Originally published in News of the Weird, 11.26.00. News of the Weird is a USA syndicated newspaper column.

Subj: News of the Weird(.668)
Date: 12/22/2000 3:53:18 PM Central Standard Time
From: newsoftheweird@uclick.com (News of the Weird)
To: newsoftheweird@listserv.uclick.com

News of the Weird(tm) by Chuck Shepherd
2000(c), Chuck Shepherd. All rights reserved. The name
News of the Weird is a registered trademark of Chuck Shepherd.

The News of the Weird(tm) e-mail service is provided by

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Great Art!

* News of the Weird has reported on scientists who borrow the jellyfish's
"green protein" for medically productive genetic modifications, but Chicago
artist Eduardo Kac created controversy in September by proposing to create
embryos with the jellyfish's green-light-producing gene just to make visually
appealing organisms, such as a glowing rabbit. (Kac's major work so far is
"Genesis," a sentence from the Old Testament, translated into Morse Code,
transposed onto DNA, inserted into fluorescent bacteria, and lit up when
anyone accesses the piece on Kac's Web site.)


(Revised October 20, 1999)

NEWS OF THE WEIRD(tm), founded in 1988, is a nationally
syndicated newspaper column distributed by Universal Press
Syndicate, Kansas City, Mo., 816-932-6600. The unexpurgated
columns are also distributed free, by e-mail, four weeks after
publication in newspapers. To Unsubscribe/Subscribe to this list,
visit <http://www.newsoftheweird.com/subscriptions.html>.
For questions about the mailing list, problems or advertising
inquiries, e-mail webmaster@uexpress.com.


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