Waxman, Lori. "Bible Clone at New Chicago Gallery", Artnet.com, 5/22/01. <http://www.artnet.com/magazine/news/artnetnews/artnetnews5-22-01.asp>

Artnet News

It was a sci-fi moment at the new Julia Friedman Gallery when it opened at 118 N. Peoria in Chicago's West Loop
Gate with a show of works by bio-tech artist Eduardo Kac on May 4, 2001. Dubbed "Genesis," Kac's show includes
samples of a synthetic gene designed by translating a sentence from Genesis in the Bible into Morse code and then into
DNA base pairs. The "Genesis" gene -- devised from the verse that reads "Let man have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth" -- is incorporated into glowing bacteria
whose image is projected as live video in the gallery. Kac, who teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, gained
fame last year when he commissioned a French laboratory to create Alba, a transgenic, glow-in-the-dark albino bunny
with genes borrowed from a deep-sea fish.

Friedman, who moved to Chicago seven years ago, says her new gallery specializes in "bridging physical and virtual
spaces." Her space is the latest to open in Chicago's new gallery center known as the West Loop Gate neighborhood.
Coming up at Friedman in June is a show of new works by local video artist Jennifer Reeder. For more info, call (312)
-- Lori Waxman

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