Eduardo Kac: Télescope intérieur / Inner Telescope
Book, edited by Gérard Azoulay
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Title: Eduardo Kac: Télescope intérieur / Inner Telescope
Date: 2021
Specifications: 96 pgs. Edited by Gérard Azoulay. A special edition (tirage de tête) includes a print signed and numbered by the artist.
Languages: French/English
Summary: Created by American artist Eduardo Kac to exist only in zero gravity, Inner Telescope was made aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in 2017 by French astronaut Thomas Pesquet. It set the first milestone of a new form of artistic and poetic creation, freed from the constraints of gravity. This book introduces the reader to the extraordinary story of this art project, from its early days to its completion in space. An interview with the artist sheds light on his intentions regarding the performance aboard the ISS and the numerous works that came with it.
Publisher: Observatoire de l'Espace, CNES, Paris. Distributed by les presses du réel.