Short Bio (300 words or 600 words)

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Last updated: December 1999

Eduardo Kac



Bachelor of Arts, School of Communications, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro


Master of Fine Arts, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


Ph.D., Center for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts, University of Wales College, Newport, United Kingdom



Weekly performances at Cinelândia, downtown Rio de Janeiro (always Friday night)

Public and private performances in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Minas Gerais, in multiple venues (street, beaches, universities, theaters)

One Man Shows


Biblioteca Central, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro


Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro


Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, and Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro


Fundação Nacional de Arte, Rio de Janeiro (catalogue)


Fundação Nacional de Arte, Rio de Janeiro (catalogue)


Museum of Holography, New York (catalogue with limited edition hologram)


Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro


Center for Contemporary Art, University of Kentucky, Lexington


West Gallery, California State University, Fullerton, CA


Language Works, Aldo Castillo Gallery, Chicago, IL

Teleporting An Unknown State, Kibla Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia (catalogue)

Group Shows


Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro, "Semana de Arte de 1982"


Galeria de Arte Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, "Mostra de Arte Postal"

Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, "14 Noites de Performance"

Fundação Cultural do Espírito Santo — Galeria Homero Massena, Vitória, Espírito Santo, "Mostra de Arte Postal - A Intimidade de Napoleão”


Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, "Salão Nacional" (catalogue)

Hasselt Museum, Belgium, "Telegraphy and Mail Art Projects" (catalogue)

Sala Pace, "Montecelio, Italy, "Salva la Campagna Romana!"

Art IO Show, Isbergues, France, "Mail Art Iceberg Show"

Arts Foundation Haarlem, Holland, "Mail Art 1 / 5 / 1983 Project"


Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, "Salão Nacional" (catalogue)

Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, "Arte na Rua-2" (catalogue)

Galeria Artestudio, Salerno, Italy, "Ambient'azione Poética"

Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, "Como vai você, Geração 80?" (catalogue)

Fundação Nacional de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, "Intervenções no Espaço Urbano"

Galeria MP2, Rio de Janeiro, "Geração 80"

Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, "Arte Xerox Brasil" (catalogue)

Cité de La Radio-Television, Brussels, Belgium, "Mur des Communications"

Estação Carioca do Metrô, Rio de Janeiro,"Salão Carioca de Arte"

Departamento de Arte, PUC-SP, "PoesiÆvidência"

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisboa, "Pornex"

Solar Grandjean de Montigny, Rio de Janeiro, “Rádionovela”

Biblioteca de Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, "Exposição de Livros de Artistas Brasileiros"


The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, "Exhibition of Holography"

Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, "Salão Nacional" (catalogue)

Fundação Nacional de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, "Caligrafias & Escrituras"

Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, "Arte e Tecnologia"

Fundação A. Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, "Arte Novos Meios/Multimeios 70/80" (catalogue)


Galeria de Arte Centro Empresarial Rio, Rio de Janeiro, "Brasil High Tech" (catalogue)

Fundação Nacional de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, "Polaroid" (catalogue)

Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, "Território Ocupado" (catalogue)

Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, "Salão Nacional-Sudeste"


Museu Municipal, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, "I Festival Internacional de Poesia Viva" (catalogue)

Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, "Salão Paulista"

Forum de Ciência e Cultura, Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, "Arte e Palavra" (catalogue)

Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil, "Arte Holográfica"

Centro de Convenções, Brasília, Brazil, "27 Congresso Nacional de Escritores"


Galeria Diferença, Lisbon, "Arte High Tech"

1º FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE POESIA VIVA (2ª Apresentação). Exposição realizada na Galeria Municipal Amadora, Portugal, de 10 a 28 de fevereiro de 1988

Outras Escritas, Novos Suportes. Exposição realizada no Museu de Setúbal, Convento de Jesus, em Portugal, dia 12 de novembro a 11 de dezembro de 1988.


"Cyberthon: a 24-hour Adventure in Virtual Reality", Colossal Pictures, San Francisco, CA

Gallerie Donguy, Paris, France, "City Portrait"

Holos Gallery, San Francisco, "Laser Exhibit"

Exposição Documental da Poesia Visual- Experimental Brasileira. Realizada na Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), de 22 de novembro a 21 de dezembro de 1990. Curadoria de Paulo Bruscky (há cartaz com os nomes)


Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, Texas, "Beyond Photography", travelled through 1993 (cat.)

Atlanta Gallery of Holography, Atlanta, GA,"Holography Exhibition"

Bronx Museum of The Arts, New York, "Emerging Expressions Biennial: The Third Dimension and Beyond"

"Siggraph Art Show", Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV (catalogue)

Durand Art Institute, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL, "The Fourth International Exhibition of Holography" (catalogue)

Northern Illinois University Art Gallery, Chicago, IL, "Let the work speak for itself" (catalogue)


Centro Espositivo Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italy, "Avanguardia dell'Arte Olografica" (catalogue)

Museum of Holography, Chicago, IL, "Artistic States of Light"

"Siggraph Art Show", McCormick Place, Chicago, IL (catalogue)

"Third International Symposium on Electronic Art", Black Gallery, Sydney, and Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (catalogue)

"The Beauty in Breathing; Selections from The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Visual Poetry", Miami Beach Convention Center (catalogue)

"VII International Biennial of Art", Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

Galerie Am Markt, Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany, "p0es1e-digitale dichtkunst" (catalogue)

"Cyber Arts International", The Pasadena Conference Center, Pasadena, CA

State of Illinois Art Gallery, Chicago, "Computer Art: Pushing the Boundaries" (catalogue)

"Brave New Pixels", Northern Illinois University Art Gallery, Chicago, IL

Hopkins Hall Gallery, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, "Three-dimensional Works in Light" (catalogue)

Art, Science and Technology Institute, Washington, D.C., "The Earth and the Frequencies of Life"


"Entgrenzte Grenzen II", Künstlerhaus, Graz, Austria (catalogue)

"Montage '93", Strong Museum, Rochester, NY, "Perspectives, Proximities, Perceptions"

"Third International Conference on Word and Image Studies", Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, Canada

""Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art", Minneapolis College of Art and Design Gallery (catalogue)


Zoller Gallery, College of Arts and Architecture, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, "Elastic Visions" (catalogue; travelling in the US until 1997)

Medium Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia, "Computer Graphics in the Fine Arts" (catalogue)

Kalisher Five Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel, "Seriality/Randomness"

Galerie Lara Vincy, Paris, France, " Audiopoésie, Életronique et Informatique"

Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, "Mostra de Realidade Virtual" (catalogue)

"Beyond Fast Forward", 911 Media Arts and Seattle Center, Seattle, WA


Rauma Art Museum, Rauma, and Kuopio Art Museum, Kuopio, Finland, "Electronic Art 95" (catalogue)

Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, PA, "Emerging Images" (catalogue)

Arte no Século XXI, Museu de Arte Contemporânea-USP, São Paulo, Brazil (catalogue)


Nexus Contemporary Art, Atlanta, GA, "Out of Bounds: New Work by Eight Southeast Artists" (catalogue and CD-ROM)

Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans, "The Bridge", (catalogue)

St. Petersburg Biennial, St. Petersburg, Russia (catalogue)

Akademie der Künste, Berlin, "Holographic Network" (catalogue)

on mouseUp, London, Sans Walk Gallery in Clerkenwell, Kingsway College

National Arts Club, "KYSC/ny", New York (catalogue)

MuuMedia Festival, Otso Gallery, Helsinki, Finland, Metamachines: where is the Body? (catalogue)


Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, The University of Texas, "Out of Bounds: New Work by Eight Southeast Artists" (catalogue)

CyberForum, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal (catalogue)

I Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (catalogue)

Diffraction and Interference: The Holographic Image, Hopkins Hall Gallery, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ImageNations, Fine Arts Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

International Symposium on Electronic Art-ISEA, School of The Art Institute of Chicago

Arte Suporte Computador, Casa das Rosas, São Paulo


IMMEDIA98, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

3° VideoSoundPoetry Festival, Link Bologna - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna

Ars Interruptus, Festival de Vídeo de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain


Ars Electronica, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria (catalogue)

ICC Biennale, Tokyo, Japan (catalogue)

Fables of a Technological Era, Rotterdam, Bljdorp Zoo (CD-ROM catalogue)

Festival de Vídeo de Navarra 1999 (Pamplona, Spain)

Holographic Art, Rauma Art Museum (travelling for one year in Finland to:Kajaani Art Museum, Kuopio Art Museum, Kemi Art Museum, Salo Art Museum, and Norrtälje konsthall (Sweden). catalogue

Leonora Vega Gallery, New York, "Disorienting Signs" (catalogue)

"Paranoiquear, Monitoring Cyber Art in Latinamerica". Museum of Modern Art Juan Astorga Anta, Merida, Venezuela.

Festival Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal (catalogue)

Artist's Books and Artist's Software

1981 24, Edições Gang, Rio de Janeiro

1982 Antolorgia, Editora Codecri, Rio de Janeiro

1983 Escracho, Sai Dessa Lama Jacaré, Rio de Janeiro

1993 Storms, hypertext artist's book on floppy disk, Chicago (also on the Internet)

1994 Accident, runtime looped animation on floppy disks, Lexington (also on the Internet)

1995 Insect.Desperto, runtime animation on floppy disk, Lexington (also on the Internet)

1996 Wine, runtime animation on floppy disk, Lexington (also on the Internet)

1996 Secret, interactive navigational text on floppy disk, Lexington (also on the Internet)

Participation in Artist's Electronic Publications and CD-ROMs


World Media Interactive # 1, Berlin, Germany

1000 add one frame, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany

World Media Interactive # 3, Hamburg, Germany

Alire #8, Mots-Voire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France


Out of Bounds CD-ROM, Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games and Nexus, Atlanta, GA

"Il museo che non c'e' - The Museum Which Doesn't Exist" CD-ROM, PIXEL , San Martino, Italy

ISEA '96CD-ROM, MultiArtDisc Foundation, Eindhoven, Holland


Doc(k)s/Alire 3.13/14/15/16, Ajaccio, France


"Secret", The Little Magazine, Volume 22, "Gravitational Intrigue: An Anthology of Emergent Hypermedia", April 1999, University at Albany, English Department , SUN, New York.

"Insect.Desperto", Electronic (Visual) Literature, special issue of the Flemish journal "Dietsche Warande & Beaufort" [DWB], August 1999, N. 4, edited by Jan Baetens and Eric Vos

Telecommunications Art Events (Before the Web)


"Arte On-Line", minitel, Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo


"Brasil High Tech", minitel, Companhia Telefônica do Rio de Janeiro

RC Robot, bi-directional remote-control telepresence event realized in the context of the "Brasil High Tech" exhibition, Rio de Janeiro


Fax exchanges with Mario Ramiro between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo

Slow Scan experiments, Centro Cultural Três Rios, São Paulo

Retrato Suposto / Rosto Roto, com Mario Ramiro, live TV broadcast and fax exchange with Mario Ramiro, broadcasted by TV Cultura, between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro


"Three Cities", slow-scan TV exchange with artists at Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Ornitorrinco experiments, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


"Interfaces", slow-scan TV exchange with Dax Group, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Auditorium of The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Ornitorrinco experiments, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


"City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France

"The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery, Oldham, UK

"Fax Art", fax transmission, Gallery 400, Chicago

"Ornitorrinco: telepresence link #1, between Rio de Janeiro and Chicago


"Faxelástico", curator, collaborative telefax narrative, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro


"Ornitorrinco in Copacabana", telepresence installation at Siggraph '92, Chicago

"Atelier des Reseaux", organized by Art Reseaux for the show Machines à Communiquer, La Villette, Paris, France


"Ornitorrinco on the Moon", telepresence installation at Künstlerhaus, Graz, Austria

“Primera Muestra Internacional de Fax-Art,” Sala de Exposiciones de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Cuenca, Spain. (Catálogo)


"Telage", collaborative multimedia telecommunications work, between São Paulo, Recife, and Campinas (Brazil), and Lexington, KY

"Enter the Electronic River", international fax event, Renshaw Gallery, McMinnville, OR

"Elastic Fax 2", curator, Center for Contemporary Art, University of Kentucky, Lexington

"Essay Concerning Human Understanding", bird/plant teledialogue, Lexington/New York

"Ornitorrinco in Eden", telepresence installation via the Internet linking Chicago, IL, Lexington, KY, and Seattle, WA

Lectures and Presentations

1980 to 1988

Lectures and presentations in several Brazilian Universities


Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Comparative Literature Department


Fourth International Symposium on Display Holography, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL

Virginia Commonwealth University, School of the Arts, Sculpture Department

George Mason University, Art Department

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, College of Fine Arts


Ithaca College, The New York State Summer School of the Media Arts

Wexner Center, Ohio State University, Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design and Department of Art, Columbus, OH


Third International Conference on Word and Image Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Conference on Holographic Imaging, Quebec City, Canada

Roosevelt University, Chicago, Art Department

Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art, Minneapolis College of Art and Design


San Jose State University, School of Art and Design, San Jose, CA

Ohio State University, Department of Art, Columbus, OH

The University of Southwestern Louisiana, Department of Visual Arts, Lafayette, Louisiana

University of Massachusetts, Department of Design, Darmouth, Massachusetts

Bowling Green State University, School of Art, Bowling Green, Ohio

Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL


Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, Nice, France

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland

Ars Electronica Conference, Brucknerhaus, Linz, Austria

Interface 3 Conference, Hamburg, Germany

Yale University, "The End of Language" symposium, Dept. of Spanish/Portuguese

University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Art, Cross-Disciplinary Arts Program

Sciences Seminar; College of Architecture Lecture Series.

Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Department of Art, "Interactivity: Design and Concept" class (teleconference via the Internet)

Arte no Século XXI Symposium, Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Kentucky Arts Council State-Wide Arts Conference, Lexington, KY


College Art Association, Virtually Tactile session, Boston, MA

Ohio State University, Department of Art, Columbus, OH

Northern Kentucky University, Department of English, Richmond, KY

Virtual artist in residence with the Interactive Art Conference on Arts Wire, on the Internet (March)

Siggraph '96, "Artist's Sketches", New Orleans Convention Center, New Orleans, LA

International Holographic Art Conference, Nottingham University, United Kingdom

MuuMedia Festival, Ateneum, Helsinki, Finland


"L'art Technologique" symposium, Les Treilles, Shlumberger state, Tourtour, France

"Collision" symposium, Slade School of Art, London, England

"Art, Culture and Technology" Conference, Columbia University, New York

Huntington Art Gallery Auditorium, University of Texas at Austin,TX

"Espacio Visual: 4 dimensiones del diseño" Conference, Universidade de las Américas, City of Cholula, Puebla, Mexico

Boston College University , Boston, MA

Siggraph, Los Angeles, Panel: "Interfacing Realities"

Eye Rhymes Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Orange County Cultural Center, Fullerton, California

International Symposium on Electronic Art, Chicago, Panel: "Aesthetics of Telepresence"

SECAC Conference, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, Panel: "Art and Art History in the Electronic Age"

" From Television to Telematics: New Technologies and the future of audiovisual arts" Symposium, Video Festival of Navarra, Planetario, Pamplona, Spain

Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Art and Technology Symposium, Itau Cultural Institute, São Paulo


"Art on the Internet" symposium, Goethe Institute, Lisbon

IMMEDIA Conference, Department of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

"Displaced Perceptions: Intriguing Questions on the Desires of Uninhibited Technology", Keynote Panel, Web 98 Design and Development Conference and Exposition, Moscone Center, San Francisco

Consciousness Reframed II (Second CAiiA Research Conference), University of Wales College, Newport

LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore

Art Futura, Seville, Spain

Kibla Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia

Society for Literature and Science Conference, Gainesville, FL

"Emergent Futures: Art in the Post-Biological Era" Symposium, Centre Cultural la Beneficencia, Valencia, Spain

Bienal de Poesia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Digital Arts and Culture 98, Bergen, Norway

Columbia College, English Department, Chicago


College Art Association, Los Angeles, Panel "Artists and the New Frontier: Virtual Realities"

"Art, Design, and Music in the Age of Electronic Media," University of Missouri, St.Louis

"Computers in Art and Design Education Conferenc", University of Teeside, UK

"Futurs Émergents", Avignon Numérique, Grenier à Sel, Avignon, France

"Futurs Émergents", CYPRES- Centre Interculturel de Pratiques Recherches et Echanges Transdisciplinaires, Marseille, France

Keynote Speaker, Invenção conference, São Paulo, Brazil. Also: paper presentation at the conference

"Arte Interativa", Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, Japan

Artmedia, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy


"Institutions of the Visual", Second Annual Conference of the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Art Department, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

Summer Institute, Skopje, Macedonia

"Toward a Science of Consciousness" , University of Arizona, Tucson

Department d'arts plastiques, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

"Consciousness Reframed 2000", University of Wales, UK

"Performative Sites: Intersecting Art, Technology, and the Body", Symposium, Penn State University

Published Articles, Essays and Papers (by E. Kac)


"Poesia holográfica: As três dimensões do signo verbal", Catalogue of show Salão Nacional, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro (in Portuguese)


"Poesia holográfica: A ruptura fotônica", Módulo, No. 86, July, Rio de Janeiro (in Portuguese)


"Holopoetry and perceptual syntax", Holosphere, Vol.14, No. 3 , Museum of Holography, New York


"Holopoésie et dimension fractale", Colóquio Artes, No. 74, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal (in French and Portuguese)

"Por que holopoesia", Catalogue of Festival Internacional de Poesia, Museu Municipal, F. da Foz, Portugal (in Portuguese)

"Por qué holopoesía", Catalogue of II Bienal Internacional de Poesia Visual en Mexico, Mexico City (in Spanish)


Over 80 articles on visual arts and literature written and published mostly in the three main Brazilian Newspapers: Jornal do Brasil, O Globo andFolha de São Paulo from 1980 to 1988 (in Portuguese)


"Holopoetry and fractal holopoetry: Digital holography as an art medium", Leonardo, Vol. 22, Nos. 3/4, pp. 397-402. Special Issue on Holographic Art, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK

"An interdisciplinary approach to holographic art", Laser News, Vol. 10, No. 1, Laser Arts Society for Education and Research, San Francisco, CA (co-author, Dean Randazzo)

"On Baudrillard's hologrammes", Holosphere, Vol. 17, No. 1, Museum of Holography, New York

"Parallels between telematics and holography as art forms", New Observations, No. 74, May/June, New York


"Recent experiments in holopoetry and computer holopoetry", Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on Display Holography, SPIE, Vol. 1600, Bellingham, WA

"Ornitorrinco: Exploring telepresence and remote sensing", Leonardo, Vol. 24, No. 2, Special Issue on Art and Telecommunication, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK

"Holopoem blends pulsed and computer holography", Laser News, Vol. 11, No. 1, Laser Arts Society for Education and Research, San Francisco, CA (co-author, Hans Bjelkhagen)


"Aspects of the aesthetics of telecommunications", Siggraph Visual Proceedings (book), J. Grimes, editor, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 47-57.

"Towards telepresence art", Interface, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 1992, Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design,The Ohio State University

"Sur la notion d'art en tant que dialogue visuel", Art-Reseaux (book), Karen O'Rourke, editor, Centres d'Etudes et de Recherches en Arts Plastiques, Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France (in French and English)


"Computer holography at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago", Proceedings of the Holographic Imaging Conference, SPIE, Vol. 2043, Bellingham, WA

"Holopoetry, hyper text, hyperpoetry", Proceedings of the Holographic Imaging Conference, SPIE, Vol. 2043, Bellingham, WA

"Telepresence art", Entgrenzte Grenzen II (book), R. Kriesche and P. Hoffman, eds., Kulturdata and Division of Cultural Affairs of the City of Graz, Graz, Austria (in English and German), pp. 48-72.

"On holography", New Media Technologies (book), Ross Harley, editor, Australian Film, Television and Radio School, Sydney, Australia

"Aspekte einer ästhetik der telekommunikation", Zero-The Art of Being Everywhere (book), Gerfried Stocker, editor, Steirische Kultur Initiative, Graz, Austria (in German and English)

"Holopoetry explores metamorphosis and particle animation", Laser News, Vol. 13, No. 2, Laser Arts Society for Education and Research, San Francisco, CA


"Storms, a hyperpoem", Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol. 2, No. 6, June, published on the Internet by MIT Press (also published in Alire #8, Mots-Voire, Paris, France)


"Aesthetics and representation in holography", Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography, SPIE, Vol. 2333, Bellingham, WA, pp. 123-137.

"Holorunous tutkii muodonmuutosta ja pisteanimaatiota," ("Holopoetry explores metamorphosis and particle animation") in Taide Sähköinen 95, Rauma Art Museum, Rauma, Finland (in Finnish)

"Interactive Art on the Internet", Wired World, Proceedings of the Ars Electronica Symposium, Peter Weibel, editor (in English and German), pp. 170-179.

"Essay Concerning Human Understanding", YLEM, Vol. 15, No.4, August, p. 4; also published on the Internet in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 3, No. 8, August 1995, MIT Press

"Beyond the Spatial Paradigm: Time and Cinematic Form in Holographic Art," BLIMP Film Magazine,N. 32, Graz, Austria, Fall, pp. 48-57.

"A Telekommunikáció Esztétikájának Aspektusai" ("Aspects of the aesthetics of telecommunica tions"), Árnyékkötôk, N. 15, Vol. 6, Budapest, Hungary


"Key Concepts of Holopoetry", In Jackson, K. David et al: Experimental -- Visual -- Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s (Amsterdam; Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1996), pp. 247-257.

"Internet Hybrids and the new aesthetic of worldwide interactive events", Siggraph Visual Proceedings, Carol Gigliotti, ed., ACM, New York, NY, pp. 29-31.

"Ensaio sobre o entendimento humano", in Item, n. 3, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 57-59.

"Holopoetry", in the special issue on New Media Poetry of the journal Visible Language, Eduardo Kac, ed., Vol. 30, N. 2, pp. 184-212.

"Beyond the Spatial Paradigm: Time and Cinematic Form in Holographic Art," Interferezen special double-issue (N. 2/3), pp. 7-12 (in German).

"Ornitorrinco and Rara Avis: Networked Telepresence Art", in the Digital Salon special issue of Leonardo, Vol. 29, N. 5, pp. 389-400.

"Uirapuru, the Webot", catalogue of "Metamachines: Where is the Body?", Otso Gallery, Espoo, Finland

"Ornitorrinco in the Sahara", Leonardo Electronic Almanac, November, Volume 4, Number 11

"Telepresence Art on the Internet", The Visuality of the Unseen, Borey-Print, St. Petersburg, Russia, pgs. 111-122.


"Telepresence: A New Communicative Experience", Epipháneia, N. 2, Salerno, Italy, pp. 53-55.

"The Internet and the Future of Art", in the book Mythos Internet, Stefan Muenker and Alexander Roesler, eds., Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt (in German only), pgs. 291-318.

"Telepresence Art on the Internet", in the proceedings of the III Interface Conference, Klaus Peter Dencker, ed., Hans-Bredow-Institut, Hamburg, Germany, pgs. 210-219.

"Key Concepts of Holopoetry", Electronic Book Review 5 (Web), English Department, University of Illinois,Chicago, Illinois (`~jtabbi/ebr5/kac.htm)

"Robotic Art", with Antunez Roca, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, May, Vol. 5 , N. 5.

"Foundation and Development of Robotic Art ", Art Journal,Vol. 56, N. 3, Special Issue on Electronic Art, Johanna Drucker, ed., CAA, NY, pp. 60-67.

"Holopoetry und darüber hinaus" (Holopoetry and beyond), Passauer Pegasus15 (29/30), Friedrich Block, ed., Passau Germany, pp. 106-119.

"The Telepresence Garment," YLEM special issue on Telepresence Art, Vol. 17, N. 9, p.10

"Live from Mars", published on the Web on July 5,; also published in the July issue of LEA, Vol. 5, N. 7.

"A Arte da telepresença na Internet", in A Arte no Século XXI, Diana Domingues, ed., Edusp, São Paulo, pp. 315-324. (in Portuguese)

"Holopoetry," London Magazine, October/November, Vol. 37, Ns. 7/8, pp. 83-87.

"Holopoesia," Letra Internacional, N. 53, pgs. 34-39 , Barcelona.

"Art at the biobotic frontier," distributed as a leaflet during ISEA '97, Chicago. Also on the Web:

"Time Capsule," distributed as a leaflet during the event in São Paulo. Also on the Web: timec.html. Published and distributed (in Portuguese) by Casa das Rosas, São Paulo.

"Holopoetry and beyond," Doc(k)s/Alire 3.13/14/15/16, Ajaccio, France, pg.229-238.

"Aspectos da estética das telecomunicações", Comunicação na Era Pósmoderna (book), Monica Rector and Eduardo Neiva, editors, published by College of Social Communication, The State University and Editora Vozes, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 175-199. (in Portuguese)


"Art at the biobotic frontier," U-Turn (on the Web)

"Time Capsule," in the book Ars Telematica-- Telecomunicação, Internet e Ciberespaço, Claudia Gianneti, ed., Relógio D'Água/Goethe Institute, Lisbon (in Portuguese), pp. 237-242.

"Arte de la Telepresencia en la Internet", in the book Ars Telematica - Telecomunicación, Internet y Ciberespacio, Claudia Gianneti, ed., Barcelona, L'Angelot, pp. 119-127.

"Live from Mars," Leonardo, Vol. 31, N. 1, pp. 1-2.

"Beyond the Spatial Paradigm", Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Display Holography, Tung H. Jeong; Ed., SPIE Vol. 3358, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 257-268.

"Holopoetry and Hyperpoetry", The Pictured Word. Word & Image Interactions 2. Edited by Martin Heusser, Claus Clüver, Leo Hoek, and Lauren Weingarden (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 98), pp. 169-179

"Holopoesia", translated by Fabio Doctorovich, Post-typografica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, "Holopoetry", Point of view. Visual poetry: 90s, Dmitry Bulatov, ed.. National Center for Contem porary Art, Kaliningrad, Russia, 1998.

"Time Capsule", InterCommunication, N. 26, InterCommunication,Tokyo, pp. 13-15.

"Além da Tela", Veredas, Ano 3, No. 32, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 12-15.

"L'art de la Téléprésence sur l'Internet", Alliage, N. 33-34, pp. 25-33

"Transgenic Art", Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol. 6, N. 11, December.

"Origem e Desenvolvimento da Arte Robótica", Cadernos da Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp, Ano. 2, Vol. 2, N. 2, pp. 18-28. Translated by Luisa Paraguai Donati


"The Dialogic Imagination in Electronic Art", Proceedings of Computers in Art and Design Education Conference, University of Teesside, UK, n.p.n. (ISBN 0-907550-66-5)

"New Directions in Interactive Art", Blimp, N. 40, Graz, Austria (1999), pp. 49-54.

"Transgenic Art", Ars Electronica 99 - Life Science (Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999), pp. 289- 296.

"Genesis", Ars Electronica 99 - Life Science (Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999), pp. 310-312.

"Emergence of Biotelematics and Biorobotics: Integrating Biology, Information Processing, Networking, and Robotics" (MECAD - Electronic Journal, Barcelona, N. 1, June 99,

"Biotelematics", Leonardo, Vol. 32, N. 3, pp. 218-219.

"Genesis", in Genesis, O. K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria, pp. 50-55.

"Key Concepts of Holopoetry", Parnasso magazine, N. 55, Helsinki, Finland, Cybertext special issue, (translated by Markku Eskelinen), pp. 283-289.

Art in Holography 2, postcard collection, A. Pepper, ed., Nottingham, UK

"Time Capsule", in Database Aesthetics: Issues of Organisation and Category in Online Art , AI & Society, Vol. 13, N. 3, V. Vesna, Karamjit S. Gill and David Smith, eds., pp. 1-7.

"Beyond the Spatial Paradigm", in catalogue of Art Holography show curated by Janne Koski, Rauma Art Museum, Finland (in Finnish, travelling in Finland to 5 venues and to Sweden)

"Art at the Biologic Frontier," in Reframing Consciousness, Roy Ascott, ed., (Exeter: Intellect, 1999), pp. 90-94.

"Transgenic Art", Parol-quaderni d'arte di epistemologia, N. 2, Università di Bologna, ISBN: 88-7232-314-2.

"The Internet and the Future of Art", Parol-quaderni d'arte di epistemologia, N. 2, Università di Bologna, ISBN: 88-7232-314-2


"Telepresence Art and Net Ecology", in The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology on the Internet, Edited by Ken Goldberg, MIT Press

"Genesis", in " Réflexivité, rétroactivité, ouverture", Les Cahiers du CIRCAV n°12, Université de Lille 3, France

"Arte Transgenica", in Arte Interativa, Simone Michelin, ed., Editora da UFRJ, Brazil.

Bibliography, Articles, Interviews, and Reviews About Kac's Work


"Escracho: arte de vanguarda no Cândido Mendes", Isa Pessoa, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Aug 15


"Na Saída do Túnel, o 'Cro-Magnon' de Kac," Isa Pesoa, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Feb 20

"A arte do grafite ganha espaço nas galerias", Sheila Kaplan, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, July 28

"Os muros como suporte da arte", Jorge A. Barros, Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, September 5

"Eletropoesia, eletrotela: vanguarda, ao estilo Kac", Frederico de Morais, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, September 24

"Os versos de Kac num 'display' eletrônico", Susana Schild, Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, September 25

"Um concerto poético para dois televisores e uma eletrotela", Sheila Kaplan, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, September, 25

"Kac: A Plenitude da Experiência (entrevista a Wilson Bueno), Revista Quem, Curitiba, Agosto de 1984, pp. 30-31.


"Holo-Art in Brazil", Fernando Catta-Preta, Holosphere, New York, Spring, Vol. 13, No. 2

"A arte da síntese nos holopoemas", Reynaldo Roels Jr., Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, September, 29

"No MIS, a poesia do futuro", Antonio Gonçalves, Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, August 1


"Artist-in-Residence Update", Scott Lloyd, Holosphere, New York, Summer, Vol. 14, No. 3

"Inteligência e high tech", Reynaldo Roels Jr., Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, December 1

"Primeira mostra de arte high tech", Frederico de Morais, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, April 6


"Olhos e ouvidos voltados para o século XXI", interview to Reynaldo Roels Jr., Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, January 4

"Holopoesia", E.M. de Melo e Castro, Diário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, November 6 (in Portuguese); also published in the book Poética dos Meios e Arte High Tech (Lisbon: Vega, 1988), by E.M. de Melo e Castro, and in English in the catalogue of the show Holopoetry 1983-1990, Museum of Holography, New York

"Múltipla Estética", Marília Martins, Isto É, São Paulo, July 22

"Electropoesia y alta tecnologia", Albertus Marques, catalogue of II Bienal Internacional de Poesia Visual y Alternativa en Mexico, Departamento del Distrito Federal, Mexico City, Mexico

"Holografia", Carlos Alberto Rabaça and Gustavo Barbosa, Dicionário de Comunicação, Editora Ática, São Paulo


"Holofractal, a arte no futuro", Ligia Canongia, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, November 22


"Poesia en la era de la luz", Marcelo Arduz Ruiz, Presencia, La Paz, Bolívia, January 15

"Holografia gerada por computador", Marcelo Tognozzi, Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, July 2


"On Kac's Computer Holopoems", Joan Truckenbrod, Catalogue of show Holopoetry 1983-1990, Museum of Holography, New York


"Poesia na era do chip", Carla Lencastre, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 13

"Computer Holography at SAIC", Pablo Helguera, F Newsmagazine, September 1991


Avanguardia dell'Arte Olografica, Jörg Schepers, Benucci Editore, Perugia, Italy

"Three-Dimensional Poetry in Motion", Louis Brill, Computer Graphics World,Vol. 15, No. 5, May 1992; also published in YLEM, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 1992, as "Holopoems – Poetry in Motion in the Time-Space Continuum"

"Recent Computer Art in Chicago", Jno Cook, Artpaper, Vol. 12, No. 2, October 1992


"Eduardo Kac", Richard Kostelanetz, Dictionary of the Avant-Guardes, A Cappella, New Jersey

"Data Bank: Eduardo Kac" (cover story), Maria Victoria Infantes, Revistita Karas, No. 7, July 93, Madrid, Spain.


"Eduardo Kac's Dialogues", Keith Holz, pamphlet published by the Center for Contemporary Art, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, a propos of the solo exhibition Dialogues, October 21- November 11. Also published on the Internet in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol. 2, No.12, December, MIT Press, and in print in YLEM's Art Online issue, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 1995 (CA)

"Interactive Electronics on Display", Zoya Tereshkova, The Kentucky Kernel,October 21

"Dialogues", Zoya Tereshkova, Ace Magazine, Lexington, KY, November 94, Vol. 6, No. 9


"Dialogues combines art with technology", Mike Holdren, Lexington Herald-Leader, October 30

"Eduardo Kac", The Creative Holography Index; The International Catalogue for Holography, Vol. 2, No. 1, Monand Press, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

"Telepresence and Holography: The New Media of Eduardo Kac", Joyce Probus, Kultur, Vol. 1,

No. 1, University of Kentucky, Lexington

"Art with a slipped disk", Tom McTaggart, Seattle Weekly, November 2, 1994

"Eduardo Kac", ICC Artist's Database (CD-ROM), InterCommunication Center and Urban Design Research, Inc., Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese)


"Eduardo Kac: Dialogues", Joyce Probus, Dialogue – Arts in the Midwest, Jan/Feb, Vol. 18, No. 1

"Holopoetry: The New Frontier of Language", interview with IV Whitman, Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, Vol. 2333

"Echte Kanaris und virtuelle Hunde geistern im Netz", Jürgen Langenbach, Der Standard, Linz, Austria, June 23

"UK Artist to be Honored at Olympics", Theresa Noe, Kentucky Kernel, September 27

"Olympiad, Nexus exhibit to showcase New South's diverse artists", Catherine Fox, The Atlanta Constitution, September 27

"Nexus' Olympic show to be a forum for Southern Artists", Catherine Fox and Howard Pousner, The Atlanta Constitution, September 27

"L'identification et l'implosion, l'explosion et les tentatives d'émergence de l'holographie artistique de 1984 à 1993," George Dyens, in "Esthétiques des Arts Médiatiques", Louise Poissant, ed., Tome 1, pp. 131-155,Presses de l'Université du Québec, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada

"Consumer Culture and the Technological Imperative: The Artist in Dataspace," Simon Penny, in "Critical Issues in Electronic Media, Simon Penny, ed., SUNY, New York, p. 72.

"Internet TV with CU-SeeMe", book by Michale Sattler, Sams.Net, IN, pp. 282-283.

"Eight Southeast-Based Artists Selected for Olympic Arts Festival Exhibition at Atlanta's Nexus Gallery," Anonymous, Art Papers, November/December, Vol. 19, N. 6, pp. 72-73.

"Eduardo Kac Receives Two Awards for His Electronic Art," FineArt Forum, Paul Brown, ed., Vol. 9, N. 12 December 15, p. 4

"UK Professor Wins Awards for Art", Lexington Herald-Leader, December 19, B3

UK Artist's works going to Olympics, Mike Holdrin, Lexington Herald-Leader, November 19, H4


"Eduardo Kac", in the book Fotografie nach der Fotografie, Eds. Hubertus Amelunxen et alli, Verlag der Kunst, Berlin

"Object Lessons", Simone Osthoff, World Art magazine, #1

"Eduardo Kac", Electronic Art Dictionary, Canada Council and Université du Québec, Canada

"It's All About Perception", Kevin Nance, Lexington Herald-Leader, June 23, F1,F3

"Technology as a Canvas", Catherine Fox, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 26, 1996, p. 53.

Santaella, Lúcia. Cultura das Mídias (book), São Paulo, Experimento.

Kurt Heintz, "How do you read your text? Eduardo Kac and Hypermedia Poetry", Hyphen Magazine, N. 12, pp. 9-13.


Postmodern Currents: Art and Artists of the Electronic Age, Margot Lovejoy, Prentice-Hall, NJ, p. 229.

"You Are What You See", Jay David Bolter, Wired, January 1997, pp. 113, 114,116.

"Birds in Cyberspace", Dominic Gates, Microsoft Internet magazine

Goodman, Cynthia. "Working the Web", Artist's Market, F&W Publishers, pp. 22-23.

"Als die Wörter laufen lernten -- Dichten jenseits der Gutenberggalaxis", Stefan Münker, published in the German internet magazine Telepolis. Das Magazin der Netzkultur.

Funkhouser, Chris. ""The House of Poetry. . . ": Recent Noticings", Electronic Book Review (EBR) N. 5, May, University of Illinois:

"Auf Hoher Seh in der Turing-Galaxis -- Visuelle Poesie und Hypermedia", Friedrich W. Block, Text und Kritik, N. 9, Gemany, pp. 185-202

"Eduardo, o Pensador Digital", Antônio Henriques, Expresso, XXI Section, Lisboa, April 19, p. 10

"Estudo e Criação de Sites de Arte na Rede Internet", Gilbertto Prado, ANPAPAnais 97, São Paulo, Vol. 2, pp. 296-304.

"Poesía Electrónica -- Dos precursores latinoamericanos: Eduardo Kac y Ladislao Pablo Györi," Clemente Padín, Texturas, N. 7, pgs. 4-10, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Also published by the author as a brochure, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Thomas Günther, "Verse für Mund und Augen", Samstag/Sonntag, 12/13 July, Germany

"Bioarte: Eduardo Kac tem obra polêmica vetada no ICI", Patricia Decia, Folha de São Paulo, Ilustrada, 10/10/97

"Artista discute o pós-humano", Giselle Beiguelman, Folha de São Paulo, Ilustrada, 10/10/97

"An Electronic Artist and His Body of Work", Matthew Mirapaul, New York Times (Web version), CyberTimes column, October 2, 1997

Mario Cesar Carvalho, "Artista implanta hoje chip no corpo," Folha de São Paulo, 11 de Novembro

Simone Osthoff, "Eduardo Kac: La Telepreséncia problematitza la visió", published and distributed (in Catalan) as a leaflet by the Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, on the occasion of Kac's lecture at this institution, on November 26, 1997. Also published (in Catalan) on the Web.

Espen Aarseth, Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins, 1997), p. 52.

David Pescovitz, "Is It Real, or Is It Robotics?," Wired News (8.Aug.97).

Catálogue of I Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Frederico de Morais, coordenação geral, FBAVM, Porto Alegre, 1997, p. 190-191.

"Kac lembra que o lápis já foi revolucionário," entrevista a Simone Osthoff, Jornal da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Ano 1, No. 2, Outubro de 1997, Porto Alegre, p. 15.

"O mundo pelos olhos de uma arara-robô," Eduardo Veras, Zero Hora, Segundo Caderno, p. 6, 7 de Outubro de 1997.

Arlindo Machado, "Um microchip dentro do corpo", originally presented in Portuguese at the symposium "New Directions in Art," Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil, on November 18, 1997.

Luis Esnal, "Un hombre llamado 026109532", La Nacion, suplemento Informatica, Buenos Aires, December 15

Pierre Lévy, Cyberculture: Rapport au Conseil de lÕEurope (Paris: Odile Jacob, 1997), pg. 105.

Annick Bureaud, "ISEA 97" (review), Art Press, Paris, Décembre, p. 66.

Carlos Fadon, "Tele-Presença-Ausiencia", Trilhas N.6, Unicamp, pp. 47-55.

Solange Lisboa, "Arte Suporte Computador," ARC Design, Ano 1, N. 3, p. 61.

Louise Pouissant, ed., Dictionnaire des Arts Médiatiques, Université du Québece, Canada.

Sharin O'Mara and Katie Salen, "Dis[appearances]: Representational Strategies and Operational Needs in Codexspace and Screenspace," Visible Language, Vol. 31, N. 3, pp. 260-285.

Kepa Landa. "Proyectos Artísticos en Internet", in El Arte en las Redes, Juan Antonio Lleó, ed. (Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 1997), pp. 115-116.

Paul Brown, "Networks and Artworks", in Computers and Art, Edited by Stuart Mealing (Exeter: Intellect, 1997), p. 133.


Judy DeMocker, "Monsters, Spies, and Implants", Wired News, 23.Jun.98,

Julia Friedman, "The Language Labyrinth", published as a gallery leaflet and on the web (

Pablo Helguera, "Palabras sin Reposo", ¡Exito!, Vol. 6, N. 32, August 6, p. 37.

Parvathi Narayan, "Electronic Art: Pushing the Limits", Business Times, Singapore, August 14, p. 14. Also on the web:

Ken Goldberg, "Virtual Reality in the Age of Telepresence", Convergence, 4 (1), 33-37.

Sharon Helmer Poggenpohl, "Twenty-Six-Not-So-Easy-Pieces", Visible Language, 32:1, pp. 5-32.

Matilde Daviu, "La Escritura Espacial a Partir de un Holograma", lecture presented at I Congreso de Investigación y Creación Intelectual de la UNIMET, Caracas, Venezuela.

Carlos Álvarez, "Marcado Por El Chip", El Pais, October 2, 1998 (Madrid, Spain).

Aleksandra Kostic, "2.October 1998, Maribor", catalogue of exhibition "Teleporting an Unknown State", Kibla, Maribor, Slovenia, pp. 65-69.

Peter Tomasz Dobrila, "Foreword", catalogue of exhibition "Teleporting an Unknown State", Kibla, Maribor, pp. 5,7.

Garrett Holg, "Eduardo Kac at Aldo Castillo", Art News, November 1998, p. 170.

Matjaz Cernec, "Maribor -- Sredisce Sveta", Vecer, Maribor, Oct. 26, p. 10.

Catalina Serra, "Eduardo Kac, el artista con un chip de memoria en el tobillo", El País (Ciberp@is section), Madrid, October 15, p. 14.

"Eduardo Kac. Diálogo y consenso en el arte electrónico", Laura Baigorri, Bitniks, Barcelona (November 9, 1998), p. 14.

"Be There Now: Telepresence Art Online", David Pescovitz, California Arts Council Website (December 10, 1998):

"Internet no es tan global", interview to Víctor Puig, Web Magazine, November 1998, p. 6.

Frans van Mourik, Screen Typography, Lecturis Printers, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, p. 13.

"Virtual Slap: A Keynote Presentation", Adam Karrera, June 98, Web Review,

Avi Rosen, "Virtual Reality and Shaman worlds", STUDIO Art Magazine, N. 98, December, Tel Aviv, p. 11

Gundolf S. Freyermuth, "CyberArt Now! Kunst wird spannend: Cyberartisten gestalten den Datenraum", CT, 14.08.98,

"Advances of Art and Technology", lecture given by Sue Joyce at the Art and Technology Symposium, Connecticut, and Columbia University, New York


Pablo Helguera, "Restless Words", Art Nexus, N. 31, February-April 1999, pp. 119-120.

"Be There Now: Telepresence Art Online", David Pescovitz, Flash Art, Vol. 32, N. 205, March-April 99, pp. 51-52.

Simone Osthoff, "Language's Uncertainty Principle: An Interview with Eduardo Kac", Xenia 2, April 1999, (ISSN 1521-2556)

Julia Friedman, "The Language Labyrinth: On the Art of Eduardo Kac", Xenia 2, April 1999, (ISSN 1521-2556)

Robert Atkins, "State of the (On-Line) Art", Art in America, April 99, pp. 89-95.

Annick Bureaud, "Eduardo Kac, défricheur et visionnaire", Artpress, N. 246, May 1999, pp. 34-35.

Evelise Anicet Ruthschilling, "Eduardo Kac: a arte da telepresença na I Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul," Cadernos da Unicamp, Ano 2, Vol. 2, N. 1, pp. 46-49.

Steve Tomasula, "Kac's Time Capsule: Self-Capsule", CIRCA, N. 89, Fall 99, Ireland, pp. 23-25.

Eduardo Jesus, "Chip na Veia", Palavra, N.1, Ano 1, Abril 1999, p. 62.

Cláudia Pinheiro, "Com um microchip implantado debaixo da pele", Correio Braziliense, Suplemento Informática, 04 de Maio de 1999, p. 2.

Louise Poissant, "L'Art des Possibles", Etc no 46, Juin, Juillet, Août, 1999, pp. 8-13.

Para Além da Cyberarte: A Internet não é o limite, Entrevista de Eduardo Kac a Karla Mourão, online at "X News" (, Ano 1 - Número 6 - September 1999.

Eric Vos, "Electronic Literature", in Electronic Literature, special issue of the Flemish journal Dietsche Warande & Beaufort [DWB], August 1999, N. 4, edited by Jan Baetens and Eric Vos, pp. 447-456.

Gerfried Stocker, "Uprising", in Genesis, O. K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria, pp. 41- 43.

A. Machado, "A Microchip Inside the Body", Performance Research, "On Line" issue, pp. 8-12.

Lavínia Favero, Folha de São Paulo, Caderno Informática, 22 Setembro 99, p.1, 4-6.

Flávio Moura, "Poesia Digital Navega em Busca de Reinvenção", Jornal da Tarde, 8 November 99, p. 1C

Kostelanetz, Richard. A dictionary of the avant-gardes. New York : Schirmer Books, 1999, p. ?

R. Bosco / S. Caldana . "La Bienal de Tokio explora la interactividad de filosofía y ciencia", El País, CiberP@ís Section, October 14, 1999.

Juror's comments, ICC Biennale Catalogue, Tokyo, Japan

Abate, Tom. "Artist Proposes Using Jellyfish Genes to Create Glow-in-the-Dark Dogs", San Francisco Chronicle, B1, October 18, 1999.

Byrne, John. "Life Science: Ars Electronica 99", Third Text, N. 49, Winter 1999, pp. 93-97.

Chartier, Philippe. "Chiens verts et autres chefs-d'oeuvre. Un animal transgénique peut-il être considéré comme une oeuvre d'art ?", Quebéc Science, Septembre 1999. (French)

Føhns, Henrik. "Drømmer kunstnere om grønne hunde? Eduardo Kac laver genkunst af bibelske sætninger", HardDisken, 10.9.99, (Dannish)

Grau, Oliver. "Lebendige Bilder" schaffen. Virtuelle Realität, Artificial Life und Transgenic Art. Catalogue of Berliner Festspiele, Berlin. Forthcoming 2000. (German and English)

Hess, Ewa. "Der Menschenpark nimmt Gestalt an", Kultur section, SonntagsZeitung, Zurich, September 19, 1999, pp. 59, 61. (German)

Hodgson, John. "A green light for debate", Nature Biotechnology, volume 17 Number 10, October 1999, p. 933.

Hodgson, John. "GFP: Kacs and dogs", Nature Biotechnology, volume 17 Number 10, October 1999, p. 940.

Kettmann, Steve. "Art as Human Sashimi", Wired News, 11.Sep.99 (

Menconi, Darlene. "A Arte na Era da Biotecnologia", Isto É, N. 1563 (15 September 1999 - Brazil), p. 66-69. (Portuguese)

Newman, Marisa. "Flourescent Pleasures", Rhizome, 9.6.99 (

O'Brien, Paul. "Ars Electronica 99", CIRCA, Art and Technology Supplement, Winter 1999, pp. S05-S07.

Ratel, Hervé. "L'Art Transgénique", Sciences et Avenir, Décembre 1999, pp. 66-67. (French)

Stocker, Gerfried. "Uprising", in Genesis, O. K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria, pp. 41-43. (exhibition catalogue). (German and English)

"Eduardo Kac and Telepresence Art: Toward a Theory of Distributed Aesthetic Cognition", Martin Rosenberg, paper presented at "Digital Arts & Culture '99" Conference, Atlanta.


Punt, Michael. "Post-digital Analogue", Skrien, monthly journal of film and screen culture, N. 240, February 2000. (Dutch)

Andrews, Lori. Epilogue to the paperback edition of The Clone Age (New York: Henry Holt, 1999). Forthcoming 2000.

Hilmar Schmundt, Interview with Kac, Konrad magazine, Jan. 2000

Machiko Kusahara, "From/to Body to/from Robot", Medusa, N. 7, October 1999, pp. 3-8.

Arlindo Machado, "Um Microchip dentro do Corpo," O Carioca, Rio de Janeiro.

Louise Pouissant, "Empreintes et emprunts: mémoire et recyclage dans les arts médiatiques", Recyclages de la mémoire. Walter Moser, editor. L'Univers du discours.Montréal, Canada

Eddie Shanken, "Is there Love in the Telematic Embrace?", U of California Press, 1999, pp.?

"The Artists' Body', ed. Tracey Warr, Phaidon, London.

Steve Wilson, Information Arts, MIT Press, 2000

Steve Tomasula, "Time Capsule: Self Capsule", in German, Kunstforum, 2000

Brian Lennon, "Article", Configurations, (Jan. 2000)

Martin Rosenberg, "Toward a Theory of Distributed Aesthetic Cognition: Interpreting the Work of Eduardo Kac in Light of the Accomplishments of Marcel Duchamp and Moholy-Nagy", paper to be delivered at the First European Conference of the Society for Literature and Science, Brussels Free University, Belgium, April 12 - 16, 2000.

Grants and awards


Acquisition Prize, VII Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro


Artist-in-Residence, Museum of Holography, New York


Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, Brazil


Research Grant, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, Brazil


Research Fellowship, Instituto Nacional de Artes Gráficas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Master of Fine Arts Fellowship, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, Brazil


New Forms Grant, Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago, IL/ National Endowment for the Arts

4th International Symposium on Display Holography Scholarship, Shearwater Foundation, FL


First Place, Siggraph's Education Committee Animation Competition, Video: "Computer Holography at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago", with Greg Fister


The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs CAAP Grant, Chicago, IL

Faculty Enrichment Grant, School of The Art Institute of Chicago


The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs CAAP Grant, Chicago, IL

Faculty Enrichment Grant, School of The Art Institute of Chicago


Shearwater Holography Award, Shearwater Foundation, Ft. lauderdale, Florida

Al Smith Fellowship, Kentucky Arts Council, Frankfort, KY

Major Equipment Grant, University of Kentucky, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research

Travel Mini-Grant, University of Kentucky, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research

Faculty Associates Program Grant, University of Kentucky,Teaching and Learning Center


Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, U. of KY, Office of the Vice-President for Research

Major Research Equipment Competition, Office of of the Vice-President for Research


Shearwater Holography Grant, Shearwater Foundation, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Shearwater Holography Materials Grant, Shearwater Foundation, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


ArtsLink Award, CEC International Partners,New York

Faculty Enrichment Grant, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Shearwater Holography Grant, Shearwater Foundation, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Leonardo Award for Excellence, International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology


ICC Biennale Award, InterCommunication Center, Tokyo

Works in Collections

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Museum of Holography, Chicago

Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro

Museum of Holography, New York (the collection is now housed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Science Museum, Cambridge, MA)

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro

Harvard University, Houghton Library, Department of Printing & Graphic Arts

Museo Internacional de Electrografia, Cuenca, Spain

Joan Flasch Artists' Books Collection, Chicago

University of New Mexico, General Library, Albuquerque

Karas Studios, Madrid, Spain

Light-Wave Galleries, Chicago; Detroit; San Francisco

The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, Miami, FL

Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

Private Collections in Chicago, New York, Detroit, Rhode Island, Essen (Germany), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), São Paulo (Brazil), London (UK), Tilff (Belgium), Athens (Greece), Kassel (Germany)



Não!, with Cândido Mendes de Almeida, 1 hour


Brasil High Tech, TV Manchete, 3 minutes


Retrato Suposto/Rosto Roto, with Mario Ramiro, 30 minutes


Interfaces, 5 minutes

Holopoetry 1983-1990, Museum of Holography, New York, 7 minutes


Ornitorrinco in Copacabana – Telepresence installation at Siggraph '92, 6 minutes

Computer Holography at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, 4 minutes


Virtual Reality; A Survey, produced for a course on VR at Siggraph '93, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2 hours, Directed by Carolina Cruz-Neira. Includes the Ornitorrinco project.


Holopoems 1989-1991, 3 minutes


Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 3.5 minutes

Telepresence Art: The Ornitorrinco Project. 6 minutes


Rara Avis, 7 minutes


Reversed Mirror, 7 minutes

Telepresence Garment, 2 minutes

A-positive, 2:40 minutes

Time Capsule, 8:40 minutes

Professional Activities


Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Leonardo (1995-2000)

Chair of the "Artist/Designer Sketches", part of the Association of Computing Machinery's Siggraph Conference, Los Angeles


Member of the International Committee of the Fifth International Conference on Cyberspace, Madrid, Spain

Member of the International Advisory Council of the International Holographic Art Conference London, England

Cover design for the international journal Leonardo, Vol. 29, No. 2, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA


Curator, Nomads, Web exhibition

Editor, Visible Language, Vol. 30, N. 2, New Media Poetry special issue


Editor, Ylem special issue on Telepresence Art

Editor, International Anthology of Digital Poetry, companion CD-ROM to the Visible Language, New Media Poetry special issue

Member of the Editorial Board of the International Directory of Electronic Art, Kaos, Paris, France


Member, Scientific Committee, Invenção Conference, Itaú, São Paulo.

Illustration for Veredas magazine, Ano. 3, N. 31, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, p. 29.


Editor, Art + Technology Supplement, CIRCA #90

Books and Catalogues


Holopoetry; Essays, manifestoes, critical and theoretical writings, New Media Editions, Lexington.


Teleporting an Unkown State, Peter Tomaz Dobrila and Aleksandra Kostic, editors (Maribor, Slovenia: KIBLA, 1998, 88 pages). ISBN 961-6304-00-3


Genesis, Eduardo Kac, catalogue edited by OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria. ISBN 3-85307-022-1


New Media Poetry, Eduardo Kac, Editor, Intellect, Exeter, United Kingdom. ISBN: 1841500305

Special Issues Edited by Kac


New Media Poetry, Editor, Visible Language, Vol. 30, N. 2, Rhode Island School of Design

A Radical Intervention: The Brazilian Contribution to the International Electronic Art Movement, series of articles edited by Kac and published in Leonardo since 1996 (ongoing)


Telepresence, Editor, YLEM, Vol. 17, N. 9, Sept/Oct


Multiple Views: Holographic Art, editor (anthology manuscript -- in progress)

Art and Technology, Special Supplement, Editor, CIRCA, Ireland

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