The predicted Genesis protein is 39% similar
to the Chorion protein found in the Meditteranean fruitfly

Query: Genesis aminoacid sequence

Subject: Chorion aminoacid sequence

Research in the database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information(which includes all known proteins in all catalogued life forms) indicatesthat the predicted structure of the Genesis proteinis probably functionally related to the structure of the Chorion proteinfound in Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly), since it is 39%similar to it.

In the middle (between Query and Subject) we find the actual aminoacidsthat are identical between the two proteins: 39% are identical in the regionsshown. The above comparison clearly indicates (p = 4.3e) that the probabilitythat these two proteins are related simply by chance is 1 in 430,000.

The coincidence (in structural similarity between Genesis and the Chorionprotein) is particularly significant in the context of the transgenic artworkGenesis, since Chorion is the protein that forms the membrane whichserves mainly as a protective barrier for a developing embryo.

Chart courtesy of Dr. Murray Robinson, Amgen Inc.

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