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Bosco, Roberta and Stefano Caldana. "Un Mundo Verde Fluorescente", Ciberp@is Mensual, Madrid, nº 15 - Octubre 2001. (Spanish)

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__________. "O Oitavo Dia", Tradução de Ana Valéria Lessa. In: Maciel, Katia (org). Redes sensoriais: arte, ciência, tecnologia (Rio de Janeiro : Contra-Capa, 2003), pp. 259-264. (Portuguese)

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___________. "Transformation du Vivant -- Mutation de l'Art", in: Jens Hauser, ed. L'Art Biotech. Catalog. (Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France, 2003), pp. 33-42. (French)

___________. "The Eighth Day", in: Maria Fusco (ed.). Wonderful: Visions of a Near Future (London: NESTA and the Wellcome Trust, 2004), pp. 55-58.

___________."Criação de Novos Seres Vivos: A Mutação da Arte", Nada, N. 2, 2004, Lisboa, pp. 92-107. (Portuguese)

___________."El Octavo Día", in: Mungi, A., C. Elorza, I. Billabeitia, eds.: 2003. Arte y pensamientos en la era tecnológica (Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 2004), pp. 123-133. (Spanish)

___________. "Le Huitième Jour", INTER Art Actuel, N. 92, November 2005. (French)

___________. "Transgenic Art: Synthetic Genes, Transgenics, and Biobots", in: Franz Fischnaller, ed., E-art (Rome: Editori Riuniti , 2006). (Italian)

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Lynch, Lisa. "Trans-Genesis: An Interview with Eduardo Kac", New Formations, N. 49, Spring 2003, London, pp. 75-90.

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Sokolovsky, Marina. "XNMEPbI", Le Taburet design magazine, N. 9, The Urals, Russia, 2004, pp. 42-43. (Russian)

Stanisci, Carolina. "Eduardo Kac: Interview", Latinarte, N. 6, November/December 2001, p. 9. (English and Portuguese)

Tanni, Valentina. "Eduardo Kac e l’ottavo giorno della creazione", ExibArt, Firenze, Italy, October 29 2001. (Italian)

Wang, Cristine. "The Ethics of Knowledge", NY Arts Magazine, Vol.6, No.12, December 2001.

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