Minitel Works
These early online works were created by Eduardo Kac for the Minitel network, a precursor to the Web
These early online works were created by Eduardo Kac for the Minitel network, a precursor to the Web
Kac's first telepresence artwork, RC Robot interacted with gallery visitors and was also used as a live performer
Kac's first SSTV artwork, in which he created live palimpsestic images based on the materiality of the analog phone
Works that explored multiple aspects of the communication act, such as transmission, noise, reception, transformation, and feedback loop
SSTV artwork in which an alternating sequence of satellite views and microscopic images of digital circuits fused into one another at the receiver's end
Kac's second telepresence robot (with Ed Bennett); Ornitorrinco participated in several shows until 1996
Improvisational SSTV interactive artwork in which the participants' real or masked faces fused into one another