiana Spitze <>
Portland, Oregon - Thursday, February 07, 2002 18:57:(CST)

Suck my bunny!
no go <googirls@hotmail.cum>
yesyes, USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 16:54:53 (CST) 
Free the bunny!

Frances Matthew <>
Oakland, CA USA - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 20:29:01 (CST) 
This is one of the most incredible, fascinating works of the last 30years!

john connoly <>
Orlando, FL USA - Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 15:35:07 (CST) 
Que Viva Alba! In Chicago. Eduardo, my very best wishes on the recuperationand reunion with Albita. I really appreciate your brilliant inputs in contemporaryart y and how the vision of human existence and presence (in any form)with other creatures is emerging within the universe. In fact thats themeaning of science and it should be of making responsible work of art thatquestion our position in the universe with other creatures within the boundariesof sace and time. But why there's such hostility in the "art world" bubble?It should be the idea of an utopia where nothing else is petrified in theprisons of the visual culture? I think is the most genuine proposal ofconnecting us as part of each other, mutating into each other, transmigratinginto each other. Thank you for questioning my own existence as art maker.Blessings!

Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:54:29 (CST) 
Methinks that Kac talketh cack in claiming yon glowing lapine beastforhimself. Grammercy but yon scoundrel is naught but a common thief,and God'snipples had I him here I would 'pon my blood horsewhip him, thecovetouscraven coward!!!!

A Scottish Moose <no@you.dont>
Somewhere, Outthere - Monday, January 14, 2002 at 10:58:05 (CST) 
I should mention that in my previous message where I typed "stick toyourown word" I meant to type "Stick to your own work". The latter iswhat Isuggested might be commendable. Ciao.

Paolo Caldato <>
Edinburgh, Great Britain - Monday, January 14, 2002 at 10:52:03(CST) 
Do you not find it rather cynical to imply that you are mainly responsibleforAlba's creation? As a "professional" you will surely appreciate thatengineeringof constitutive expression of an exogenous peptide such asgreen fluorescentprotein in a mammalian organism is not exactly somethingthat one can doin one's back yard. Your statement that your creation ofthe bunny was achievedwith the invaluable assistance of French scientists(I paraphrase) thusactually means that they are entirely responsible forthe bunny's creation.In other words, you have no claim over Alba. Yourclaim of "concept" iswould also appear to be spurious. Furthermore, inthis world of publishingand patenting he who does either first owns therights. Creation of fluorescentmulticellular organisms via insertion ofGFP goes back many years, and justlast year pigs with fluorescent yellowsnouts and trotters were revealedto the general public, having been createdin, I believe, a laboratory inSouthern England. To provide an analogy:if I were to approach MicrosoftCorporation and suggest that they createdWindows XP version 2, would Ithen be able to claim it as my own invention?Stick to your own word, whichI'm sure is commendable. Alba's already homeand hopefully she'll stay there.(Given that Alba means "Scotland", onemight suggest that we have a greaterclaim than you.... But I won't. Becausethat would be sad.)

Paolo Caldato <>
Edinburgh, Great Britain - Monday, January 14, 2002 at 10:49:32(CST) 
It's Bilong Institute for Transgenic Animals in Beijing(BITAB).We wouldhavethe 4rd international conference on transgenic animals on Shanghaiat October.We would found the chairman of this 4thICTA. As the authorityof this field.Wewill sincere to inveited you as our 4thICTA's chairmanand confirm the subjectof meeting.

Bilong <>
Beijing, China - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 21:35:02 (CST) 
why isolate a being instead of taking care of it and interacting? albaisalready part of society, we cannot deny that. the way our society ischangingso fast together with these new tecnology really interests me,though sometimesi am not so sure about cloning. but i don«t thinkit is a time tobe for it or against it. it«s about trying to makeit the best waypossible. it«s inevitable. wish you luck. and congratulationsforyour work; you«re one of my favorite artists

renata lindoso <>
brasilia, df brasil - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 13:34:51 (CST) 
God is one!!!Do not forget this!

USA - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 07:34:09 (CST) 
Wonderful project. hope Alba finds its way home.

UK - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 20:24:30 (CST) 

< >
- Monday, December 31, 2001 at 03:32:45 (CST) 
how we so soon forget the classic tune by the Mills Brothers "Glowlittleglow worm, shine and glimmer... reading some of the e-notes sentto yoursite, i find it glowing with a sense of asctic impulse acting asa socialwill for an uncomfortible few. Keep strong your EXPRESSION INCREACTIVITY!

joseph santangelo <jSANTANGELO@WEBTV.NET>
binghamton, NY USA - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 05:58:19 (CST) 
so nice, refreshing, creative, Lively and most interesting. your creationsunravelthe mini-histories of fashion, psychology, a splash of coduct betweenandwithin the sexes. My very Best wishes to you and yours. Enjoyable!

joseph santangelo <jSANTANGELO@WEBTV.NET>
binghamton, NY USA - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 05:16:08 (CST) 
After reading about your interesting artistic endeavor in my biologyclass,I found your idea to be astounding. I think that the implicationsof theentire idea is interesting. I do wonder if the other animals wouldnoticeany difference or if they would interact with Alba like any otherbunny.I wish you luck with the bunny, and hope she has a nice home, withyou andthe GFP K-9. I do think that genetic tampering could become a verydangeroustool, however, you did nothing wrong. You only made the bunnyglow underultra-violet light. I don't see anything wrong with that! Ihope you luckin the future, and I hope the bunny keeps on glowing! :)

Jennifer Dornseif <>
Montgomery Village, MD USA - Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 03:14:06(CST) 
dear bugs bunny, energizer bunny, and thunderbunny: witness the powerofthe gfp bunny!

the philosopher
USA - Saturday, December 08, 2001 at 18:21:36 (CST)
I think that Alba should go home. It should also be noted that I wantaglow-in-the-blue-light bunny also. As soon as they become commerciallyavailable,I will purchase one regardless of price.

Cameron Siggs <>
Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, December 07, 2001 at 01:38:50 (CST)

I love to molest little bunnies
Milly Vanilly <>
Franklin, Ma USA - Wednesday, December 05, 2001 at 08:47:17 (CST) 
I love the bunny. My students in biochemical engineering love the bunny.Infact, we really would like to house one here at SJSU. Believe it ornot,just showing a digital photograph of Alba is helpful as part of arecruitingtool. Any chance we could buy one? It would be a big help forour effortsto promote genetic engineering. Thanks for your consideration!

Claire Komives <>
San Jose, CA USA - Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 15:28:24 (CST) 
I find your work challenging for the mind, I've been having brainstormsforweeks. I hope you get Alba back.

Mladen Koncar <>
Zagreb, Croatia - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 17:58:44 (CST) 
i support yours engagement in setting alba free. i am an activist inyouthngo in croatia named buka (noise). we publish the magazine AKT, andin thenext issue we will gather some texts on subject: technology, genetic,art;among others we'll translate yours text "transgenic art". i consideryourwork pretty important, and very connectable with the ideas of poststructuralistthinkers,such as foucault, for example. putting questions about the futureof mankind,about difference and relationship between animal and man, orman and machineis pretty subversive, just as your attempt to politicizescientific discourse,to undermine its omnipotence. with your art you foundan intelligent wayto pose that questions, make people think and act. althoughi study literature,so im not so familiar with the scientific discuorse,im intersted in thihgsthat happen on that field. awareness and responsibilityare the first things,i think, what a work such as yours should provoke.i didn' accept it assome funny art stuff, i still put some questions toit, wich leads me tolook into future, and imagine it as an open fieldof possibilities.

branislav oblu?ar <>
bjelovar, croatia - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 10:12:56 (CST) 

bunny avenger
USA - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 07:41:57 (CST)

Hi Mr. Kac, I am Nithya a student from Shrewsbury High School inMassachusetts.I am doing a research project on animal mutations. Thisis when I stumbledupon your work with the white bunny. I found it amazingthat you could door did such a thing. Yet, I'm still wondering what exactlygave you theidea? You did something out of the ordinary. Would you callyour work amutation or a mutant of its own species? Or could this be anotheranimalof its own? Is it possible to reproduce such animals? I was alsowonderingwhat the purpose of this experiment was? I know that you lookedat it asa piece of art, which I found interesting, but was there any othersolepurpose you had in mind? Thank you very much for reading this e-mail.Ireally found your work interesting, and I'm glad to know that you areproudof your work, from what I have read. Thank you very much.
Nithya <>
Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 13:15:10 (CST)

very interesting, a floro bunny would be great at a party! do youknowwhere i could get more flouro info from, i am an art student interestedinflour colours and need info for a semanar. Cheers lisa
lisa pickford <>
cannock, staffordshire uk - Friday, November 23, 2001 at 10:52:43(CST)

I have not
Gao <>
Shantou, Guangdong china - Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 18:55:55(CST)
I wanna glow in the dark bunny now! Glad to see that people are usingGFPfor something useful as oppose to all that protein tracking jazz. Nowthatyou've got trangenic bunnies that glow, let's see if you can maketrangenicbunnies that produce an electric shock like an electric eel.We could wirethem up to batteries and use them to power small electonics.Energizer bunniesfor everyone.

Frank Herring <>
Canada - Monday, November 19, 2001 at 20:37:28 (CST) 
Alba should definetly be allowed to come home to you. I don't thinkyoudid anything wrong at all. We(the world) need to put forth experimentsingenetic engineering and using artificial selection could help us tounderstandmore about genetics and the great bioshpere that we live in.Having therabbit at home would allow it to interact with an environmentand see howit copes with a the human species. Write back with your thoughtsto my emailif you have time. I am interested to know what the turnoutis

Kevin McCreary <>
USA - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 16:17:35 (CST) 
It is going too far to claim that the rabbit itself was "changed" -orthat your personal diety has led you to claim great offense. Obviouslyonlythe lightest alterations were made, to material that has only thebarestresemblance to the actual end-product of a living creature. Onemay wellclaim that a haircut does more to alter the "work" of Heaven,let alonethe daily butchery that takes place in the name of those whoprofit fromthe superstitious beliefs of others.

Professor Fate <>
USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 14:52:00 (CST) 
It is perfect work. Please send more information by usual mail Dr.BAVINV.G. Dept. Biotechnology Res. Institute of Animal Genetics &BreedingMoscowscoje shosse, 55-A St. Petersburg- Pushkin 196600 RUSSIA

Dr. BAVIN V.G. <>
St. Petersburg-Pushkin, RUSSIA - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 07:38:14(CST) 
causa efectos secundarios?

alaska <>
barcelona, espa?ol - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 04:30:49 (CST) 
Àle causa efectos secundarios al conejo?

alaska <>
barcelona, espa?a - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 04:29:47 (CST) 
Art has always challenged society to think anew, so Eduardo Kac haspresentednew ideas about what art is, can be, will be. Alba is lovely.She shouldbe with the Kac family. I kindly ask that the French instituterelease her.Everyone wins if Alba lives with the Kac family.

Melody McCoy
Austin, TX USA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 23:35:29 (CST) 
Please let Alba go home! She is so sweet and she deserves to be withMr.Kac! Please! :)

Brisbane, Australia - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 11:14:37 (CST)

I think that the bunny should go to it's rightful home. The Gov'tjustwants to unleash it's power over the people when ever they get thechance.Jealous that they didn't think of it first maybe?? I think thebunny shouldn'thave been changed genetically-- If God wanted it to glowunder a Black Light,GOD would have put the protein in the bunny himself.Man likes to play therole of GOD sometimes, which is WRONG! -- But thenagain, where do we drawthe line when it comes to progress in scientificresearch in finding waysfor us to live longer, healthier lives??? GodBless ALMA and remember thatBad Things Happen To Bad People....And Vice-Versa.......Let GOD be thejudge..... God Bless Everyone!!! God Bless the Familiesand Friends of thoselost on 09.11.01. and I just wait for the day thatthose responsible, gobefore the JUDGE!!!
Joseph Mifsud <>
Pacific Palisades, CA USA - Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 02:00:48(CST)

tatjana marx <>
stade, german - Friday, November 09, 2001 at 15:52:02 (CST) 
Who loves Alba the most? Who will take care of her and appreciate herglowmore? That is where she should be.

krista einspanier <>
durham, nc USA - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 13:25:42 (CST) 
reactionary bullshit

r. silva
chicago, il USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 06:10:33 (CST) 
informative webiste

Insurance Malaysia
Malaysia - Monday, November 05, 2001 at 10:53:40 (CST) 
As much as we would like to imagine a talking pet; dog, cat, tiny StuartLittlemouse or even a discoursing horse (a la Mister Ed), it is simplymore thanthe single speech gene that could create such a creature.

Professor Fate <>
USA - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 20:24:13 (CST) 
This poor bunny Alba belongs at home. I don't necessarily agree thatthiswhole event belongs in the category of art, but then - why not? Certainlythegovernments of this planet do far worse to higher animals (us) on adailybasis, also in the name of "art", "commerce", or whatever they wantus tocall them these days (hopefully not priest-kings) as we begin a newmillenium.

Mister Ed <>
USA - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 14:59:46 (CST) 
Free Alba!

Monika Gyebnar <>
Hungary - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 11:31:22 (CST) 
This all boils down to whether people should have "pets" at all, oreventamper with creatures or life in general. On another note, now thatthehuman "speech gene" has been discovered (FOXP2 - located at 7q31 inregionSPCH1, near common interspecies genes CAV1 and CAV2), why not startworkon a talking dog, cat and/or mouse?

Kevin Kirby <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, November 02, 2001 at 16:17:42 (CST) 
I only feel that Alba belongs to her home, everybody that know aboutthishistory feel the same.

Andresa Ferreira <>
Bauru, SP Brazil - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 10:44:37 (CST) 
The development of Alba was, from my understanding, to be knot justacold impersonal genetics experiment but was to include her residing intheKac family as their beloved pet. Of course I do not know all the particularsbutI support the fact that this bunny should have a happy home with herrightfulowners. Sincerely, Deirdre Egan

Deirdre Egan <>
Tempe, AZ USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 17:20:20 (CST) 
Props to those who challenge "normalcy" and revel in it! Controversyhasbeen and remains the essence of our existence, and I commend the creativityandingenuity given to Alba.

Jess Ray <>
Evanston, IL USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 15:31:18 (CST) 
It is projects like alba which spark the thinking about subjects suchasthis. The discussion and advanced theoretical work involved in thisactivityplaces Alba in a unique situation to challenge every individualto confronttheir opinions about all matters genetic. I support the effortsto releaseAlba!!

Dr. Joseph Mills <>
Evanston, IL USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 14:01:53 (CST)
I am not sure that I agree with genetic engineering for the sake of"art",but since Alba already exists, she must be appropriately loved andcaredfor, as should all members of the animal kingdom. As a veterinarian,thisis something I devote my life to. Please allow her to be returnedto herhome so she can live out her life with love and comfort.

Monica Silvers, DVM
USA - Monday, October 22, 2001 at 15:15:46 (CDT) 
I support Alba being openly shared with the public. Transgenic beingsarea part of our world, from the food we eat to the medicines we take.I don'tthink there is a risk of any kind of danger - especially comparedto transgenicplants which have already been approved as safe.

Keith Reynolds <>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, October 22, 2001 at 12:37:06 (CDT) 
what harm has been done is done, the animal should be able to liveouther life in peace.

Victoria Foster <>
valparaiso, IN USA - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 21:16:01 (CDT) 
Is genetically altering a bunny for artistic purposes any worse thangeneticallyengineering plants for greater profit margin? Let Alba comehome to a lovingfamily that will take care of her. A life in a lab isn'tany benefit tothe bunny.

Brian J. Kelly <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 15:21:00 (CDT) 
Free the bunny!

Ian Coronado <>
Norman, ok USA - Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 02:26:22 (CDT) 
Should she be the new poster bunny for the green party?

Mickey Carson <>
Denton, TX USA - Monday, October 15, 2001 at 11:19:10 (CDT) 
I think that Alba should be returned to you. The genetic modificationdoesnot appear to harm the bunny and until somebody gives us some proofthatthe bunny is being harmed all you critics just shut up and take itlikea man( or a woman).

Kyle Springer <>
Ft. Collins, Co USA - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 10:20:41 (CDT) 
LET ALBA COME HOME! She's the same as any other bunny, cute, loveable,anddeserving of a real home! Just because she glows in blacklight doesntmakeher different, or wrong, or mean she doesnt belong back at home. Notonlyis it immoral to keep her away, it borders on Green-Flourescent-BunnyRacism!!!

Matt <>
FtCollins, CO USA - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 09:44:19 (CDT) 

Mr. Kac arranged to create this rabbit, Mr. Kac presumably paid fortheprocedure, the procedures used are common in biological investigations,ifnot in art, the rabbit appears healthy as any other rabbit, and thereappearsno legitimate reason for anyone, anywhere, to contest his rightsto ownthe rabbit. (Unless France has suddenly made rabbit ownership illegal!)
Charles Barnard <>
Menomonie, WI USA - Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 22:06:13 (CDT)

Return Alba, please!
David Magila <>
Sao Paulo, Sp Brazil - Saturday, October 06, 2001 at 21:05:42 (CDT)

WE LOVE FLUFFY...i mean....ALBA!!!! we think fluffy is a betternamefor a florescent bunny though. Alba is very cool! yah. Can you mailus abunny just like Alba? Why is she named Alba? We were fighting aboutit.Is it because she is albino? You might not want to mail her in an envolopethough...a box would be better. Signed, The coolest, most unstupidestfreshmen onthe block.... p.s. We really aren't that stupid. :)
Meg H., Janet Z. and Amandamanda
Tempe, az USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 16:11:17 (CDT) 
I pee freely

IP Freely <>
pee pee, PP USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 16:01:14 (CDT) 
Sweet little Alba, I do hope you can come home. How inhumane it isthatyou are not able to be with loved ones.

Portland, OR USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 15:19:29 (CDT) 
Is Alba going to being touring the US at any time in the near future?

I hope she can come home.
Good luck!
Mindy Gayle, Interactive Art Director,
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 10:43:35 -0700

I recently heard of your GFP Bunny, and I am delighted to know thatsuchwork is going on. My name is Gabriel Whalen, I am a student of RecombinantGeneTechnology in Western New York. It has always been my dream to utilizedthebuiliding block of life for the purpose of art. Would it be possibleforyou to send me any information regarding involvement in this fieldas acreator? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I would imagineyouare working with some group of scientists, but I was unclear as towhom.
Thank you for your time, best of luck in you travailes.
Gabriel A Whalen
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 19:35:15 -0400 

I have just met Alba and I am fascinated. The only pet I have wantedforyears is a white rabbit. I have recently taken a course in mediationandam now doing observations of senior mediators to become familiar withthiscombination of science and art. What you are working with here isso stunninglyobvious a need (the bringing into relationship what we haveignored or beenignorant of (same thing isn't it?)that I need some timeto re-read the materialand create a new neuro-net to house it. Fab-You-lous.
Tari Parker <>
Onalaska, Wa USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 11:51:52 (CDT)

totally cool stuff, gfp bunny, my friend carl from micromusic.nettoldme about a segment on the gfp bunny in a cheap german science tv-magazine.theyreported this as a sensation, totally excited. appreciate this stuff,alsoi like heath bunting's, or superweed concept; myself,, now built, we do actions such as [V]ote-auction/,,and we did the press-statement hack ars electronica: prix-arsjury: "LINUXwins prix ars due to MICROSOFT INTERVENTION". currently, ubermorgenis thinkingabout a bio-project
Sat, 22 Sep 2001 00:58:05 +0200 
I have been a supporter of Alba for some time. I think that other peoplewhoare on the fence about the issue may be won over if they know thatAlbadoesn't glow all the time, just under blue light. I hope Alba willcomehome soon.

I have been a huge fan of your work for some time. I am an artistinMinneapolis and professor at st. cloud state u. If you are ever in theneighborhood,stop by, I'll put you up if you need a place...
Patrick Holbrook <>
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 12:18:07 -0700 (PDT) 
It seems obvious that any problems someone might have with the gfpbunnyproject and the release of the rabbit in question to Edouardo Kachas todo with the use of the frightening technology involved. Technologywhich,we are all aware, is used far more frequently for the sole purposeof makingmoney. I am not convinced that profit is a parameter that ensuresonly worthwhileexperiments are conducted. People are right to questionthe merit of EdouardoKac's artistic experiment with the gfp bunny. Itis time all the work inthis field is thought about and decisions madeby the people as to whatis appropriate, and what is not. Kac has madethe proper care of the rabbitfor the entirity of its life part of theproject, and his project has allowedsociety to discuss this heady andfrightening topic from a new, previouslyunimagined angle. I would argueit does no harm either to the rabbit, orto society at large. Technologiesin this realm are moving ahead at sucha great pace that the people ofearth will have to do some quick and creativethinking to ensure they areused wisely. Well done, Mr. Kac, thank you.

Lesley Provost <>
toronto, on canada - Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 16:10:56 (PDT) 

Mr. Kac has violated no laws and has done nothing inhumane or immoral;theonly immorality here is that legal authorities have taken Alba, aninnocentanimal, from a loving home to a clinical setting. There is nothingin Alba'sgenetic makeup that causes her or any other living being anypain or damagewhatsoever. Mr. Kac clearly has great personal affectionfor her; she wouldcertainly receive better treatment in the personal careof Mr. Kac, hisfamily and friends, rather than that of an institution.
Len Rothbart
NY, NY USA - Friday, August 03, 2001 at 15:57:36 (PDT)

Alba is the prettiest bunny in the universe! She should come home!
Alissa Mower Clough <>
Hamden, CT USA - Monday, July 30, 2001 at 10:42:11 (PDT) 
let alba come home! i cannot begin to understand why she is being keptfromher family in the first place.

alicia vilbaum <>
austin, tx USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 15:36:05 (PDT) 
I'm not entirely convinced that this creature exists at all. On thiswebsite,I see an apparently untouched picture of a man holding a normal-lookingwhiterabbit, and a very carefully trimmed image of a rabbit that appearsto beglowing green. Trimmed, perhaps, to hide the fact that the imagewas digitallyre-colored? Anyone with the slightest amount of graphicalskill could easilytake a photograph of a white rabbit and retouch it inPhotoshop or a similarprogram and produce a similar "glowing" rabbit image.If there really issuch a creature as Alba, then certainly she should beallowed to live asa housepet rather than as a lab animal, but before Ican wholeheartedlyside with your cause I will require more proof thana single image thatI could have produced myself.

Nathan Rosen
Baltimore, MD USA - Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 14:08:51 (PDT) 
Yeah, but can it talk? Can it be trained to use modern weaponry? Canthegreen pigmentation be adapted for use in jungle counter insurgencymissions(ie: as camoflage for a killer bunny)? But seriously...a glow-in-the-darkbunny?Are you sure you didn't make Alba just because you could? Did youreally*have* to make her in order to spark debate over the moral and philosophicalimplicationsof genetic engineering? Couldn't we have those debates *before*making aglowing bunny rabbit? Or is this just a publicity stunt to getfunding?

Frankenschteen <>
St Louis, MO USA - Friday, July 20, 2001 at 15:13:31 (PDT)
Hi Eduardo As you know... I support you and Alba. May you find togetherness!(PendingFDA/EPA approval.) I have no problem with the techniques of transgenesisbeingused for art production purposes. I do have an objection to the conceptofthis being a Harmless Art. Why pretend that? The inserted gene is claimedtobe harmless to Alba as an organism. This is an industry claim that Iseriouslydoubt. But, if the art of GFP Bunny is not Alba in Herself butinstead 'comprisesher creation' including the techniques of InsertationalMutagenesis andyou still want to claim that 'no harm was done' then letstake a closerlook at the Protocols for a Transgenic Rabbit· Theycall for hormonetreatments both for hyper-ovulation of the egg supplying(donor) rabbit-- mom(1) and hormone treatments for the psuedopregnantstate of the surrogate'uterus' donor -- mom(2) and surgery on both sidesto collect the fertilizedembryos from the fallopian tubes of mom(1) rabbitand to implant the GFPpositive embryos into the surrogate uterus of themom(2) rabbit. This saysnothing of the throwing away of the biohazardousÎleftoverâembryos that didn't take the transgene properly.As a part of the processWe also have to take into account the unnamedor numbered Brothers and Sistersof Alba who were possibly still born orborn with abnormalities due to theviral infection vectors, cytoplasmicbacterial infection bad laparascopictechnique, or other natural causes.How many embryos were implanted? Fromwhich rabbit? Into which rabbit?How many lived? How many were tossed? Whereare Alba's moms? Could youhave done this procedure, proudly, with yourown hands? Let me be clear.I remind you that I support your actions, morallyand artistically. andbelieve that Transgenic Art both the products andthe processes are validas an art forms and as much needed commentarieson an industry of post/species-boundarybreeding technology. Unnecessarysurgery Aesthetic breeding Even embryonicgene-play should and has be doneby curious artists wielding their ownscalpels. But it does us all an injusticeto white wash (or green glowwash) a bloody and meaty process. No art thatuses the knife (even a knifefor hire) should claim that it is harmless.That is a grotesque affront.Could you to be a little more transparent orforthcoming When you reviewthe modern breeding procedures That went intothe formation of Alba? Theysurely did cause some harm. Signing out untilnext time, A difficult fan,Adam Zaretsky Research Affiliate, MFA ArnoldDemain Fermentation and IndustrialMicrobiology Laboratory Department ofBiology Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology 68-223 Cambridge MA PS: I hope the nexttrangenic mammalian art piece is betterdocumented. I mean the glowingbirth of a GFP Mammal will be a gorgeousevent to capture on Digital Video!

Adam Zaretsky <>
Woodstock, NY USA - Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 11:02:46 (PDT) 
interesantisimo trabajo el del se?or kac, del que ya tenia noticiasdesdehace un par de a?os gracias a un taller que hice en santander (espa?a)conandy deck. hace unos dias me llego la revista zehar, donde pude leeruntrabajo que hablaba de alba y que inevitablemente me hizo recordar alse?orlouis bec(a quien tuve el honor de conocer en bilbao en 1996 en unseminario)y sus criaturas de sintesis y sus magnificos trabajos sobrelenguajes decomunicacion entre ellos, basados en el lenguaje de comunicacionde loscefalopodos. por eso al leer en la web de eduardo kac (gracias alsoftwarede traduccion) el nombre del se?or bec, me lleve una gran alegríaporver que las personas cuyo trabajo me gusta estan trabajando juntas.claroque apoyo que alba se vaya a casa y que sea muy feliz. Pero no puedoevitar,a pesar de todos sus comentarios eticos, el sentir temor por estetipo deexperimentos. con el sr. bec no tenia estos problemas pues todose resuelveen el campo de la vida e inteligencia artificial, pero aquiestamos hablandode la VIDA. al leer en la revista zehar (de san sebastian,espa?a) que enun futuro cualquier artista podria escribir su combinacionde genes, enviarloa un laboratorio y recibir en su casa una probeta conel adn que &gtll inventó para crear animales nuevos, me preguntoadonde podríallevar todo esto. de entrada a una desvalorzacionabsoluta de la vida alconvertirla en algo manipulable a voluntad. no todoel mundo, se?or kac,tiene el nivel etico de que usted hace gala y queyo comparto. tal vez estesentimiento mio tenga que ver con que en europatodavia sentimos un respetohacia la vida que tal vez en america se haperdido. esto constituye unaabsoluta desacralizacion de la vida, sin queesto tenga una connotacionreligiosa, sino solo de respeto hacia algo tanesencial. no quiero ser antigua,negandome a experimentar en cualquiercampo, pero me pregunto que clasede monstruos acabaremos viendo de seguirpor este camino. y Àtendríansentimientos estos monstruos?tendrían alma?. no puedo evitar recordarblade runner. Àtendríanalgun tipo de consciencia? se?or kacsé que usted cuidar? de albaen su casa magnificamente bien, y elexperimento me parece fascinante,pero no puedo evitar sentir miedo. y yono soy miedosa. a pesar de ellole deseo a usted lo mejor en sus investigaciones,de las que me gustaríaestar al tanto si es posible. un saludo. matusabarros.

matusa barros <>
vigo, galicia espana - Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 11:03:05 (PDT) 
Queremos a visita do coelho, no Centro de artes da UDESC em Florianopolis/SC

Sandra <>
Florianopolis, SC BR - Friday, July 13, 2001 at 15:51:03 (PDT) 
YES - Alba should be allowed to come home, Alba should be with herlovingfamily. I support E. Kac's efforts to free Alba!

Lynn <>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 21:32:05 (PDT) 
somos todos j? t&gto o e desde sempre transmutados, coloridos empelos,e tons de pele em manchas e presos à lugares, afinal, porquenãoo coelho, smart pet all of us stupit toys

bianca Scliar <>
florianópolis, sc brasil - Monday, July 09, 2001 at 18:25:55(PDT) 
alba go home!!

daniel rivera <>
mexico city, mexico - Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 10:34:39 (PDT)
to see how affectionate you were with alba leaves no doubt she deservestobe home. what the heck are they doing with her? let me know how thisturnsout. thanks anita

anita mccreery <>
santa cruz, ca USA - Monday, June 25, 2001 at 18:38:51 (PDT) 
Please send Alba to her parents!

Lisa Williams <>
Kalamazoo, MI USA - Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 18:38:13 (PDT) 
You know, it really bothers me how people swarm all over a single animal'srightsin a situation like this (and believe me, there are animals allover theplace who are treated FAR, FAR worse) and then completely ignorelargerissues, like this turning into a big business without regard forall animals'rights as living things. I'm not a creationist, so I'm notbothered by peoplechanging things away from "God's plan" or something...but even before geneticengineering, there were stories of people breedingand selling kittens thathad a mutation so they were missing a bone intheir forelegs and had tohop around, "cutely", actually much like rabbits.Problem being, this mustbe extremely painful for all the animals thatwere bred that way. What ifgenetic engineering like this has psychologicalor mental effects that youcan't see? What if it has obvious physical effectsthat buyers don't careabout? Wow, really fuzzy rabbits are popular thisyear so let's geneticallyengineer one with REALLY long fur! Never mindthat the poor rabbits gettoo hot and die. You know, maybe if we createda dog without teeth we wouldn'thave to worry about it biting people! Nowyou've got a new breed with greatdifficulty eating, and nobody cares.If genetic engineering for ART is acceptedby the mainstream, things likeTHIS certainly will, too. There's a lot ofpotential to create animalsthat are born into a horrible existance, regardlessof if they live ina lab or a home.

Woodinville, WA USA - Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 04:59:34 (PDT) 
There's a clear right and wrong here.

Milo Polte <>
Sunnyvale, CA USA - Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 19:15:46 (PDT) 
Je suis un etudiant en g&gtnénétique,j'adores cequevous manipulé ci c'est dans le bien de la science,je suis pauvreendocumentation sur les transgénique,je t'en pris ecrit moi

Abdallah Noreddine <>
Oran, alg Alg&gtririe - Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 16:28:13(PDT) 
Animal cruelty issues and the moral issues that genetic engineeringbringsup ASIDE... How can you call this ART? Seriously. All you did wastake theidea of transplanting one creature's DNA to another (scientistsdid theEXACT same thing with a jellyfish and a mouse that "you" did withAlba YEARSago - back in 1997!). If you think that just doing somethingthat makespeople react, in one way or another, is art, then maybe Albais art. Butas far as I see it, you just copied someone else's idea.

Jason Foster <>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 12:26:50 (PDT) 
Love the Idea, you must have worked so hard to make Alba a reality.WellDone. Will

William Hill <>
London, UK - Monday, June 18, 2001 at 11:40:46 (PDT) 
Diese Ausstellung finde ich sehr gelungen.

Bend Jollig
Duisburg, Germany - Saturday, June 16, 2001 at 06:14:15 (PDT) 
Es kann nur einen Hasen geben, und das ist der Schnuckelhase. KannmanAlba nicht klonen, ich h&gttttte gern so ein Nachttischlampe?

Babyhase <>
Muenchen, Germany - Friday, June 15, 2001 at 08:08:08 (PDT) 
Alba gu brath!

Steaphan Risnidh
Dun -deagh, Alba - Friday, June 15, 2001 at 04:36:38 (PDT) 
i rekon that this is one good step prompting discussion on the debateofGM. I personally agree and look forward to the time when you can buyglowingbunnies iin the shops! RABBITS RULE!!!!!!! (especially green ones)In myopinion, this is much less cruel to the aniaml than, for example,breedingwith long hair, which obviously causes the animal distress.

ENGLAND_RULES!! - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 06:01:27 (PDT) 
ein kaninchen ist keine kunst, sondern ein lebendiges gesch&gtpfpf.freealba antje

Antje B. <>
DUISBURG, GERMANY - Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 10:12:37 (PDT) 
schmeckt fluoreszierend besser ????

USA - Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 08:52:31 (PDT) 

frank <>
arnheim, niederlande deutschland - Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 05:30:46(PDT) 

frank <>
arnheim, niederlande deutschland - Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 05:28:57(PDT) 
Hello i love the bunny . do you love me i «m the cousin of thefamousand beauty jennifer lopez contact my homnepage

David Lopez <>
Gelsenkirchen, NW Germany - Thursday, June 07, 2001 at 05:34:17(PDT) 
Shuuuuuuuuuu wassuuppppp visit my black music site

TalibKweli <>
Gelsenkirchen, NRW Germany - Thursday, June 07, 2001 at 05:26:34(PDT) 
Nobody has the right, to hold an animal back.And if it«s theRabbitof Eduardo...The Institute makes bullsh...

Raphael Harbs <>
Hambrug, -- Germany - Wednesday, June 06, 2001 at 15:06:31 (PDT) 
bring the bunny back!

thomas <>
essen, nrw germany - Tuesday, June 05, 2001 at 07:15:10 (PDT) 
Is an artist allowed to use animals? Is he allowed to use human beings?Ishe allowed to ab-use himself??As long as one ask these questions, ARTisnot dead....

JohnF«Feldman <>
Germany - Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 08:59:32 (PDT) 

Freak <>
USA - Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 05:26:20 (PDT) 
Love ya!Love your site!

women in business
USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 17:04:00 (PDT) 
Count on my support Alba!Hope things change in this world for the goodofHuman kind.

Jorge Colon <>
Orlando, fl USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 15:10:28 (PDT) 
You Rock! Let the Rabbit come home!

Steven Ryan <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 01:47:15 (PDT) 
Let Alba come home! Alba isn't an "It" it's an animal! She deseverstolive a life like any other rabbit! A rabbit has feelings too! I thinkwhoever thinks that Alba is an it or should stay at the lab probably camefromhell! They are putting stress on the animal who needs to be loved!

Stephanie Engelke <>
Aliso Viejo, CA USA - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 00:11:08 (PDT) 
I love your site. We're in the process of building a science news sitetogo along with our weekly science radio show "This Week in Science" on90.3KDVS UC Davis, CA ( Hopefully it will be as informativeasyours!

science news
USA - Friday, May 25, 2001 at 13:16:07 (PDT) 
Release Alba. No living being deserves to be poked and prodded justbecausehe/she isn't "normal" by society's standards. Let her have a good,lovinghome, without being the center of all this debate. As for 'uninformedindividuals'duplicating this project and creating more transgenic animals...pleasepoint me to where us 'uninformed' people can get the materials neededata low cost and the lab time... I've got a cat I'd like to see glow blue...keepme from tripping over him in the night.

Michael Babcock
USA - Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 05:33:09 (PDT) 
I think Eduardo's emphasis on the socialisation and experience of transenicanimalsare whatis needed to preserve their rights in the face of commercialpressuresthat would use them merely as objects. If we are to use transgenics,Eduardo'sapproach is the way to go.Alba needs a nice family! Give herto EduardoKac!

Sydney, - Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 02:16:47 (PDT) 
Ich finde die aktion vom alba eigentlich sehr gelungen, aber trotzdeminterresiertsie mich nicht alzusehr. aber ich w&gtnsnsche ihm sehrviel erfolg undhoffe das er sich behaupten kann.

USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 05:56:07 (PDT) 
Hallo , ich kenne diesen Alba nicht also kann ich auch nix wirklichgarNIX dazu sagen !! Aber Trotzdem an alle einen schönen Gruss !!

Stefan Puppy
Germany - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 05:54:20 (PDT) 
Ich finde ALBA sehr Sozialkritisch, er behandelt die wirklich wichtigenDinge!! I Love you !!!!! :O) :O(

Saskia Scheller <---------------------------------@ gmx de>
usa - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 05:49:16 (PDT) 
Hallo erstmal, ich finde die Aktion von Alba sehr gelungen. Da siesehrviele wichtige Aspekte der Gesellschaft anspricht. 10000 Gummipunkteanihn !!!!!

Andreas Bachi <>
Germany - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 05:44:27 (PDT) 
Ohne Bunny vorher gesehen zu haben ist es schwierig eine Meinung zu&gtusussern.HerzlicheGrüsse Lisa

Lisa Opgenheim <>
essen, Germany - Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 10:14:58 (PDT) 
Os artistas brasileiros est&gto o orgulhosos pelo sucesso de Alba.Queelaseja o primeiro dos muitos animais transgênicos que serãocriadospor artistas-cientistas.Congratulações!

Bianca Lemos <>
Juiz de Fora, MG Brasil - Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 13:03:59 (PDT) 
Why didn't you do this with your own daughter. This is real sick. Poorbunny.You and no one else has the right to do this to any living creature.

Chapel Hill, NC USA - Monday, May 14, 2001 at 02:43:57 (PDT) 
I really think that Alba should come home quickly!! His father mustmissher a lot!It is a crime to take a baby of it's family, isn't it?Sincerely,Nina

Nina Velasco e Cruz <>
Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil - Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 11:38:41 (PDT) 
A wide range of opinions and emotions are expressed on this page, manyofthem angry and hateful. Most of these 'arguments' suggest that Albais acrime against nature and/or God, yet these reactions are nearly allknee-jerkresponses from uninformed and frightened people, scared of whatthey donot understand. A natural enough reaction to the unknown, but amore matureresponse is to educate yourself before laying blame and makinghateful statements.Violence often begins with misunderstanding.Good luckKac, and thank youfor stimulating this dialog.

San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 19:05:23 (PDT) 
I suggest try it with yourself!.... I would like to see YOU shining....Andafter all I wan't to go out with you. Give me a call.Claudia Wissmann09.05.2001,Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, germany

Claudia Wissmann
Duisburg, D Germany - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 03:40:59 (PDT) 
Al diavolo la burocrazia! Un forte augurio di buon rientro.claudio

arcuri claudio <>
firenzw, italy - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 14:12:35 (PDT) 
Alles gro§e Schei§e

Gusav Pillemann
Duisburg, USA - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 05:09:09 (PDT) 
Ich w&gtnsnschte die Wissenschaftler würden mit demselbenEnthusiasmusWissenschaft F?R Menschen verfolgen, wie für den Profitihrer gnadenlosenFirmen.

Andreas Petrovitsch <>
Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 09:15:30 (PDT) 
Dear Alba,its a pity what men have thought they ought to do, what theycoulddo. I hope you have the chance to live a life a bunny is worth tolive for.My heart is up to you...

Andreas Petrovitsch <>
Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 09:13:00 (PDT) 
Free Alba now! Free Alba now! Free Alba now! Free Alba now!

Gonzalo Frasca <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 11:24:59 (PDT) 
Ich h&gttttte es schöner gefunden, wenn Sie ein rosa kaninchengezüchtethätten.

Rosa Brand <>
Duisburg, Deutschland - Friday, May 04, 2001 at 07:56:29 (PDT) 
I am not yet sure what to think about alba's conception in the first,buta green rabbit obviously makes a nice pet to have around. I think youshouldhave it.

raquel tom?z <>
ghent, belgium - Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 10:49:38 (PDT) 

BRISBANE, Q.L.D. AUSTRALIA - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 23:43:54(PDT) 
Simply put; by the detention of the animal Alba; the full effect ofthework cannot progress. It is a classical situation whereby an antagonistemblazonsthe meaning he/she is trying to disrupt by their own ignorance,on the mindof all observers, and unfortuantely the wise must simlpy standback andlament; yet at least they realize the growth of the meaning nevertheless,eventhrough a sour process.

Abel Garcia <>
P.B.G., FL. USA - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 20:28:11 (PDT) 
NO WAY!!!!!!!.....I am not in support of your views on transgenic animalsandusing them for art projects... your behavior is unacceptable as anartistand most of all as a human being....allowing Alba to come home withyouwould only prompt other un-informed people to carry on with similarprojects....kimmale

kim male <>
savannah, ga USA - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 12:05:33 (PDT) 
Alba is a living thing! She needs to be loved and be cuddled like anyotherliving animal!Rabbits have feelings too!She should be free, she didenoughjust to be born different!

Stephanie <>
AlisoViejo, CA USA - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 10:17:10 (PDT) 
Como &#142; fantastico saber que a Arte pode gerar tanta polemica,eaindamais de m?o dadas com a Ci&#144;ncia, sempre foi assim a históriatoda,o que &#142; engra&#141;ado &#142; que a opiniàopublicatamb&#142;m . Uma obra prima como a coelhinha Alba tem realmentequeprovocar tanta polemica, gerar todas essas discuss?es,esse &#142;osentido. Eduardo Kac, est? de parab&#142;ns e farei o que puder comoestudantede arte para levar esse discuss?o aonde puder.

francisco razzo <>
mogi das cruzes, SP brasil - Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 15:12:10(PDT) 
Poor bunny :( it has been subjected to genetic tampering, which inturnwill eventually be destroyed to further the knowledge of science.Even thoughKac did nothing but offer the idea, and the scientists dideverything else,the bunny will be killed to donate it's zygotes unlessgiven (not returned)to Eduardo Kac. It is human to ask questions aboutthe unknown, but howhuman is it to play the role of God? Create and destroy,just for the simpleamusement of a cheap frill? I wonder if Eduardo reallywants to take allthe responsibility from this poor bunnie's death, anddozens after it justfor an insignificant aspect, glowing green under anultraviolet blue light.

James <>
USA - Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 00:21:30 (PDT) 
The idea was from E. Kac, Alba must be in home, laboratory isn't ahomefor any animal.

Mónica Mena <>
Quito, Ecuador - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 17:13:56 (PDT) 
Why flourescent? isn't this just another pointless mutation?

Caroline Parsons <>
Hastings, U.K - Friday, April 20, 2001 at 13:18:26 (PDT) 
Fuck Bunny... Fuck You... Fuck The Matrix!

bunny <>
ccc - Tuesday, April 17, 2001 at 16:09:10 (PDT) 
I think it's really sad how those miserable people won't give you yourbunny.It lewks so cute, and I'm sure you could give it a good home. ;) It's niceyou want to lower the fear of genetic alteration/mutation.

Cassandra Cloud <>
Randallstown, MD USA - Monday, April 16, 2001 at 21:42:10 (PDT) 
It is a pity that Alba could not be allowed to enter her new home becausetheongoing integration of Alba into human society would have been an importantexperimentin human/transgenic interactions, the results of which holdthe promiseof great significance to all our futures.

Stephen Weston <>
USA - Sunday, April 15, 2001 at 16:45:38 (PDT) 
very nice, Eduardo. I approve.

Ivan DeWolf <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 21:29:15 (PDT)
I would like to say I have no problem with this experiment. Now I'mnotan animal lover and I don't believe that animals have feelings andall thisother crap, but I do understand what you guys are saying. AlsoI think Godwants us to do this. If he didn't we would be punished severlyand wouldtell us it's wrong. I believe he wants us to know about everythingwe doand come to know about genetics. If he didn't want us to know it,he wouldn'tlet us. I also want to congratulate you on your success! Godbless

Annie <>
OR USA - Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 17:12:15 (PDT) 

NY USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 13:08:44 (PDT) 
I agree to some degree with the work your doing. I understand the importanceandinterest of creating dialoges between parties, something you do verywell.The bunny should be returned to its home (As long as your going tolookafter it that is) but you should also take into account the problemsthatmay occur if the bunny escaped you, and ran into the wild. Is thegene adominant one? Could you start a new breed of Bunnies? and we donot knowyet whether by changing this gene inpartivular you could be creatinga weaknesssomewhere else. Continue your intresting work, but please becareful.

Dan Efergan <>
Plymouth, Devon UK - Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 11:13:52 (PDT) 
As to ownership & title to the chattel rabbit, "Alba" (why not"Verde"?),who actually paid for the "commisioned" work? When my clientscommisiona work, they pay my fee(s) & they own the work product &any associatedintellectual property. There seems to be a bit of confusionof the differencesbetween phosphorescence & luminescence. Far toomany seem to believethat this chimeric animal glows in the dark like alightning bug, when allit (maybe) does is fluoresce like a scorpion underUV. Publishing an unmodifiedcolor photograph taken under essentially monochromatic488 nM light wouldgo a long way towards establishing credibility. If youwant a copy of anunmodified color photograph of a common South Texas scorpionfluorescingunder UV, lemme know & I'll e-mail one to you. ALL scorpionsfluoresceyellow under UV. Feed a scorpion a few lightning bugs (especiallyif justthe tips of the abdomens of several dozen lightning bugs)&it will luminesceas well for a few nights.

Karl W. Schweickardt, Jr. <>
San Antonio, TX USA - Saturday, April 07, 2001 at 14:20:44 (PDT) 
What can be done for humans? Specifically club goers who want to glowasthey rave?

ed sibley <>
Penzance, UK - Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 04:29:58 (PDT) 
G F P Bunny has home in our minds and hearts. G lowing in our conceptionsofhumanity and animality F ounding answers for art and live P utting greenlighton the domestic new transgenic space.

Andres Burbano <>
Bogota, DC Colombia - Tuesday, April 03, 2001 at 23:38:48 (PDT) 
Alba is a very special little bunny, so I would like to see it homeandfree!!

Michelle Hoare <>
Canterbury, UK - Tuesday, April 03, 2001 at 14:06:24 (PDT) 
It sounds to me like Alba would have a very loving home. I think ifsomeonewent to the lengths they have there is no reason to doubt theywould doanything less then take prefect care of this rabbit. This rabbitis no dangerto society. If this rabbit were in the wild there would noteven be a threatas I hardly think someone would be around shining bluelights on them tomake the glow.Then once again I hardly think someonegoing to this muchtrouble would would set the rabbit free. Alba shouldbe freed to live withher rightful owners.

Lilith <>
Atlanta, Ga. USA - Monday, April 02, 2001 at 00:09:29 (PDT) 
Hi My names Jenny Nelson and I'm from a BBC website in Britain are putting together a feature on The Alba bunnyand the ekac and I willbe needing to use some of the images from the siteto go with it. We willbe including links to your site so it will be greatpublicity.

Jennifer Nelson <>
london, Great Britain - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 06:18:06 (PST) 
hi, As a transgenic scientist working with EGFP and a bunny lover (Ihave3 lops myself). It is obviously very exciting to hear about your bunny.However,I do have concern about the side effect of EGFP. Even though Itoy withGod's creation alot, I only do it for medical purposes and notfor fun orart. Your rabbit could be suffering due to EGFP and he couldn'ttell you.So please, re-consider about continuing your art. Just as I won'tdo anyunneccessary transgenic work. Thank you for your attention

Andrew Wong <>
Canada - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 15:07:57 (PST) 
Just another voice in support of your work. Did you have a choice ofcolours?Hope you get your bunny back.

Sarah O'Brien <>
Lancaster, England - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 12:08:01 (PST) 
One of Alba's greatest accomplishments, just in being alive, is asavehicle to educate humanity on the potentials inherent in the genomicsciences.Her very existence calls clearly into focus the tremendous precipicethathumanity is on the brink of, where creatures unimagined potentiallyhavemeans to live and breathe among the rest of us. The other side ofthe equationis that gene splicing is nothing new. In evolutionary terms,these kindsof events are possible through the natural emissions of thesun's radiation,or naturally occurring radiation from earth itself...buton a more randombasis. The difference here, however, is that Alba hasbeen customized; designed.What was once thought to be an accomplishmentonly capable by god, humanitynow has the tools to evoke new life, wherelife did not exist before. Thatscares the fundamentalists, because theirbelief systems that they holdflawless have been shattered. Now their choiceis to either learn aboutthis new facet of god, or reject it, and holdtheir hands up to the cathoderay tube for enlightenment, for direction,and donations...Science has oftenshaken the bastions of the establishment.Copernicus, Newton, Pepperberghave all been criticized for challengingthe parameters of acceptable idealism.But those boundaries turned outto be launching pads into realms of learningthat have proved fundamentalto the sciences of the present day. Alba justhappens to be todayâsmilestone along a continuum where humanity shedsher blinders in the undyinghope of seeing the universe more clearly.

Paul <pbouboutsis@mediaone.netq>
Chicago , IL USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 13:22:33 (PST) 
forget cows; bring the bunny back

john rininger <>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 11:53:59 (PST) 
To Mr Kac: you have certainly suceeded in the the first part and gereratedaremarkable social discourse about GM. I hope you suceeded in the secondpartand are able to bring Alba home. To all those who decry this as ahorribalmisuse of science to alter life I have this to say. All breedsof dog aredecended from a single species of wolf, we have such a variety(just comparea St Bernard and a Chauia) because of slective breeding,the slow form ofgenetic engineering. How cay you say what Mr Kac has doneis sick and twistedwithout acknolaging the same of all demestocated breedsof animals, indeedof the entire human civilation that would not exsistwithout our ansestorsdemestocating animals. We've been doing this sortof thing for thousandsof years and we will continue to do so, GM willonly fast track it. Oh Yeahand LET THE BUNNY GO HOME!!

S Mason <>
Wollongong, NSW Australia - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 22:00:47 (PST)
Alba is E. Kac's brainchild, and terefore his own luminescent bunnyrabbit.Alba ROCKS! and alba is a living creature deserving of the Kacfamily'slove.

jonathan s. dennison <>
deland, fl USA - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 14:21:42 (PST) 
i just discovered Kac's artwork and i must say this is the first timeifind something really interesting in the contemporary creation, at leastthisartist doesn't spend his time thinking about himself like so manyof hiscollegues; congratulations and keep on working! and free Alba!

colombe <>
Strasbourg, FRANCE - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 20:09:32 (PST) 
What about the other rabbits that were produced by this experiment,butare not expressing the desired "glowing" gene? Where is the concernfortheir lives? I believe there were 2 other viable rabbits produced...Whata wonderful star this Alba is that Kac fights so hard for her ANDher siblings...

USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 17:16:58 (PST) 
I want a glow in the dark bunny too!!!!

andrew <>
toronto, ON canada - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 11:28:23 (PST) 
i was lucky enough to be a student of eduardo's during his short stayatthe university of kentucky in the mid 90's. a fellow student and friendofmine often speak fondly of eduardo and keep our eyes and ears wide open,hopingto learn of his next amazing accomplishment. i think this takesthe cake.send alba home!! eduardo's brilliance has stunned me once againand hasopened another door with his transgenic work. nice to see someoneexpandingthe boundaries.

john "kevin" powell <>
denver, co USA - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 21:22:56 (PST) 
Do not nake the dog if will out it life in a lab

Peter Loring <>
nYc, USA - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 01:00:33 (PST) 
As any other pet, Alba should be with the family that wants to careandlove it. As an art/social landmark, Alba has to live with the Kac familytomake visible and know all the misconceptions we have about geneticallymodifiedbeings and genetic engeneering. Above all, it should demonstratehow these"new" living beings can be harmfull or not, loved or not, bein societyor not, have their own identity or not. We need Alba to contrastit to thegeneral widespread idea of genetically altered beings as unidentifiedanimalmass production.

Gil Barros <>
- Friday, March 09, 2001 at 00:01:35 (PST) 
To whoever is preventing Alba from being released: SET ALBA FREE! Threeanda half years ago, I adopted a lab rabbit, a New Zealand white justlikeAlba, and I cannot express the joy that his companionship brings me.Notmany people realise that rabbits can be as close a companion as a dogora cat. My Loppy has free run of the house. He is house-trained and heevensleeps on the bed sometimes. He really, really loves me. Imagine hiseagerexcited face and his shining eyes as he follops up to greet me ,expectinga good old head-rub when I come home from work. Now think whathis lifewould be like if he was kept in a a cage in a laboratory. Thisis what Albais facing. Boredom, loneliness, lack of stimulation, lackof exercise. Rabbitsare social creatures, and need interaction with otherrabbits or other animalssuch as humans. They need to have exercise tokeep their muscles strong,and to keep their GI tract in good shape. Theyneed a varied environmentto keep them mentally active. In the lab, Albais probably getting a dietof rabbit chow, instead of the fresh greensand hay that she needs. Albais missing out on so much, yet Kac has somuch to offer her. He is waitingto take her home and give her everythingshe needs. Why not let her go?Bunnies only live for a short time, lessthan 10 years for a spoiled house-rabbit,even less for a cramped, cagedrabbit. She is wasting her life away in prison.Why not just cut the red-tapeand let this beautiful creature have a decentlife. Smithers and Lopashunthe rabbit

Smithers <>
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 21:33:45 (PST) 
I think alba should be with that art guy cause he provides a nice homenota science lab

Zak <>
windsor, ct USA - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 07:52:45 (PST) 

FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 01:21:26 (PST) 
I hope Alba gets to come home to the Kac family.

Honey Vizer <>
Eugene, or USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 16:46:07 (PST)
You bastard! How dare you play with nature like that! I hope you NEVERgetAlba back!!!!!!

Laurel <>
Redding, CA USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 11:41:09 (PST) 
Where is Alba? I thought you had some ownership of her? Please clarify.Yourproject is of interest and your elucidation of issues well done. Dr.Kern

Diane Kern <>
Clayton, CA USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 12:13:55 (PST) 
I think, Alba should go home to the family. It would be to the bestofthis rabbit.

Kamma Nielsen <>
¯lsted, Denmark - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 12:02:10 (PST) 
Hi Ed. I saw some of your work here in NYC, certainly is challengingandthought provoking. I think the rabbit was a good idea for a piece,but here'sa far better one. You are married? Conceive your next childwith the GPFgene. This would avoid the problem of legal right to the offspring(they'reyours of course) and of course the piece would have closure asyou'd beable to get a reaction from the child about how it feels aboutthe work.What do you think? K.

Sparky <>
USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 10:43:53 (PST) 
Alba should live in a loving, caring home, and not in any laboratory.

Mette Bergsaker <>
Bryne, Norway - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 20:40:53 (PST) 
Well done. I am a genetics student and its nice to see something morelighthartedand accessible being done with the technology. As long as itdoesnt harmthe rabbit it can't be bad. With vivisection etc still beingpracticed onanimals and battery hens still being farmed how can anyoneobject to somethingwhich will probably give the rabbit more attentionand a better qualityof life than many others of the species. Far moreappealing than DamienHursts work with animals in formaldehyde!!!! A fairamount less strssfullfor the art its self too i imagine! Keep it up andgood luck with the doggy:0)

Gareth Jenkins <>
Cardiff, UK - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 11:59:24 (PST) 
Yours is a space I have been looking for.... Thank you.

Jon Jonson <>
Bristol, UK - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 10:46:19 (PST) 
Such a beautiful bunny as Alba deserves a good home with a loving familythatcan fully appreciate all of her unique qualities.

jo steffens <>
Oakland, CA USA - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 22:57:10 (PST) 
I hereby want to express my concern for Alba's wellbeing and my supportforher to come home

S. Clement <>
- Monday, February 05, 2001 at 22:30:54 (PST) 
Shame on you Mr. Kac. That rabbit does not belong to you. Althoughyouclaim to be addressing the important issues regarding transgenic andotherbiotech created organisms, in fact you have no respect for the seriousimplicationsof this type of research. Scientists do not sit around alteringlife tomake artwork commissions. Contrary to popular belief, alteringlife requiresgreat humility on the part of the scientists, they do notalter it for thesake of art. If you want a green bunny, buy some hairdye.

USA - Monday, February 05, 2001 at 10:11:16 (PST) 
I think that Alba is wonderful and I wholeheartedly support her cominghome.In this day and age, when transgenic crops are pervasive and humancloningis imminent, we need more artists like Eduardo Kac, who make usrealizethe significance of the cultural change underway. My point is thatthe currentsituation is not as simple as advocates and opponents of biotechwould wantus to believe (good or bad). Kac's art is as complex as ourpresent condition,creating a new space for reflection and discussion.Hang in there Alba!We're waiting for you.

Gloria Parra < >
Mexico City, Mexico - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 11:28:12 (PST) 
You are all ass holes. The bunny is a living thing and it sure as helldoesntdesearve to be locked up while you do god knows what to it!! Letit go assholes!Stoptrying to play God!

Nicki <>
USA - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:37:46 (PST) 
Rabbits, like dogs or cats, need a home and the stimulation which thatenvironment(living with humans) brings to their lives. Rabbits are verysocial, respondto training and make very compatible house pets. Best ofluck to you! Andhave fun! Jenifer.

Jenifer Panter <>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 15:36:13 (PST) 
Alba is a mutated lab thing. It is also lovable. the mutatedness doesnoharm to it or it's owners. The owners love it, it loves the owners,I Don'tsee a problem

Ben Sanders
USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:06:18 (PST)
you are a sick shit

Ben Sanders
USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:04:17 (PST) 

Ben Sanders
USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:02:14 (PST) 
bunny bunny hi glowing in a greenish light please bunny come home ahaikuby mmcindoe

montgomery mcindoe <>
glen rock , nj USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 11:40:48 (PST) 
As a spinner of Angora and a keeper of Angora rabbits, I am intreguedbythe possibility of spinning a yarn that would glow under black light.Asa former Psychology major, it doesn't sound like you've harmed the rabbit,nordoes it seem like the rabbit is potentially harmful to anyone. Whyshouldn'tAlba be a pet?

Michele <>
Fremont, CA USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 13:13:42 (PST) 
I hate you, sick motherfucker!!

Hate You <>
Hateyouville, Nv USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 08:16:40 (PST) 
What possible good does it do to keep the bunny hostage?

margaret olin <>
chicago, il USA - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 11:42:26 (PST) 
Alba, sin duda es un hito en la historia del arte. El riesgo al actuarartisticamentesobre seres vivos es muy grande, pero hay que tener en cuentaque el espiritudel artista, su intuicion, su limpieza y buena voluntadnoson usuales. Elresultado no es solo ese tierno conejillo fluorescentellamado Alba, sinoque en la misma acción se incluye la responsabilidadsobre la vidafutura de Alba y su encaje social como "ser arte" que es.

Albert Girós <>
Barcelona, spain - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 03:03:15 (PST) 
I express my support for Alba to come home. I enjoyed several Kac'sartwork.

German Trench <>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 17:57:29 (PST)
I have a bunny who was a laboratory bun. I brought him home over 3yearsago, and he now lives happily and comfortably, free roaming in ourhouse.He is a source of constant joy to me and my husband. He is partof our family,and we love him with all our hearts. He comminucates withus in his bunnyway, and we find that we can understand him and he canunderstand us too.See for all the stuff about House Rabbits.Please let Albaleave the lab and come home to a loving family! A cageis no place for abun. Let her have an enriched environment to exploreso that she can learnand space so that she can run and play. She willgrow into a wonderful companion!Kac already says that she is sweet andmellow. My Lopashun is feisty, bossyand domineering, but he is also fullof love and will snuggle against mefor hours, crunching his teeth (purring)in response to deep massages andgentle stroking. RELEASE ALBA TO A LOVINGHOME! SHE DOESN'T BELONG IN THELAB!

Smithers <>
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 16:40:16 (PST) 
Dostoyvesky had once expressed the sentiment that animals would gladlywalkalongside men if men were more noble. Who put Alba in its cage inthe firstplace? We certainly owe Alba a good home.

Sharon Leong
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 21:31:00 (PST) 
Alba is a living creature and is not something to test exspecaily ifitis alive. How would you like it if someone did an experiment on youthenwanted to take it home and keep it. You people are low life and don'tdeserveany respect from anybody. Some day maybe not today, but somedayyou jerkswill realize that what u did is work and you all are going torot in hell.I love animals with all my heart and it hurts so much to hearthat you woulddo STUPID experiments on a pour living bunny. you peopleare bastards! Vivien

Vivien <twetebirdy>
IL USA - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 21:05:36 (PST) 
You Bastard!!! your a freak!!! how can you experiment on a living creature,ihope you go down and burn to helll jessica

Jessica <>
sacramento, ca USA - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 15:59:02 (PST) 
I think Alba is an amazing thing. But what I think would be a cooldisplayis individual organs, grown with the GFP. If you can grow a brainstructureor muscle tissue laced with the GFP and displayed that, the reactionwouldbe mind numbing. I have a question I was wondering and hoping youcan respondon: If you took the GFP from a jelly fish and in the wild Organismsin theocean emit an aray of colores, could you extract a protien causinga differentcolor?

Krystle Czerwinski <>
Northlake, IL USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 22:20:47 (PST) 
hello, I am currently doing a report on Alba at my school, I feel thereisno harm in taking it home, it does not harm anything, its just an ordinaryrabbit,it only glows when there is ultra violet light by it. so I giveyou my supportand hope Alba comes home! Bye!

Suwat Tareelap <>
Schiller Park, IL USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 20:35:00(PST) 
Please, just take care of her as if she was your own child

Nicki Blair <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 15:27:52 (PST) 
Free Alba.

Ellen Claycomb <>
Tempe, AZ USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 13:00:07 (PST) 
Did you see what they did to the monkey? Andy is just a cheap copyofAlba... She came first and deserves top honors. Those damn primate copycats...Yeah, let's do cats now!

George Test <>
FL USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 10:33:02 (PST) 
Brilliant! Has changed how I think of Art and Science

James Briggs <>
MElbourne, VIC Australia - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 00:15:45(PST) 
Alba has to go to her family! Best, Peter Tomaz

Dobrila Peter Tomaz <>
Maribor, SI Slovenia - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 06:45:49 (PST) 
i belive what kac did was wrong! i believe NO ONE has the right toalterwith nature! much less for a new fad. a long time ago people believedthatpaintings (art) were not "art" if they were about people or naturebecause"art" is something YOU create and you didnt create people or nature,sokac's work seems useless to me unless maybe he created bunnies or jellyfish...?on the other hand i belive above anything else alba should notbe kept ina cage, or studied on any further and the lesser of two eveilswuld be tosend alba home with kac and hopefully he will care for her responsibly.SENDALBA HOME WITH KAC!

Veruca <>
Tampa, Fl USA - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 22:50:45 (PST) 
I would just like to say that I was very interested in Alba. My Englishinstructorwanted us to look at this before our next class. I was surprisedthat youcould do such things with a bunny and that someone took that muchintrestin it. I think that Alba should be free to go home. I think thatAlba deservesit.

Kimberly <>
Bowling Green, Ohio USA - Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 09:43:10(PST) 
To put it bluntly, Alba should be placed in an environment in whichshereceives a good home and adequate care, which E. Kac and family areallthe more willing to do. I believe that too much emphasis is placedon thefact that Alba's genetic alterations are being considered as a decidingfactorfor her future. In certain senses, animals have been "altered" forcenturiesby human beings in terms of domesticating them for the convenienceof becominghousehold pets. As it is human nature to search out ways inwhich to pleasethat innate sense for companionship, so we altercate oursurroundings andthus devise ways to make that companionship possible.The only thing E.Kac wishes to do for his pet (not art project) is toprovide Alba with aloving and caring environment, and what's wrong withthat?

katie <>
SF, CA USA - Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 00:42:24 (PST) 
The fact that Alba was borned from an artist original idea is poeticandhas a lot of social implications. I would like to see Alba at Kac'shome,but it could be dangerous for the safety of cats and dogs in thecity ofChicago.

Andres Duque <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 16:17:04 (PST) 
Send Alba to space where she belongs - with the rest of the mutantalienfreaks.

Cholo Roboto
USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 13:17:47 (PST) 
Please let ALBA go home with Eduardo, so that she can become a 'normal'rabbit,keep up with your pioneering work. Eddie Neave

Eddie Neave <>
Newport, uk - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 09:56:07 (PST) 
The ethics of the creation of Alba is moot. No animal should be forcedtolive in a tiny cage, isolated from contact with its own species or thatspecieswith which it is familiar. It is cruel to keep Alba from the familysheknows.

Eugene, OR USA - Friday, January 12, 2001 at 10:14:36 (PST) 
to uphold the principles of love and humanity and to create an understandingforthe compassion of all living beings, Alba must be allowed to come home

Zoe Dorelli <>
london, United Kingdom - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 16:21:37(PST) 
Alba deserves a good home, not a solitary laboratory cage in a sterileenvironment.Just because she has one extra gene shouldn't make her a freakof nature.On the contrary, the breeding of animals for specific traitshas been donefor thousands of years without great controversy. Look atthe dachshund,bred to go into badger holes! Alba was created to show thescientific statethat we are at in terms of genetic engineering and tocreate a forum forfurther discussion of its' risks and benefits.

Dan Hoppe <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 14:26:33 (PST) 
I would like you to explain why you feel it neccesary to express yourartthough mutations. Why did you not inject the gene into a human, whowouldat least have some say in the matter?

Katrina coins <>
London, England - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 12:38:46 (PST) 
I have known that this sort of thing was done for medical research.ButI'm interested in the denial reaction of the scientific community whenitwas done for art.

Bryan Kilgallin <>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 04:47:30(PST) 
It's certainly interesting. What I'd like to know is why some peopleconsiderthis cruel, or make statements saying Alba will never be happy?While it'scertainly a question whether or not we have a right to do this,Alba isthat question posed in a neutral context - if you wish you cancontrivea situation in which this work will harm rabbits everywhere, butthat'sexactly what it would be - contrived. At worst it's little worsethan thepredominance of albino rabbits as pets. At best it offers a littleprotectionfrom UV light (and if they're anything like cats, albino rabbitswill beprone to sunburn on their ears). As to the suggestion that Kachas messedwith something that was perfect, that is pretty clearly notthe case. Ifwe're willing to acknowledge all humans different, why notall rabbits?The religious question, whether or not God approves of thisis not one I'mcertain I know the answer to. A vegetarian friend once askedme if the Biblesaid you could eat meat [1], does it say you can or cannotgenetically modifyorganisms [2]? Consider also please, that although Albais not a cure forcancer, there is a need for her existence to provokethis kind of discussion.Whether that existence should have been actualor hypothetical obviouslymakes this self referential art. By removingany benefits as well as (Ihope and believe), any harm due to the alterations,Kac has prevented thequestion being a moral balancing act. There is nomoral tradeoff here, notalk of human lives being saved or animal sufferingreduced, which forcesus to think about the rabbit's side of the equation.If only Alba couldtalk... Oh, and finally (and this is really a seperateissue, unless youbelieve Kac's actions show he wishes the rabbit harm),the cat's alreadyout of the bag, therefore let the bunny go home too.[1] Yes, it does, butI'm sure someone will have managed to reinterpretthat, and differencesof opinion are allowed also. [2] Obviously there'sno direct reference,which poses a bit of a problem.

Ian Malone (imalone) <>
UK - Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 19:09:33 (PST) 
Just let Alba go home. Why the heck do they want to keep it there,imean what more can they do. Wash her. Oh no, don't think so. No. LetAlbago home.

Larvik, Norway - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 13:17:11 (PST) 
Please return Alba to her family, where she will receive humane careandaffection.

Melanie Keister <>
Milpitas, CA USA - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 13:02:16 (PST) 
Fascinating concept - this is really interesting work. Most peopleI'vespoken to do not believe that Alba does not suffer. Bring Alba home!

Ben Klaasen <>
dublin, ireland - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 07:47:02 (PST) 
In regards to Matt Wolejko's post, I wish to point out that other transgenicorganismshave been created with the GFP gene. Countless papers and reportshave beenpublished on them, a whole industry has been generated aroundthis kindof research, and NONE of these organisms have been seen in public.If Mattthinks that the well-documented work of one artist in this areais a hoaxbased on the fact that the rabbit is still in the lab, then byconsequencehe infers that the whole field of scientific research in thisarea is ahoax too. SO Matt may not have been aware of this fact -- andhere's anotherimportant aspect of Kac's contribution to social awarenessregarding biotechnologyand culture. A few examples of other GFP-expressingcreatures can be seenhere (larvae)and here the fact that Alba is still at the French institute,I thinkMatt may have misunderstood and/or underestimated the complexityof thesituation, which is well documented in the many articles writtenaboutKac's GFP Bunny. It is very clear to me what is the nature of theproblem.On the one hand, Kac sought to promote dialogue and make us thinkaboutmany implications of genetic engineering via the social introductionofa new life form. On the other hand, an administrator at the French institutewithno consideration for art's social importance thought that allowingAlbato go to the artist's home might shift the focus away from "straightscience"and its current commercial orientation. I don't have a problem-- in principle-- with a body of scientific research generating a technologythat generatesprofit. How could anybody who has ever driven a car or flownin a plane?But I do see a real problem when administrators shield sciencefrom society,and as a result preclude other forms of inquiry, such asKac's, from beingheard. Kac is a serious, very respected artist. The "GFPBunny" artworkis brilliant. Free Alba!

Lars M. F. Hanssen <>
Norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 22:17:36 (PST) 
I want a fluorescent bunny :) FREE ALBA

Trond Broks <>
Tromsø, Norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 05:42:24 (PST) 
Free Alba! :)

solveig antonia vestmo <>
Stjørdal, Nord Trøndelag Norway - Monday, January08,2001 at 05:28:09 (PST)
Good luck getting your rabbit back, best wishes Hilde Maisey

Hilde Maisey <>
Oslo, Norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 05:13:45 (PST) 
Free Alba!!!!!

Janice <>
Norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 04:35:44 (PST)
Bring ALBA home! There`s no reason why ALBA shouldn`t come home. Sheneedsto be with her family and not be hidden away. ALBA belongs to Mr.Kac andhis family where she will get attention and affection. FREE ALBA

nico von meyer <>
oslo, norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 04:04:25 (PST) 
I think you are really f***** up in yor head to mess with an innocentlifelike that! Hope you never get that rabitt back! And please don´ttothe same to a dog! F*** you!! from an animal and nature lover :) Don´tmesswith things that are perfect from the beginning....they are createdthatway to stay that way!

Maren <>
Hamar, Norway - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 03:25:55 (PST) 
I think alba should be free

Brett Payne <>
reynoldsburg, oh USA - Sunday, January 07, 2001 at 13:05:53 (PST) 
I started my reseach on the GFP Bunny as part of a scince project forschool.However, after reading and studying I too have come to love andcherishthis unique and beautiful life form and I can only hope peoplesencouragmentwill help free Abla.

Gordon Walker <>
Cambridge, MA USA - Sunday, January 07, 2001 at 11:38:06 (PST) 
Looks an awful lot like a hoax to me. Could we have some evidence thissupposedglowing bunny exists aside from an easily Photoshopped green picture?(Seemy website for an even more astounding transgenic artwork) My guessis thatthe rabbit never surfaces because there never was a glowing rabbit.I'mnot saying it's impossible, but one would think that luminescence beingsoapparent in something as complex as a rabbit would get some exposure,notbe hidden away...

matt wolejko <>
fitchburg, ma USA - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 00:25:27 (PST)
I read about Alba in this week's New Scientist, and it seems very unfairthatAlba can't come and live with you. Hope you succeed, and I reallyenjoyedyour Genesis work. Regards John

John Curran <>
Gloucestershire, England - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 15:59:00(PST) 
alba sighting: color image of alba on refrigerator door at artist laurapaddock'shouse in los angeles.

sue joyce <>
glendora, ca USA - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 11:16:19 (PST) 
Bring that Bunny home!! She needs to be with her family, best of luck

Jessica <>
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Wednesday, January 03, 2001 at 00:47:24 (PST) 
This will be one case where an 'experimental' animal can have a happyending!There's no reason why Alba shouldn't come home.

Denise Perrault <>
Quincy, MA USA - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 08:39:58 (PST) 

JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 23:47:39 (PST) 
While I'm not sure where I stand on E.Kac's use of living creaturesasart, I think that Alba should be with him and his family here in thestates.There is no reason why this PET rabbit should be separated fromthe manwho loves her so much. I understand why E.Kac has done what hehas to Alba,and perhaps while investigating the properties of art andlife and godlinesshe has played God a bit, but he has not created a monsteror a threat toour ecosystem. Alba is simply an albino rabbit who glowsunder specificlight. He has not caused her harm, he has not threatenedthe rabbit species.They should be together. Alba will not be given thecomfortable, loving,nurturing home she deserves and was planned for herif she is not allowedto join E.Kac here in the states. Let the glowingrabbit go to her family.Let them love her and take care of her and treather as a beloved pet, forthat is the real intent of all of this genetictweaking, to creat a verywell known pet. Let Alba go.

Kirsten Williams <>
Upper Black Eddy, PA USA - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 07:26:33(PST) 
The bunny needs to go home to its family. My bunny agrees, even thoughhedoes not glow. =)

Mark Siegenfeld <>
davis, ca USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 13:33:35 (PST) 
True Scientists deal with the stereotype of the Mad Scientist.Mr. Kacdoesnothing but reinforce this stereotype, making people fear scienceand geneticresearch. Experiments like this have limited what real scientistcan doin the US.

USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:42:51 (PST) 
Free Alba !!! It belongs to Mr Kac and his family !

guido sechi <>
roma, italia - Tuesday, December 26, 2000 at 14:58:36 (PST) 
Why the heck shouldn't Alba be with Kac? Can anybody come up with onegoodreason supporting the separation? No, Alba belongs to him, he's responsibleforher. She should definitely be given back.

Halcyon <>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 00:09:20 (PST) 
The crime is not that Kac has made a bunny that glows in the dark (beingaformer "glow vendor" of glowing necklaces at a theme park, I can onlyimaginethe profit potential such an animal would have). Kac's ideas aremore humanethan my own aforementioned. The crime here is that a rabbitis being withheldfrom it's loving owner. Be it glow-in-the-dark or not,many of us know theattachments we feel for our pets. To have ALBA withheldfrom Mr. Kac isthe cruelty.

Ken Vian <>
Lombard, IL USA - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 17:30:00 (PST) 
first, i want to compliment kac on the addition of this forum to thewebsite--it'sinteresting to see the dialogue that surrounds the issuessurrounding bothgenetic manipulation as well as those surrounding whatwe now conceive asethical expression, artistic or otherwise. personally,i admire the projectand find it amazingly groundbreaking--not for thesimple fact of the noveltyof making a glowing bunny (which, despite itall, my basic, simplest instinctssay 'supercool'), but how the introductionof such a creature into an artforum calls to attention a lot of conceptstaken for granted in many people would say having golden retrieversas pets is 'cruel andunusual'? likewise for any type of purebred animal,no matter what the species.most of us wouldn't object to having thesein our homes, despite the factthat they could never survive in the wild.i love my cats and treat themwell; they have the comfort and freedom theyneed in and outside my home,but i do watch over them as they would berather inept predators in thecity. and i think any animal owner who loveshis or her animals would agree--albawill be right at home in the lovingcare of the kac family.

Celeste Pietrusza <>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 01:54:02 (PST) 
How can I get this kind of rabbit at home ?

valery grancher <>
paris, France - Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 03:45:12 (PST) 
i hope , it's my

fatih karacirak <>
corum, TURKEY - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 12:35:42 (PST) 
I find this work to be fascinating and look forward to the progressionofthe project.

Wendy Bauer <>
Henderson, NV USA - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 13:06:33 (PST) 
where is Alba??? She should be with the Kac family. |=<

Jeanie <>
WA usa - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 20:05:06 (PST) 
Breeding experiments can be done in the United States, too. Artificialinseminationcould even be used. I hope Alba gets liberated from the laboratory.

Bill Cunningham <>
Cahaba Heights, AL USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 18:54:54 (PST) 
Fantastic. The whole idea stricks me that way. I see nothing wrongwithwhat you're doing. Doing what you're is no different then what's alreadybeendone to rabbits. I doubt God would mind your useing the brains hegave youin this manner. And you SHOULD be allowed to bring him home. Youscertainlysounds like a loving family. I once knew of a man in Californiathat ownedmany many fancy rabbits that all lived in very clean cages inhis barn.The hides were bieutiful. They were bred just for those hides.They wereraised to be butchered. They breed different qualities into cattleall thetime. What's new? First chance you take your rabbithome andtell the do-gooders to stick it in thier ear. God doesn't mindwhat you'vedone.

Omaha, NE USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 18:47:12 (PST) 
Bring her home

John McCallum <>
Boston, Ma USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 18:07:13 (PST) 
First off, I would like to say that I congratulate you on finding suchaway to bring out conversation about the impressions of normalcy in lifeaswe know it. There is so much out there beyond the comprehension of thehumanmind, to have someone so creatively and sucessfully bring out humanconversationand congitive processes in a world that has dulled our sensesand our mindis a breath of fresh air. Second, it is also nice to knowthat someone hasthe forward thought to find a solution to deal with theramifications forwhat they have done. Your expectation to give Alba aloving and caring homeupon her return to Chicago is as much a breatheof fresh air as anything.Most individuals would do something for the gloryand when the fanfare wearsoff, then the project they took on is null andvoid to them and left todecay either physically, mentally, or otherwise.Third, in reading the historyunder the Guestbook, one message stands outto me. The one stating thatAlba's breeding could break into the naturalworld and cause destructionto the rabbit population because a GFP-Bunnycan not hide from predators.Ludicrous! Kac writes that it take a speciallight to make her glow, andshe does not just glow all the time. Everytimean artist or scientist hasmade great break throughs in the world (be itart, science or both) thereare few people who can see and understand thepresence of mind involvedin what they do and see them for the "genius"they are. More often theyare over-run by critics calling them screw-upsand sadists or whatever thecritic feels fits. Someday everyone will lookback at what Kac has broughtinto the public eye and what will come outof it in return and see the goodhe has done. It is the short-sighted peoplewho have the biggest problemswith change. I am an artist myself, and cansee the ramifications that thiscould have on the art world as well asthe scientific world. Come on people,it is not like someone has combineda rabbit and a cheetah. For centurieswe have selectively breed and coaxedgenes to be what we want. Faster horses,bigger dogs, oil-feeding bacteria,and countless other opportunities. Eachone of those was seen as a positiveoutcome because the goal was short-sighted.Look at the long term of thisproject. People are talking about issues thatnormaly would be taboo, Sciencehad another opportunity to examine and learnjust how DNA works. This couldlead to future genetic alteration to preventpre-disposition to canceror other illness. It can help us understand howthe DNA explains who andwhat we are. Finally, I support Alba's return toChicago to be with herfamily and under the caring and watchful eye of Kac.

Lucy Roberts <>
Dallas, TX USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 13:44:49 (PST) 
That is one funky fresh bunny. I could just picture a whole bunch ofthemat a rave with all the blacklights and a bunch of ecstacied up teenstrippin'on the trails they leave. That my friends... is art.

George <>
miami, fl usa - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 11:52:40 (PST) 
they should give Kac back his bunny! if they want to expierement thenmakea new one. poor bunny. really give her back to her family you frenchassholesits where she belongs.

Marty C. <>
USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 20:00:25 (PST) 
Cute bunny.

Richard Tibbetts <>
Cambridge, MA USA - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 20:39:44 (PST) 
Alba is Mr. Kac's rightful property.

Christopher M. Maple <>
USA - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 19:12:05 (PST) 
Set Alba Free!

Beau Hitt <>
kirkland, wa USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 14:10:56 (PST) 
We love you Alba. This project is one of the most significant art/sciencetoaddress those issues which hugely impact on all of us today.

ann wulff <>
Brisbane, qld AUSTRALIA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 01:03:29(PST) 
I can not possibly understand how a lack of respect for animals canbeviewed as "art". This is nothing more than another tasteless human waytoshow it's superiority over other creatures. You can not tell me thatyoulove and respect your fellow creatures when you change the way natureintendedthem to be. Animals are not your play things. They are to be honoredandrespected. "Creating" this thing does not show any respect at all.You arenot a god, nor are humans meant to be. It is this sick behaviorthat makesme ashamed to be human. Thanks for showing me (and remindingme) how uglyand repulsive humans can really be.

Ximena Q. <>
davis, CA USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 15:33:10 (PST) 
Eduardo Kac's defense to animal rights activists thus far has beenthatAlba is not "a work of art", but, rather, "a social event" and thereforeshewas not created only as a spectacle. However, if you read through hisplansfor the upcoming transgenic dog, Eduardo refers to this many timesas "transgenicart". Animals have a right to live the lives meant for themby nature. Toimbue a creature with an unneccessary phenotypic trait, suchas glowing,is simply a new form of cruelty. It expands the idea the humansare moreimportant than animals, and that our desires, such as to see abunny glow,are more important. It is sick. On top of this fact, this GFPgene couldin fact get into a native population of rabbits and create anunnaturalmutation in the wild. This may sound like nonsense, but it hasalready happenedin the case of salmon genetically enginnered to grow extralarge and fat.Somehow salmon containing this gene were able to breed withnative populationsin the waters surrounding Scotland, with the resultof many fat and lazysalmon literally dying off in that region. There isnow an ecological crisisconcerning salmon. If rabbits in the wild beganto glow, how would theyhide from natural predators? There is a reasonmammls do not glow, and everyoneshould respect this. Eduardo's statementsthat both the GFP bunny and futureGFP dog should be free to mate is ludicrousand ecologically dangerous.As a student at the Art Institute of Chicago,I am ashamed that Eduardoteaches at our school. His selfish "works ofart" are irrespinsible to theindividual animals as well as to the wellbeing of the biosphere. I hopeAlba bites him.

Lauren Kessinger <>
Chicago, OH USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 15:17:44 (PST) 
I'm so happy to see genetic enginering finally being recognised asthebeautiful artwork it is. I give my welcome to Alba the GFP bunny, andawaitGFP dog, and GFP cat... Hopefully such breeding programs will beestablishedwith kennel, cat, and rabbit clubs so that every one can enjoythem. Thankyou!

Tania Grunewald <>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 11:11:00 (PST) 
As an admirer of the groundbreaking and pioneering work that EduardoKachas been developing for over fifteen years, particularly with telepresenceandbiotelematics, and more recently with his transgenic art, I read withgreatinterest the postings in the Alba guestbook. I think it is wonderfultohave such a forum, and I think it is great that the postings reflecta widearray of opinions. A recent posting by Pam Barrie seems to suggestthatKac did not conceive of Alba. Pam snides at the fact the Chicago Tribunereporterdid not reach the scientists in time for his story, but failsto noticethat the Boston Globe reporter did reach the scientists. TheBoston Globearticle says: "The scientist who created her for Kac, Louis-MarieHoudebine,said he doesn't know when, or if, Alba will be allowed to joinKac, butsaid that she is healthy, and even noted that she has a "particularlymellowand sweet dispostion." (Boston Globe, 9/17/2000). Here we hear itdirectlyfrom the scientist. This is clear and conclusive evidence of Kac'screativegesture. Earlier articles published in France also clearly confirmKac'screative role (for example: Midi Libre, 20 June 2000, p. 8., VaucluseMatin,Provence, 20 June 2000, p. 3; La Provence, 20 June 2000, p. 4.).Anyonefamiliar with Kac's work knows that he originally proposed in 1998the creationof a transgenic dog, as part of his "GFP K-9" project, a projectthat inmy view is directly related to "GFP Bunny". On many occasions Kacstatedthat since it was not technically possible to create a transgenicdog in1998, he realized that the creation of another mammal (in this case,a rabbit)would bring similar issues to the foreground (for example: BostonGlobeon 9/17/2000). Pam seems to imply that the fact that scientists atINRAand elsewhere had created transgenic rabbits before somehow altersKac'swork. I disagree. The question is not technological primacy, butculturalenframing. Besides, if we look closely at note #17 in Kac's "GFPBunny"essay (, we see that he statesthat thefirst transgenic rabbits were created in 1985. So, the questionis not whenwas the first transgenic rabbit created, or how many transgenicrabbitsINRA had created before Alba, but what is the cultural impact ofKac's work.In my view, Kac's work is art of the utmost importance, precisleybecauseof the complexity and the depth of the philosophical and socialissues heraises.

Walter Silverstone <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, December 03, 2000 at 10:43:52 (PST) 
gfp bunny was not in avignon last summer why?

mo mouton <>
vaison la romaine, france - Sunday, December 03, 2000 at 06:25:49(PST) 
Alba is a grand experiment in just how far Man can twist Mother Nature'sarm.As a molecular biologist, I have trouble understanding the fuss madeoverAlba. She is unique and has rocked the pillars of Heaven with thesheerstaggering power of our technology, but so have many other scientificcreationsthat have arisen in the past few years, clones and stem cellsto name two.Let her come home, let her breed. I'd like a GFP-Bunny myself.:) -Bastion

Bastion Ridley <>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 23:32:39 (PST) 
You are not an artist, you are sadist. stop the cruelty. why don'tyoutransform yourself?

emit mahoney <>
sf, ca USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 21:49:05 (PST) 
I doubt "Alba" will be coming to Chicago any time soon, because shedoesnot appear to me to be the property, physical or intellectual, ofEduardoKac. Rather, she would seem to be the object of an act of artisticappropriation--hardlya groundbreaking gesture, but carried off with considerableironic finesse.I began to have my suspicions about "GFP Bunny" after readingthe Reutersreport of 6/10/2000 ("French Scientists Hopping Mad Over GMRabbit") andMr. Kac's appended note (see "Transgenic Art Bibliography"on Kacweb). Accordingto a spokeswoman from the Institut National de laRecherche Agronomique(INRA), Mr. Kac learned about their work on a transgenicGFP rabbit "duringa conversation with one of the scientists who helpeddevelop her." WhileMr. Kac claims in his note that he had already "conceivedof GPF Bunny"before this conversation, he does not comment on the INRA'sapparent disavowalof his artistic guidance in their work. According toyet another source(Biology News, 12/10/2000), INRA scientists had beenimplementing plansfor the rabbit long before any contact with Mr. Kac,"as part of their researchon tagging embryos with fluorescent markers."A careful perusal of Mr. Kac'sown statements will show that he never claimsto have "worked together"with the scientists (as Shona Reed puts it inthe online "Interview withEduardo Kac, Genolog website), nor does he himselfsay he "planned the projectwith scientists" (Chicago Tribune 19/9/200.The scientists themselves "couldnot be reached for comment"). Mr. Kachas only said that GFP Bunny "comprisesthe creation" of Alba (among otherthings), and that "this was accomplishedwith the assistance" of the INRAscientists he names in a note (see "GFPBunny," Kacweb). Whether that "assistance"was intentional or not is a matterfor interpretation, and Mr. Kac haslet us all interpret as we wish. Yetit seems to me unlikely that the INRAscientists in question would have"assisted" Mr. Kac in the ordinary senseof the term. Louis-Marie Houdebinehas written on such topics as the useof transgenic rabbits to study HIVand familial cardiomyopathy; PatrickPrunet heads a team studying the adaptationof fish to coastal environments.I learned this much about them from theINRA's own website. But despitecopious (Borgesian?) references to scientificliterature and to every westernphilosopher from Aristotle to Buber, Mr.Kac has given us no concrete,particular details on his conversations andcollaboration with these individuals.What meetings took place with Houdebineand Prunet, and under what auspices?Is a narrative or report by the scientiststhemselves available? What wasthe funding source? How were these researchersinduced to "assist" in anartistic endeavor--and one with a questionableimpact on public relations?I cannot find answers to these questions onMr. Kac's impressive website.If, on the contrary, "Alba" was planned andcreated by the INRA scientistsfor research purposes, and merely appropriatedby Mr. Kac as a case ofscience realizing his own artist imaginings, I thinkhe should correctthose who have misunderstood him and misrepresented hisachievement. Ashe himself has put it in the Genolog interview, "the materializationofan imaginary being produces an unprecedented ambiguity."--PRB

Pam Barrie
USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 14:51:02 (PST) 
May Alba's creation shed light and thought on the growing debate aboutgeneticengineering, and may she live a long and happy life with her familyin Chicago.

L. Yimm
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 20:16:40(PST) 
Where better for Alba to be than with her creator? Send her soon, please.

Lauren Riggin <>
Okemah, OK USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 09:57:03 (PST) 
This is not a scientific controversy, or at least it shouldn't be.Thisis a rabbit, a household pet, who should be loved and taken care ofin ahome. Yes, she glows under black light, but this can be utilized forshowingpeople how different and the same everything on earth is.

USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 16:47:31 (PST) 
After reading the background material on Alba and the artist's thoughts.Iam absolutely convinced that their is no one person better suited totakecare of the animal than Mr. Kac. Tony Barton

Tony Barton <>
Palm Springs, CA USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 15:41:52 (PST) 
Alba should go home and live a real rabbit's life! Alba belongs inhertrue home- America

jenesaispas, euh... USA (ok) - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:42:02(PST) 
You created Alba; Alba should come home!

Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:39:42 (PST) 
i want to express my support for Alba to come home. This rabbit isthemost funny and nice and futur from rabbit and i want that he becomefreeand have one happy and nice long life (with babys?...

esperet <>
nancy, france - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 07:19:10 (PST) 
I have apreciated your work so much, that I'm using some of your materialinthe Molecular Biology course that I teach at the Science Faculty attheMexico's National Autonomous University were I am full Professor

Dr. Victor Valdes-Lopez <>
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 18:59:52 (PST)
I applaud the imagination of Mr. Kac and his creations. :) I am alsoanartist, scientist, and a supporter of transgenesis, for it is the future,OURfuture! Xenomorphism is a true artform, and an artform that representsthetimes we NOW LIVE IN. No longer are we restricted to using paint andbrushto express ourselves, we can do more! Much of my art has been expressedin"living robots" and alien landscapes which are beautiful to behold.A decadeago I experimented with rat GSH in an attempt to produce a dog-sizedrat.I was only able to create a small cat sized rat with gross bone deformaties.Asugly as he was, he had a beauty that one lady in the eastern USA fellinlove with, and he found a home with her, in his own special cage, andfedplenty of oreo cookies and doritos (his favorite foods). :) I hadn'tthoughtmuch about xenomorphic or transgenic art in a long time, and thanksto Mr.Kac, my interest is once again peaked. He is definately someoneI need totalk to and to meet. :) Luckily he's only 20 minutes away byair. Pleaseallow Alba to come home and to be loved. Cheers! sq

Steve J. Quest <>
Des Moines, IA USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 23:16:15 (PST) 
Back again to check out the site.

Buddy walker <>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 17:49:40 (PST) 
I think that's right to allow that Alba come back to her family : letAlbago home !

alessandra ciauri <>
roma, italia - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 12:12:59 (PST) 
Please release poor Alba to her true family. It is a crime to leavethisfamily bunny in a cold lab cell. The discourse will not be stoppedas aresult of leaving Alba behind bars. She is a scape-rabbit. Glow onAlba,glow on home!

Gordon Knox <>
NYC, NY USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 18:57:20 (PST) 
Free Alba!!!

Chris <>
Mendham, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 17:16:41 (PST) 
Bring Alba home

shannon spanhake <>
chicago, il USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 14:55:04 (PST) 

Alba needs to come home with the person who knows her the best andprobablyappreciates her the most. If there are any ethical problems regardingTGart denying this cute bunny a comfy home is certainly it!
chicago, IL USA - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 17:16:56 (PST) 
I haven't quite figured out what I think about transgenic art projects,butin the end, I think I'm ok with it. More importantly now is this poorbunny.Poor Alba!

She needs a home. Even if they are nice to her in her lab, someonelovesher and wants her to be with his family. Unless there was some agreementthatshe was to be a lab animal at her birth, an idea which disturbs meanyway,I think that she should get to go home with Mr. Kac the same wayshe wouldhave if she were the offspring of a neighbor's pet bunny thathe had laidclaimed to in the litter. In any case, she looks like a cuteanimal, andthe story of her nuzzling Mr. Kac is very sweet. I agree, Alba+ Kac Household+ carrots + pleasant home in Chicago = happy rabbit, andwhy anyone wouldwant to make the rabbit unhappy (she's surely alreadyhad enough stressin her life by now) is beyond my understanding as bothan animal lover anda rational human who still hasn't figured out wherehe stands on her inception/conceptionas art project.

Scratch her behind the ears for me when you get the chance.
Patrick Cooper <>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 16:18:45 (PST)

Wow...I just caught on to this today!... This is more than I canimaginewhat is next... I belive this Art created was totally mesmerizedme. I appreciateart. This was fantastic. Though I have a moral side tothe coin what nextin life...we do have green ketcup today. Can we imaginethe possiblitiesfor art and science. I cannot judge this only appreciateand hope we canonly learn from this. It is a personal journey to eachand every one ofus. Good bad or indifferent. Hope for the best.
USA - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 10:27:27 (PST) 
I mistakenly referred to ALBA as a male rabbit earlier sorry 'boutthat.That's not as important as a comment from a Davor McRay that wasdisgustedwith the other comments that "You people could start a war" Idon't liketo stereotype folks but that seems to be a comment from oneof the stupidones. Guess we should all be riding around on square wheels.

Buddy walker <>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 17:53:33 (PST)
I believe ALBA should be returned to the man who cares for him. Asfaras the concern that he might father babies so what, if the geneticengineeringdidn't hurt him it won't hurt the offspring.

Buddy Walker <>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 16:34:09 (PST) 
let Alba come home to her family!!!

Edward Shanken <>
Durham, NC USA - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 12:45:17 (PST) 
Prezado Eduardo Kac, Seu trabalho navega por mares fundoacreditoque você é uma espécie de coringa, sofre comsuas decisõesmas crê que deve tomá-las. GFP Bunnyé um projeto aomesmo tempo grotesco e maravilhoso! Nos faz questionarvários aspectosda evolução da genética quefingimos não perceber.Esbarra na ética, fere a moral...aomesmo tempo é premonitóriocomo tantas obras da FC, comopreviu anos atrás H.G.Wells em seuromance "A Ilha do Doutor Moureau".Sinto que não há comobrecar o avanço da engenhariagenética e que as hibridizações(uma realidade játrivial nos alimentos transgênicos)serãotambém umarealidade banal dentro de poucas décadas e assimcomo o seu coelho-agua-viva,teremos novas quimeras humanas, talvez tornandoreais os mitos gregos:Homens/Cavalos(Centauros), Mulheres/peixe (Sereias),etc... Enquanto humanistaque ama a vida e sente a doçura dos pequenosseres, desejo que ALBAretorne ao seu lar e possa ter o amor de uma família...dentretantasdescobertas e avanços tecnológicos ainda nãodescobrinada tão fabuloso quanto a ternura. Edgar Franco. Mestrandoem Multimeiosda Unicamp.

Edgar Franco <>
Campinas, SP Brasil - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 07:31:38 (PDT) 
Alba should return home to Mr. Kac, her rightful guardian, not be keptina lab for pointless studies.

C. Nagengast <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 22:06:33 (PDT) 
It should come back home...

Selim Koyen
Cambridge, MA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 21:24:07 (PDT) 
Mr.Kac had no right. No animal deserves this. It doesn't matter whereAlbagoes, she'll never be happy the way she is. Mr.Kac is crazy! The lifeofa living creature isn't worth art. I don't see any art in what thiswormof Mr.Kac did. It's OK to do medical research on animals, but a jelly-rabbit!Definitly,E.Kac is crazy. I rest my case.

Montreal, Quebec CANADA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 16:12:15(PDT) 
"What, this bunny? No, it's just a white bunny, I'm bringing her homewithme, as a souveneir from France... Uh-huh, as a pet... Okay, thanks..."Well what do you know? She glows in the dark! How did that happen!

Shawn Longino <>
Chicago, Illinois USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 12:46:17(PDT) 
Attention! TO THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE DECISIONS!! PLEASE DO NOT DELAY Alba'sreturnto a stable home, with an family of real people that will provideher withcrispy carrots and a plethora of other lovely items to happilychew on,and space to romp around, where she will not be exploited or neglected.......

Elis Sheridan <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 00:40:52 (PDT) 
I am in TOTAL SUPPORT of Alba being genetically altered. I think shehassubsequently received loving care and has raised the awareness of thecommunityas to the possibilities of pursuing unfamiliar and beneficialprojects,such as Eduardo's. I say give him more all the time and resourceshe wantsto infiltrate the mindset of students and thinkers: the torchbearersofthe future. in the mean time Alba should be able to go home, to liveina supportive and caring environment..........

Monica Dellert <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 00:33:00 (PDT) 
the artist should keep it it is his. or he should get money for itandthe scientists should pay him or the scientists study it then the artistgetsit

marc <>
palos verdes, ca USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 20:49:27 (PDT)
We have bunnies - they need a loving home. Let Alba go home to theUSto a nice family!!

James Dorband <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 12:51:46 (PDT) 
I think it would benefit science and art if people actually had thechanceto see the bunny. IT NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT BACK HOME ASAP!!!!!!!!!I wantto see the glowing Bunny!

Paul Roustan <>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 11:29:23 (PDT) 
As long as nothing's harmed, physically or emotionally, I'm all forthefurther diversification of nature. The only issue here is weather humanshavematured enough to recognize a potentially threatening thing (likehumancloning) from the harmless, silly ones (like glowing rabbits). Itsverycyberpunk. And sweet. So bring that bunny home. Jeff. ; - )

Jeff Hearn <>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 10:49:34 (PDT) 
I think that you should get the rabbit even though they think thatiswas not right for a man to do this to rabbit. I think that it doesn'tmatterwhat is wrong with the rabbit. He should get it, he want it to havea lovingfamily and he stated that alba has mixed emotions.

erik <>
los angeles, ca USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 23:13:31 (PDT) 
While I am vehemently opposed to the use of rabbits as laboratory animalsusedin experiments, the fact that Mr. Kac seems to have done no harm totherabbit and that he is more than willing to take Alba into his home,to loveher and give her a normal life, I believe that she should be allowedtolive with the artist. She is not a lab animal and deserves a life, asdoall bunnies, in a safe loving home where she is loved and cared foras afamily member.

Carol Anderson
USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 22:30:41 (PDT) 
Nothing to add, but I expect the rabbit will have a much nicer timewithyou and your family than in a lab. Lovely looking creature. Good luck.HelenHopcroft

Helen Hopcroft <>
Sydney, Australia - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 20:55:03 (PDT) 
I don't remember ever being less proud of being human than today! Imustadmit I could not force myself to reading all of them, but all thismoronic,patriotic, sadistic comments are just too much to grasp. In thename ofart, I think wars can be started with you people.

Davor McRay <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 20:43:06 (PDT) 
WHEN she does come home, I highly recommend having her spayed becausefemalerabbits have a high chance of ovarian cancer, which spaying prevent.Youcan then very easily train her to use a litter box, just like a cat,andshe can live in your home without a cage. You must take care though,tokeep wires and cords out of her reach due to chewing. I have a 4 yearoldrabbit who has been cage free since she was 6 mo. old. She also travelswithus world-wide. They make wonderful pets. You can see her at: wish you lots of luck in bringing her home. Not too convincedonmaking her green, though, even for art....and my husband is an artistsoI can understand you somewhat. Jana

Jana <>
Los Angeles, ca USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 19:51:06 (PDT) 
I think that Alba is pretty cool and that they should let the bunnygohome!

usa - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 16:26:13 (PDT) 
I hope you are able to get Alba back. I wish you good luck.

Kim Slawson <>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 13:31:59 (PDT) 
My friend has a company called GreenRabbitDesign Studios and then thisarticlefrom the Washington Post was emailed to me telling me there reallyis aGREEN RABBIT that exists and now that I know that, this little creature,ALBA,needs to stay alive and be adopted by someone who cares about keepingitalive, loved and cherished for its' very special quality feature ofbeingGreen. Living caged and in a laboratory is definitely an animal rightsissueand being a member of PETA I am definitely supporting ALba's freedom.....perhapsPETAcould help you with this situation (only a suggestion). Alba deservesit'sfreedom.....blessings, Debra Eve In Phoenix, AZ

Debra Eve Piatetsky <>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 13:19:05 (PDT) 
great idea! of course alba should come home. she is your idea. yourcreation.but watch out the PETA people find out where she is and freeher to glowin the dark - in the outside real world. just curious though- is thereanything that could be put into food or the bloodstream or eventatooedto get the same effect? lots of potential here for the club circuit.

jim white <>
los angeles, ca USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 13:02:20 (PDT) 
Let Alba go home!

Peter Steinberg <>
Rochester, ny USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 10:06:41 (PDT) 
I am fascinated and impressed by Eduardo Kac's GFP Bunny project. Ihadnot heard of Kac until I recently read about the creation and discussionaroundAlba. Kac is one of the only artists that I have come across whocreatescontexts from which new artforms emerge. After reading his knowledgeabletextson his site, I see that he has continuously created artwork thatpushesthe boundaries of contemporary art, in a radical, yet thoughtfulway. Ihope to see more about Kac's artwork in the future. Most importantly,Iencourage whoever is deciding the fate of Alba to see that Kac is fosteringrespectand public understanding for transgenic animals. This is a historicalmomentin contemporary culture. Alba should be at home and part of theKac family.

Delilah Kauffman <>
NYC, NY USA - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 23:40:55 (PDT) 
After reading the heartful "It's Not Easy Being Green" in the WashingtonPost,my heart goes out to you Kac. "Alba" needs the love and bond thatONLY bunnylovers know. "Alba" knows you love her and that you'll takecare of herand make her feel wanted and needed. Rabbits are very sensitiveand veryloving. I have had rabbits all my life and I'm 48 years old. Ihave an angorafawn colored bunny named "Rita". "Rita is my life and mybest friend thatI can cuddle and stroke when I'm feeling down. There isno justificationfor "Alma" to have to contiinue to be used for scientificpurposes. Pleasegive "Alma" a loving home. Warmly, Catherine Walsh "tt f n" (ta ta fornow).

Catherine Walsh <>
HERNDON, VA USA - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 17:41:09 (PDT) 
Alba's quality of life will be better in the Kac home than anywhereonearth. There is no good reason to keep her in a lab environment whenshecould be living with a family!

Regina Harders <>
Oak Park, IL USA - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 08:55:24 (PDT) 
I might not agree with this form of art, but I do know that a rabbitneedsa proper home. I, myself, am the owner of an adorable Dwarf rabbit.Hisname is Carrot Cake, and I'm sure that if he could understand whatI'vebeen telling him about Alba, then he would agree. Alba should comehome!

Shannon <>
Sterling, VA USA - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 15:19:43 (PDT) 
Let Alba come home! Don't be cruel to animals!

David Branson <>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 09:01:51 (PDT) 
Alba is wonderful rabbit. It's very interesting. You good work

kerem yilmaz <>
ANKARA, A.AYRANCI TURKEY - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 04:27:32(PDT) 
Show the damn bunny some love

Shannon Wampler <>
Charlottesville, VA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 21:28:40(PDT) 
Rabbit is God's creature. Man should not tamper with rabbit as Godcreated.

Francisco Olmos
Espana - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 20:19:22 (PDT) 
Dude, the other day, I was thinking, you know, what we really needmoreof in the world are rabbits. Not just any rabbits. Green rabbits.That glow.Quantum transports would be cool, too, where you could stepin and pusha button and *blamo!* you're chillin' in Tahiti, but that'sbesides thepoint, and it comes in a distant second to green rabbits anyway.Right.So you can imagine my surprise when I'm checking out the paper today(andthis is like, the Washington Post, not the Enquirer or something)and there'sthis picture a real live green rabbit! I was like, "whoa!!!".I was so totallyblown away that, after looking at the picture for a while,I read the article!It was a real tear jerker. Poor Alba. Locked up inFrance, of all places.I know if I were a green rabbit, France is the lastplace I'd want to be.And they're keeping her there for "experimentationwith mating". As if matingis what rabbits like to do, and not playingand frolicking with grown men.It's a real bummer, if you ask me. Somethingas special as Alba deservesto be shared with the whole world. I mean,in the article, it was, like,saying that on a genetic level, us peoplearen't all that different frommustard, let alone rabbits. So maybe Albacould be a force for global unity,or something. Maybe if those peoplein the middle east could see this greenrabbit, they would realize thatthey weren't all that different after all,and put down their rocks andguns and join in song, or something like that.Maybe, like, people couldstart a free Alba campaign, or something, likethey did with that whale.They could make a movie too. Then more peoplewould understand how luckythey are to live in a time when miracles likethis are possible. And prettysoon, there'll be people and mustard and rabbitsall living together, in,like, harmony, and stuff. Also, if there were lotsof green rabbits, whenthey died you could make a really cool coat. Dude,if you went to a ravewearing that . . . wow, that would be beast! Anyway,I guess what I'm gettingat is, anyone who's responsible for gracing thisgood earth with greenrabbits, in my book, ought to be considered a hero.So Mr. Kac, I offeryou my heartfelt thanks, and I want you to know thatmy prayers are withAlba.

Benjamin Krohmal <>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 16:26:41 (PDT) 
Alba should be back home: The USA!!!!!!

K. Thuy Adkins <>
Charlottesville, VA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 15:52:50(PDT) 
Please send Alba home with the Kac family. Give this little life itschanceto be loved.

Joanna Cumming
USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 15:31:59 (PDT) 
I love Alba.....

sofia santos <>
Falls Church, VA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 13:17:45 (PDT) 
Abla should be FREE but it does not mean that E.Kac is the owner ofthatrabbit. This rabbit is scientific creater!!! I think Mr.Kac just tryingtoshow himself besides this rabbit.....

USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 05:12:51 (PDT) 
Eduardo Kac's GFB-Bunny project brings up critical contemporary issuesonthe social and cultural impact of new biotechnologies in our lives.Albahas a space in our social life and she needs to go home!

Mel Patero
USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 10:24:45 (PDT) 
The idea of genetically altering a bunny for art has mind bogglingimplications.Art should help us question how genetic research affectshumanity. I amnot sure I would like a jellybunny of my own even thoughthe implicationsare not clear cut.

Angela Kelly <>
Rochester, NY USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 10:21:51 (PDT) 
Free Albart !

L'epongistes <>
Strasbourg, F - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 09:11:01 (PDT) 
Alba should live in a place where she will get attention and affection.

Ed Bennett
USA - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 19:18:51 (PDT) 

ARRECTIS AURIBUS, the sanguine expectation for the consummated marriageof Science to Art waxes intently with the first forays into transgenicart. Can human imagination be confided in, however, to fashion a Creationmore tremendous than that hitherto generated by the predicatedly unconciouscourse of evolution?
   It is doubtful, if gen-engineers should gain impetusthrough commercial  interests; the convictionless engines of profitare necessarily held in check by bio-ethicists, culled from the ranks ofthe seminaries and assorted rights NGOs, who will protest any creativeexercise of genetic invention beyond that which benefits humanity as inthe fields of medicine, saving lives, and agriculture, feeding the hungry.Although the entertainment industry may wish to employ transgenic artistsas ring-masters for the crass and childish  amusements which the publicif with a guilty conscience will demand, the moralists will undoubtedlynot have it. Yet, in the event that they will ultimately not circumscribethe genetic craft within strictly humanitarian ends, after an hundred yearsof the robotics, information, and bio-tech industries booming in concomitancewith social policies purposed to foster through gene therapies the rootingout of such as "the rape gene" and other vestiges from our animalisticpast, we should expect to find a planet-sprawling race of tele-tubbies- diminutive, everlastingly blithe eunuchs beguiled by a wireless totalitarianismso absolute as to offend even Hitler!

   Natural selection has in the labyrinthine ages whippedand whetted shapeless bio-mass to flourish a terrific variegation of life-forms,excruciating Man
at the summit of this plenum. So exalted into self-conciousness,a regretable trait of humanity evinces the ignominious tendency to loathethe worldly
genomachy without which it never could have existed. Now, with theemerging technologies nigh at hand, they think themselves poised to conquerdeath,
expunge suffering, and eradicate the ferocious lusts which Naturehas  cultivated within.

   I look forward to the thwarting of their expectationswith the prospect that as the main-stream drifts, by the lures and compulsionsof the new-tech
marketers and bureaucrats, towards consummate complaisance and terminalgenetic perfection, a venemous undertoe will well up, roused by the satanicconceit of pretenders to deity, ignited by the resourceful mischeiviousnessof aesthetic terrorists, commissioned by the prurient wit of obscenelyrich
libertines; stimulated from undercurrents such as these, evolutionshall truly escalate into realms astonishing even unto IHVH.

   So mote it be!

SergePeter Gennom <>
Friday, October 13, 2000 at 23:47:35 (CDT)