Telepresence provides access and a point of entry to a remote physical environment, in this case the "Amazon forest." This forest consists of over twenty artificial trees, on top of which vividly painted pingbirds are perched. There are three distinct areas in the forest. One area (indicated by the square on the left) displays the live video from the point of view of the flying fish (full frame, 30fps) enabling participants to change the flight pattern of Uirapuru in real time, above the forest canopy. The Web interface to the flying fish with streaming audio and video is also available online. Another area (indicated by the square on the right) has a VRML interface (also available online). The VRML world is the virtual counterpart to the physical environment. Sonars in the physical space send three-dimensional data to the VRML server, enabling an avatar of the flying fish to fly in virtual space according to the actual flight pattern of the real fish. Along a pathway, hidden within the forest, a bench awaits local visitors who may rest and enjoy the songs of Uirapuru and the Amazonian pingbirds.

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