A-Positive Bibliography

Arantes, Priscila. Arte e mídia no Brasil: perspectivas da estética digital (São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2005). (Portuguese)

Beiguelman, Gisele. "Artista discute o pós-humano", Folha de São Paulo, October 10, 1997. (Portuguese)

Decia, Patricia. "Artista põe a vida em risco" e "Bioarte", Folha de São Paulo, October 10, 1997. (Portuguese)

Dixon, Steve and Barry Smith. Digital Performance: New Technologies in Theatre, Dance, Performance Art and Installation (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006).

Dixon, Steve. “Metal Performance: Humanizing Robots, Returning to Nature, and Camping About", in: Kroker, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker (eds), Critical Digital Studies : A Reader (University of Toronto Press , 2008).

Geary, James. The Body Electric An Anatomy Of The New Bionic Senses  (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, 2002), pp. 181-185.

Giannachi, Gabriella. Virtual Theatres: an Introduction (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 81-89.

Kac, Eduardo. "A-positive". In : ISEA '97 -- The Eighth International Symposium on Electronic Art, September 22 -27, 1997 (Chicago: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1997), p. 62.


Kac, Eduardo. "A-positive: Art at the Biobotic Frontier". Flyer distributed on the occasion of ISEA '97 -- The Eighth International Symposium on Electronic Art, September 22 -27, 1997 (Chicago: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1997).

Kac, Eduardo. "Art at the Biologic Frontier," in: Roy Ascott, ed., Reframing Consciousness (Exeter: Intellect, 1999), pp. 90-94.

Machado, Arlindo. "Expanded Bodies and Minds", in: Dobrila, Peter Tomaz and Kostic, Aleksandra (eds.). Eduardo Kac: Teleporting An Unkown State (Maribor, Slovenia: KIBLA, 1998), pp. 39-63.

Machado, Arlindo . "Corpos e Mentes em Expansão", in: O Quarto Iconoclasmo (e outros ensaios hereges), (Rio de Janeiro: Contracapa, 2001), pp. 70-93. (Portuguese)

Mirapaul, Matthew. "An Electronic Artist and His Body of Work", The New York Times, October 02, 1997.

Osthoff, Simome."From Stable Object to Participating Subject: content, meaning, and social context at ISEA97," New Art Examiner, February 1998, pp. 18-23. (fragment)

Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Pat Harrigan (eds.). First Person: : New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (MIT Press, 2004), p. 223.

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